12. stay (6)

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"You knew" I said glaring at Liam who just looked the other way "I wasn't sure, but I know what rabies is" he replied.

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked "cause you didn't have to know" he said making me even more angry.

"Cause we're gonna get worried, so fucking what? You just hide that to yourself thinking it's better to travel, walk all this way and suddenly collapsing like this while we don't even know how to go back?" I said back.

"I thought I might have a chance if we reach the orphanage at time, and if we don't then atleast you both will be safe and won't need me protecting you ever again" he replied.

"Protecting us? What about our promise? You lie? We're supposed to grow up together, now you wanted to leave? Just like everyone? Leave us behind? Cause we're young we won't understand?" I asked with furious tone as he just looked down.

"It's not like we could do anything about it, you know that well, us street kids rarely make it to 18, and we can't change that, I knew this was gonna happen sooner or later" he replied looking to the side.

At this point I was too furious, I wanted to punch someone but ofcourse I couldn't here so I made my way outside, the area are around the shop was empty, not a single person passing.

I just kept punching the wall trying to calm my anger down, it wasn't helping at first until I felt pain, the anger began to go away.

I'm not that strong but I punched it hard that my hand began to hurt, so I kicked the side walk side instead.

"You finally calmed down?" Aiden asked as I turned to him "he broke our promise" I said.

"I know I think I did that too when I told him everything will be fine" he replied as I kicked the side walk once more.

"We can't just cry over the spilled milk now, I don't really know what rabies is but I'm sure Liam won't go down that easily" he replied with a smile.

"Now let's go back, they're probably explaining stuff to Liam and I wanna hear" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me inside, we could hear talking but suddenly it stopped once we opened the door.

I looked at Liam who stared at the ground the moment I entered, we stood there in silence.

"So I heard you guys came a really long distance, how about staying at our place for a while?" Marry said as me and Aiden looked at each other in shock so did Liam.

"I- I'm sorry but we can't do that, we've troubled you enough and-" "Liam, what do you know about rabies?" Marry asked interrupting Liam.

"I only know it cause one of the security dog at the place I used to work for started acting weird and tried to attack anything but but it couldn't thanks the leash on its neck" Liam answered as we all waited.

"The next day the guards couldn't stand the barking and shot the dog, one of the men I was working with told me that's cause it was rapid, and that's what eventually happens to anything rapid" he continued.

"I- is that what will happen to me too?" He asked as Will and Marry's eyes widen.

"No!" "Never!" "Liam, you're a human being!" "We can't and will never do that to you!" They both insisted Liam was about to say something but he closed his mouth.

"And as if I'll let anyone do that" I said rolling my eyes, Liam gave me a warm smile.

"Listen, our house isn't far far from here, we got an extra room, you can stay as much as you-" Will said only to be interrupted by Liam.

"I still don't think that's a good idea, we just met them" Liam insisted looking at Aiden and me.

"Hey, I knew Aiden, we used to hang out, Marry would join us sometimes" Will protested "come on you three, just stay for a few days and whenever you wanna go back, we won't force you to stay" Marry added.

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