finally the happy ending

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Back at their room Trisha burst out laughing at Dev who looked like he will die at any moment. " I lied I am not pregnant , don't you ever want kids?"
" Ofcourse but now I don't want to share my wife with any one"
"Shut up liar"
"Trust me trish" he pulled her to kiss her.

Pooja was very excited , she didn't mean to eavesdrop but ended up hearing such a good news and she does know she doesn't have the right to inform the good news but the couple! , Meghana noticed a confused Pooja standing in the hall with excitement and confusion . " Something happened?"
" Yes I ended up hearing something , Trisha is pregnant! But I can't share this with anyone else because I heard it by mistake"
"What that's a great news"
"Yes we'll have to wait till they share this with us but Trisha being pregnant!" Meghna told with excitement
" Trisha's pregnant?" Krishna asked carrying a mug in his hand and handing it over to his wife. Both Pooja and Meghana were worried now because Krishna like a little child will go blurt it out to others before the couple themselves reveal it.
" No it's not like that" Pooja didn't know how to change the topic
" What are you saying Meghna just said that"
" We are not sure krish, let's wait till they tell it out themselves. We shouldn't let out their good news without confirmation right" Meghna said calmly trying to make him understand.

" No dev" Trisha pushed him off
" Your kisses won't melt me, I'm kind of annoyed with you so just go away for now" she told with annoyance, shaking his head in a disapproving manner he left the room.
After half an hour Trisha's mood brightened, she walked out to find Dev drinking tea,
" So you didn't think of asking me" she raised her brow
" But you were pissed at me, now let's go down and have teat together" he calmed her down
" Sure " she loved this Dev
" You sure are bossing me around too much" he complained
" I think you deserve it" she told him with a stare, she pulled him back and hugged him
" You're a very weird guy but I love you" she kissed on his cheek
" Same to you" he smiled
" Whatever I'm not weird. Ok let's drink tea"
They got down

On the dining table the flask was kept on the tray with tea cups and sugar container and spoons. Dev took a cup to pour the tea.
" Dev Trisha I'm so happy hearing the good news, did you tell your parents " asked Dev's mom. Both of them were shocked and surprised. Dev pulled Trisha's hand and whispered" are you pranking them or me"
" Right now some one is pranking me because I really don't understand what's going on" Trisha realised that they were whispering to each other without responding to her mother in law
" Ma no actually we aren't sure yet , isn't it better to take a test confirm it and then share it with everyone" Trisha managed to lie without making a mistake
" Yes that will be better dear, you can actually go to a doctor and confirm it first" she agreed
" Hey guys you made my job easier, you'll go to the same doctor as Meghna right. Can you guys collect her report and baby 3D scan images" he was hopeful that they'll help and he can chill. Dev started wondering if all this is Krishna's job
" No man we'll be busy with the docto-"
"Dev it's just a report we'll collect it" she held his hand and made him agree

" We are all the way here from home to do that Krishna's job" Dev told annoyed.
" I'm sure it's his job" he drove faster
" Will you calm down now, lets think of this like a date. We go to the canteen drink tea ,eat some snack collect the report and come back home" she smiled trying to cheer his mood
" Hope they have good tea"
After finding a good spot to park the car the couple got down,Trisha walked towards the reception to enquire about the reports. Dev was waiting for her to return checking his phone, under the hospitals bright light Trisha found Dev's eyes twinkle like emeralds
" You know I want our kids to have your eyes" she told him looking at his beautiful eyes with a smile
" And I want them to have your small yet cute nose" moving closer to her ears he whispered
" I hate mine" and they both giggled
" So the report we have to collect here in this floor and for coffee tea we'll have to go to the top floor" she pointed upwards
" Looks like a nice place to have tea, lets go" he pulled her arms and they walked off

" Here's the report and the scan" a lady handed it over to Trisha , she collected it with a thank you and walked towards Dev who was sitting in a waiting chair.
" So you'll expect me to come to every visit"
" Visit who? , Is someone we know admitted here" Trisha asked playfully even though she understood his question
" No no I meant when you become pregnant like your sister" he explained uncomfortably
" Just sometime back your face was like it's going to explode anytime, now you want kids" she asked him raising a brown with a smirk
" I didn't want a lot of things but you're changing everything about me , I'm a helpless man now" he raised his hand and kept the corners of his mouth downwards indicating his helplessness. She pulled him down to the chair and showed him the 3D scan photos and to be honest Dev was surprised and excited to look at the baby's image, the beautiful eyes , nose and lips being clearly photographed from inside someone's belly
" Imagine being able to see your child's growth from day one and listening their heartbeat, I think you'll love it" she assured him
" Hmm maybe I will but for now I'll enjoy being an uncle first" he smiled at the photo and the thought of becoming a dad and listening to his child's heartbeat inside of Trisha , his smile just grew wider. They entered the lift and pressed the third floor and waited, as they reached the floor to their disappointment the floor looked like a busy ward , maybe its at the back Dev thought and crossed a few rooms. Trisha followed him wondering where he's going.
While crossing another room Dev and Trisha notice a doctor cornering a bride outside a room, maybe he had to work right after the wedding he thought , same was going in Trisha's head. What's a bride doing in a hospital . Dev saw the staircase to the 4th floor and realised that they are one floor down and he pointed Trisha towards the stairs and they climbed up.

The terrace cafe was just like what Dev  wanted it to be. It was simple , beautiful and breezy , Trisha sat on the plastic chair that looked like cane chairs as Dev went to order Tea and fritters for them. While bringing back their order Dev hears someone talking about Paris and honeymoon as he turns to look at them it was the doctor whom he saw in the 3rd floor, the smart looking doctor and the bride girl were conversing about Paris and Dev couldn't help himself interrupting
" Sorry for barging in but Paris is a great place and I strongly recommend it for honeymoon" Dev smiled at rhe couple
" Thank you for the suggestion, we are planning to go there for our honeymoon"
" Congratulations on your wedding doctor" Dev extended his hand and the doctor extended his hand too and they had a firm
Shake, picking up the tray from the table Dev walked to his wife

" They are going to Paris too for their honeymoon " he informed her.
" Well that's very nice to hear"
" I just realised that we didn't go anywhere for our honeymoon" he sipped his tea
" Yes happy realisation day" Trisha stared at Dev
" Ok how about Goaaa?" He asked for making it up to her for his stupid mistake
" Well we can think about it" she pretended to be not interested
" Shut up you're dying to go to goa with me" he looked at her with confidence but she didn't budge so he moved his hands to her belly to tickle her
" Dev what are you? We are in public" she shooed away his hands squeaking
" Then agree " he laughed at her state
" No I won't, you're dying to take me out" she replied sternly with a grin, and that's how their banter and love never had an end

Hope you guys enjoyed their journey and liked the story , please comment about what you liked and vote for it . Hope to see you guys with a new story soon :)

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