Chapter 4- Mates

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Nobody's pov:
Edward was shocked at the thoats that flooded Jasper's head. He kicked him under the table. Jasper sucked in and held it. He gave Edward a thankful nod. Jasper noticed your rings and touched them " Oh these they came from my mom she hates them and I think they are nice." You said Jasper noticed a gorgeous ring that looked as old as Edward. " Can I see that one" he asked tappining it. " I want to see the other ones" Alice as the bell rang you had free period. " I'm going to get some air." You shared and walked out they followed slowly " She smells so fucking good" Jasper mumbled which they all heard " we get her blo-" " no not her blood, her like her hair" " he had to restrain from taking her in the cafeteria." " I noticed that" Emmett said with a laugh. They watched you hum and walked into the forest. They could still see you and followed quickly.

You sat in the middle of a valley that had sprung to life at your touch. The sun peaked down onto you and only you. They gasped from their spots as birds and butterflies fluttered around you the birds doing your hair in a crown with flowers were the butterflies rested. You giggled blessing their ears. The rabbits came out to play the dears it looked like a angel rested in the field. Jasper slowly approached and as he set foot in the sun he sparkled but she wouldn't know he sat beside her " those flowers complement your hair." You smiled " thank you birdies. " You chirped. The other Cullens were in the field sitting around talking happily. You grazed over a dead flower and they saw it burts to life amazed at the fact you would never.

" So can we see the rings or are they personal." You took the rings off and they fell into the grass as the last one dropped your long hair grew longer and your green eyes turned to a perfect blue a mark appeared on your neck. Jasper moved your hair to see two marks one he recognized instantly the other meant something that he didn't know. " Your marked." He breathed which she caught she looked confused " what do you mean." He ran a hand over hers and she subconsciously grabbed his. He smiled at it. " Nothing just some paint." He lied. " We have to go back." Emmett said sad her presence calmed him and everyone else. She felt around for her rings and slid them on her looks changing back Roasile and Alice liked that look Jasper had. Alice's mate had died before he was changed and yes she missed him but the Cullens helped her get over it as much as possible. They knew that look all too well the infatuated gaze. The hand holding, they were mates and were just finding their love.

" See ya later" you said waving as you walked inside. You finished put your classes and went home with them, Esme and Carlisle were out but you got all the work done that night due to how productive you are. You fell asleep on Edward. " Call her dad" Alice said " Alright" Jasper picked up the phone and listened as it rang " what's up, kid" " actually sir your daughter fell asleep at my house we wanted to know if your home so we could bring her home." " I'm not and Bella's probably sleep, do you have a guest room or sisters." " Yes sir" " if not a issue with your parents then she can stay." " They don't mind" Alice said as if she just came into the room from asking. " Tell her to call in the morning, goodnight." " night sir." Jasper ended the call. " No" Edward said " My rooms a mess she'd fall" Emmett said honestly " no bed" " Nope" the chain ended with Jasper he had a bed for reading so he sighed " she'll be uncomfortable in those clothes." Jasper hissed. Alice flashed up stairs " I got her some clothes." Jasper relunctantly let them change her into one of his shirts which was to big and some of his boxers which fit like shorts. He would blush if he could she shivered and he handed her his hoodie which she put on half awake. He picked her up she snuggled into his chest. Esme walked in. " Who is this" Carlisle behind her " shhh she's sleeping." Alice whispered softer then normal. Jasper walked upstairs and placed you in his bed. He placed your hair in a way you'd be comfortable. He made sure you were as comfortable as he could think of he hadn't sleept in a life time. He went back down stairs. " Now can you explain why a stranger is in Jaspers clothes." " We had a school project" " Rosalie actually enjoying human company tell me more" Esme joked. " Her names Y/n and she's my mate." Jasper said " and human" Alice said " extremely talented" Edward threw in " well versed"  Rosalie added " and extremely blind" Emmett grinned. Carlise looked confused " last name?" " Swan" " oh so she's the chiefs daughter." Jasper nodded. " When's the last time you feed?" Esme asked worried " this morning,why" Esme was smiling and Carlisle small smile grew " Jasper think about it she's human, she your mate, she is this close to you already, she already makes you happy, am I forgetting anything" " He almost raped her" " totally obsessed" " protective" " correction he's extremely over protective " " she's comfortable around him" " enamored." They named things off the list " she makes your thirst die out." Jasper couldn't understand " calms you down" Jasper's brain ran a thousand miles a minute trying to piece it together until he heard a yawn it was 6 in the morning. There at the bottom of the stairs was a beauty her hair being pinned back ny crystal butterflies none of them owned. She smiled at them " she's gorgeous." Esme said cause Jasper to growl. " Good morning" " Good morning n/n" Emmett grinned.

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