3. why

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I woke up, I still had a headache from before, the door opened Clara and Atlas entered the room.

"Hey, you're awake, morning Charlie, how was your sleep?" Clara asked turning the light on, I didn't reply "come on Charlie what did we say about being cooperative?"

"It was good" I replied "how is the pain now from a scale 1 to 10?" She asked "3 maybe" "that's good, do you feel dizzy, nauseous or tired?" "no".

"Her speech is getting better" Atlas said looking at me "she seems stable" Clara said.

"For now, we aren't out of the woods yet, we just made a big change, even if her brain accepts it her body might not, so make sure to take things easy on her" Atlas said.

"I'll go inform boss with our progress" Clara said heading outside, Atlas turned to me "sorry about having to leave you in these" he said taking the restrains off.

I just glared at him "uh, so is the headache getting any better?" He asked "yes, but you still won't tell me why the fuck am I here, or what the fuck you did to me" I replied.

"Your speech is definitely getting better, but please mind the language tho, as for your question we will tell you once you get better" he said turning the tv on.

It was a series about superheros, Atlas played the first episode and sat down on the chair next to me, it was funny how superheros on tv could easily throw cars with one hand or destroy buildings without touching it.

I remember watching these stuff with my mom when I was four, it seemed more convincing but now I know there is no such thing.

Atlas seemed to be enjoying the series, I turned to my side facing the room as I continued to watch, the first episode was over in no time, I looked around the room then to Atlas who was writing something down on a sticky note.

I looked at my arm that was covered in a bandage "can I pull this out?" I asked "do that and I'll tie you up again" he replied not taking his eye off the paper, I just sighted knowing I'll be bored for some time.

"Does it hurt?" He asked looking at me, this time his voice had a bit of sympathy "no, I just.. don't like needles" I replied.

"Well, it's called an iv and its the best way to give your body medicine, painkillers and everything it needs, I think you would prefer having to feel the poke of a needle but not the exaggerating pain you were in yesterday, right?" He said.

"Yeah" I said trying to fight sleep which I ended up doing after once I closed my eyes and sleep consumed me, moments later I woke up.

Atlas was no longer in the room, instead Clara and Zoe talking in a barely audible voice, as soon they noticed I woke up they stoped and opened the glass door passing to the other side.

"Hey Charlie, how was your nap?" Clara asked in her annoying friendly tone as she shined a flashlight in my eye, I just looked to the other side, the headache was starting to annoy me.

"Someone woke up in a bad mood" Zoe said as I glared at her, Clara just wrote something down "it's alright we won't do much today and you can go back to sleep as much as you want once we're done" Clara said.

Zoe adjusted the bed to a more sitting position, I closed my eyes as the room started spinning.

"What's wrong?" Clara asked "dizzy" I managed to say "well, it's hard to tell wether you're dizzy because of your head or because you're anemic".

Zoe grabbed a juice box out of the cabinet in the other side, she inserted a straw and tried to make me drink it but I moved my head away.

"Come on, it's just orange juice, it'll give you some energy, we can't really give you much since you migh throwing it up" Zoe said as I knew it can't be helped.

But yet I felt this odd feeling, something was wrong but I just ignored it since I didn't even know what it it was.

"Alright, we'll do what we did yesterday again" Clara said holding that unicorn pencil, it was better than yesterday but I still felt I felt that something odd.

After a while she returned the pencil to her pocket "we're done for today, good job Charlie" Clara said as she wrote something down and Zoe was changing the bags above me.

"Get some sleep" Zoe said taking her gloves off "I'm not sleepy" I replied "oh, then how about we talk for a bit?" Clara suggested, I like the idea, she sat on the edge of the bed and Zoe pulled a chair beside us.

"I know you're a street kid but you know how to read and write?" Zoe asked "yes" I replied "that's great, considering the place you grew up in that's quite great" Clara said.

"Yeah, unlike children born on the street, I started living there when I was 8, I did go to school before" I replied.

"So how did you end up there?" Clara asked suddenly I got hit by a stabbing pain in my head "oh, sorry didn't mean to- I was just curious" "it's alright just the headache" I said but the headache wasn't getting any better.

"Headache? How bad is it?" Zoe asked as it only got worse, I felt something warm run down my nose, as soon as Zoe noticed she quickly grabbed a tissue and wiped it but I could feel the room spinning.

"Charlie, can you hear me?" Clara asked as picked her light and shined it in my eyes "h-hurts..." was all I managed to say as my entire body hurted and it was so hard to breath.

"Zoe, keep her awake, I'll go call Atlas!" Clara said as she ran out of the room, suddenly I felt the urge to throw up, Zoe quickly grabbed a plastic bag and helped me get it over my mouth as I threw all my stomach's content.

Once she made sure I was done she removed the tube under my nose and replaced it with the mask, black dots covered my vision, I kept crying as Zoe kept saying "it's gonna be alright".

"I don't know, she was fine a moment ago" I could hear Clara say as she opened the metallic door and went in with Atlas, they both ran to me.

"Charlie, I know it hurts but just hang on a bit more" Atlas said filling a syringe from a tiny bottle, at this point I couldn't help but scream, it felt like I got hit by lightning each time worse than the other, it hurted more than anything I felt in my life.

Clara rubbed something cold on my neck, Zoe held my head as I could feel atlas peirce that needle in my neck, soon everything went dark and cold.

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