2. recovery

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My head throbed, I could hear peeping noises but I could feel this terrible headache, my entire body hurted and I could feel something stuck to my face, to my head and to different parts of my body.

What happened again? Oh fuck.

I quickly opened my eyes to only shut them again, aside from the bad headache it gave me, my eyes burned even though it was almost dark with only a dim light.

It was the very first room from before, but this time there was a steady peeping sounds, the bed was bent a bit but I was lying down.

I tried to move my hand to remove whatever is stuck on my face but something was holding me back and I felt weak, I looked down to find that my wrists and my ankles are tied up.

And what terrified me was the bag of liquid above me, it was connected to me with a thin tube that went all the way to my arm with a needle in the end and a white bandage warped around my arm.

Soon I realized there was someone else in the room, I think they were talking but not sure what.

I tried to get myself out but I couldn't even move, my body felt heavy and weak, I couldn't help but cry seeing how hopeless I am.

"Shhh, it's alright, you're okay, I know you're scared and it hurts, but you're gonna be fine, just take a nap and don't resist sleep, I promise this will be better by tomorrow, just relax, you did great today, I just came to check on something" the fat woman from earlier said.

She slowly removed my head to the side "just as I thought" I heard as my head got lifted and a sharp pain hit my head causing me to wimper.

"I'm so sorry, just hold on for a sec" she said as she quickly replaced the pillow under my head with another one, this one was covered with something soft.

They quickly took the old one and hid it in their chest but I saw it, it was soaked in blood, my blood, just what the hell did they do to me?

"Sorry about that, I'll be right back, get some sleep, you need it" she said leaving the room.

I couldn't reply or talk so I did what she asked, I slowly begain to feel the pain fade away.


I woke up again, the headache was still unbearable, the lights were too bright, I was just as yesterday, the thin woman from before was there as well.

"Charlie? Can you hear me?" She asked I looked around, I tried to get out of the restrains, they weren't too tight but I was too weak.

I glared at the woman who was now infront of me, she shined something in my eyes and I could feel my head about to explode.

I groaned in pain as I moved my head and closed my eyes, the woman just forced my other eye open and flashed the light in it, I felt my eye get watery, I couldn't help but cry the since pain was too much.

"Sorry about that, I needed to know if you're fully conscious, but since you are, I would love to introduce myself properly, I'm a doctor, you can call me Clara, for the other woman one you saw earlier, she's the nurse Zoe, as for the guy from earlier he's Atlas also a doctor, if you feel that something wrong with you or need anything just press the button at the side of your bed-" she said as she checked the machines beside me.

"W-what ha- ave you d- donne t- to me?" I asked trying to sound clear with my shaky voice, for some reasons my letters and speech was different "it's nothing for you to worry about, just make sure you rest well, I don't know how long will you survive but you sure will need to rest alot" she replied, survive?

"Ple- ease let- t m- me go..." I managed to say between sobs "I can't do that sweet heart, I told you that before, but as for the restrains, we'll probably free you of them once we make sure you won't act up again" she replied.

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