Chapter 8-The Witch Twins and Aro

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Your pov:
I am so board right now. I wish Jasper was here but unfortunately I can't spend every living second in his arms. I sighed and left with Ace he had been really antsy lately. We were currently going through the forest when I felr the sun peak onto my face filling it with a gorgeous warnth.

Nobody's pov:
The reason that the Cullens were so busy was because the Voulturi had decided to pay a small visit to Forks. " Feel free to eat outside of Forks." Carlisle said. Jasper was uncomfortable but being nice. A girl named Jazella was trying to seduce him and failing. It took everything he had not to be rude. So he sat quiet while fiddling with the bracelet you made him. Jane, Aro, and Alec all stood ready to feed their hunger.

They ran to get to the edge of town but stopped at the sight of the girl they had mistaken her for a statue a very gorgeous statue. They went to get a closer look until they heard the heartbeat. They were shocked such a gorgeous person existed. " Hello" you said softly sitting down in the grass. " Hi young one." Aro said he froze he had dropped his gaurd " the weather's lovely today." From where they stood it looked very moppy but the girl had the sun following her. Jane unknowingly stepped closer " oh you have friends, please come sit down." They watched the dog lay lazily at his owners lap. " We're just a bit frightened of dogs." Jane explained " Ace won't bite unless your a threat consider it a test of character." They shared a look and stepped closer and closer and closer until they were a mere foot from the girl up close they saw her gorgeous eyes matched her hair giving her a earthy look but it was not this that shocked them but the fact they felt pulled to her. Jane sat a little closer. Jane rested her head on your shoulder you smiled. " Hi what's your name," " Jane, Jane Voulturi." " I'm Y/n it's a pleasure to meet you Jane." You felt a child to mother bond you felt as if Jane were your child so you did her hair Ace occassionally bringing flowers. Alec saw rhe pure joy Jane had and wondered how this simple gesture made Jane so happy. He looked at you burning your image into his mind but he found it soothing the lullaby you hummed while you braided. He breathed falling into your lap. " My names Alec, her twin." " Alec be a dear and get Ace he's tangled himself up in the vines." Ace had tangled himself up and Alec couldn't refuse to help the women however much he hated the task. He untangled the dog to find Ace was quite appreciative and licked his face before running back to his owner. Aro couldn't name how he felt. He just wanted to love the girl in a fatherly manner. " You'll have to come to Italy some time." Aro said " I doubt my dad would allow it." " Why is that?" Alec asked feeling embarrassed as he sounded like his child self." I'm blind and they worry." Alec nodded snuggling into his momma figures lap as she finished Jane's hair with a crystal butterfly clip. " Oh my it's gorgeous where did you buy it." " That my dear is a secret just know it wasn't where you think." You sighed " it's getting late, I should be going." Aro helped her up and was suprised his gift hadn't worked on her but he didn't care. He hugged her. " Take this as a keep sake you might have saved a life." " What ever do you mean?" You asked when you inhaled " oh you were going out to feed I'm sorry for holding you up." You replied sweetly they froze horror filled. Jane shook her head no not wanting her new favorite thing to die. Alec didn't like the idea either. " Who told you our secret." " I'm in love with a certain vampire who lives around and from what I've been told he is my bond whatever that might mean." " It means your soulmates a sacred thing in our world." Aro happily said feeling a weight off his chest at not having to kill the girl he technically couldn't kill her as she had done nothing wrong and was a soulmate to a vampire. The witch twins smiled. " As I said please take this necklace as a keep sake." You sighed " alright but only because you insist." You put the necklace on they liked it, it looked proper on you, it fitted you perfectly." We will see what we can do, how old are you." " I'm 17, Aro" she had learned his name when Jane had talked to him " I'll keep that in mind let one of us walk you home." " I'm a lot stronger then I look." " We don't doubt that but better safe then sorry." Alec said you sighed " fine but quickly." They nodded Jane picked you up and dashed to your house she laid you in your bed and said goodbye.

With the Cullen family.

" Where are they?" Caius said " Jasper couldn't leave to his mate because the vampires didn't know he had found his mate. Jane, Aro, and Alec sat down when Rosalie saw Jane's hair clip. Edward sensed it and Jasper sensed the panic. Jasper sighed closing his book and heading to his room to which Jazella tried to follow. " He's grumpy the newest to our diet." Emmett said. " When were you going to tell us" Aro said making them all look at him curiously " that one of you found your soulmate." He continued. Jasper walked back down the stairs " when I put a ring on her finger " Jasper admitted " wonderous news, she's quite friendly had a run in on the way back she was a joy to talk with." Aro shared some doubted that he actually found the interaction enjoyable.

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