11. the mighty (5)

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The woman from earlier opened the door as she glanced towards me and Aiden, then smiled.

"Hello there, sorry about suddenly barging in like that and making you worried about your friend" she said waving at us.

I tried to look behind her but she just closed the door causing me to frown, she looked at me sympathetically.

"He's okay, but I need to ask you two a few questions" she said, me and Aiden looked toward each other in confusion.

"Did your friend get bitten recently?" She asked "yeah last week, Charlie bit him, since he couldn't sleep and decided we won't either, so he kept throwing tiny rocks at us then pretended to be asleep, but Charlie caught him doing it" Aiden replied honestly.

"No- that's not what I mean, did he get bitten by an animal?" she asked again trying not to laugh at Aiden's previous answer.

"Well if you mean other that Charlie then no, I don't think we got close to any" he replied as I gave him a death glare.

"Are you guys sure about this?" She asked "The wound on his leg looked like a bite mark" just then I remembered.

"There was a group of dogs that chased us, they bit Liam's leg but that was more than 2 months ago" I replied.

"Yeah and he said it was fine" Aiden added "As I thought, what did that dog look like? Did it look different than normal dogs?" She asked.

"I guess, I didn't take a good look at it since it kept barking and there were alot, they all kept drooling white stuff, they had red eyes and at some point I doubted they were dogs at all" I replied.

"So last question, did these dogs bite any of you two?" She asked as we both shook our head.

"Will Liam wake up?" Aiden asked as Marry just patted his head "he will hopefully, just don't worry" she said.

Will opened the door and this time they actually let us inside, our eyes landed on Liam still on the couch, asleep, the only difference is now he got a cotton taped on his hand with a medical tape and a thin sheet covering his body.

"So you're Charlie?" She asked pointing at me as I nodded "then you must be Aiden! You're father was a great man, I used to see you come here when you were younger" she said with a bright smile.

"You three related by blood?" She asked "nope, but we're more than that! We're best friends" Aiden replied enthusiastically as I just rolled my eyes, knowing what the next question and answer will be.

"So how did you meet?" Will asked "Liam was on the streets the moment he was borned" Aiden replied pointing at Liam.

"As for me I was found by him, I was a crying mess at that time, he just picked me up, brought lost of candy for me and that's how we became best friends" Aiden said.

"What about Charlie?" Marry asked as I was about answer but Aiden did before I could.

"We found her passed out on the ground, we thought she was dead, but she was still breathing so we took her and gave her food and shared our place, then she joined us" Aiden said.

"You mean tried choking me with orange juice" I said correcting him "hey it's not not my fault! I was trying to help, whenever I got dizzy and fell dad would give me juice, I just tried doing the same" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

"Right by chocking me, and he failed the first time so he went for another try, thinking biscuits would definitely do the job" I replied raising an eyebrow looking at Marry and Will who were trying hard not to laugh.

"But you forgave us, let's not remember these memories again" he said looking away.

Just then I heard a groan, I turned to the couch to find Liam with his tired reddish eyes open and roaming around the room, to land on us.

"W-where-" he tried to ask slowly as he sat up but Will answered before he can continue.

"You're in my shop, you passed out earlier so I had you lie down for a bit, your friends were so worried, how are you feeling?" Liam took his time to comprehend all that "I-m f-fine, who is-s that?" He asked looking at Marry who was busy with the sink.

"She's Marry, also the guy is Will her husband, they're both nice and used to be close to my father" Aiden said, so Liam calmed down a bit.

"T-thanks Mr. Will and Mrs. Marry, I hope we didn't trouble you" Liam said with a weak smile as he tried to remove the covers off him to stand up but Will stopped him, and made sure his leg was covered, which was weird.

"You didn't, and you don't have to worry about that, you were severely dehydrated, a cup of water would probably make you feel much better" she said handing him a cup of water.

"Thanks, I'm not that thirsty" he replied not even taking it "come on just a sip won't hurt, try it" Marry insisted.

Liam held the cup as he hesitantly brought it closer to his mouth, he stared at it in fear as if he's about to drink Lava, he couldn't even get it close enough to touch his mouth.

"I can't" he said breaking the silence "I see" Marry said as she took the full cup back again, me and Aiden just stood there with confused looks.

"Rabies..." she said "who's that?" Aiden asked "it's a disease carried by animals, and in Liam's case a dog" she said.

We both looked at Liam who didn't look shocked at all.

"Is he gonna be okay?" Aiden asked "I don't know" Marry replied, but her face showed it, it was a no.

I was shocked, Liam who kids around the area called the mighty, who used to scare even Adults away and carry people like them around like paper, I was sad, scared and I couldn't help but feel a bit angry.

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