Chapter 17- Happy Birthday

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Your pov:
I got up and escaped to the Res my safe space. It felt right around them and they were like my brothers at this point. I aaw Jake all the time now. We were close I guess he was stuck on Bella and I couldn't get over  with what she said to me.

I know I'm being dramtic but still it hurt my heart. Jasper and me still aren't talking. I had on white jeans black heeled boots. A black spaghetti strap top and a leather jacket." Happy birthday pup, todays the day you start changing for better or worse." Sam said I smiled up at him " for better or for worse I'll always be there if you need me." I told him while I got onto my motorcycle " if you don't calling I'm calling Carlisle." I nodded understanding " by Sammie" I said before hitting the gas at his protest to the name.

I arrived at the school and got off my motorcycle. I left the helmet on the seat grabbing the present. I walked to Bella " happy birthday." I whispered Edward turned swiftly but acted unfazed I held out the present to my twin. " Thanks I guess." She mumbled " just a reminder" she murmered and I barely caught it. I heard light steps and knew it was Alice and she was my que to leave I maged to get about 5 feet from my motorcycle before she started to fairy run over. I got on and left out.

Nobody's pov:
Alice was saddened she knew you knew she was coming to you but you clearly were avoiding the Cullens as a whole which worked surprisingly well since they all lived in the same house.

Jasper looked like shit, and they didn't understand how you looked indifferent. They saw the way you kissed Jasper, the way you hugged, the way you looked at him so they wondered how you managed to go about your life, the simple awnser you were acting you had mastered the craft of acting being blind gave pity so you occasionally had to act or put on for people to not worry about you.

You just wandered around town casually avoiding everyone you didn't want to see or talk to. It got dark out quick and you promised to call or report back to

As you arrived at the beach you slipped off of your motorcycle and continued inside where the pack was waiting with cake." HAPPY BIRTHDAY " they shouted in unison. To almost anyone it would sound terrifying for the single fact they sounded like a group of murderers screaming it but it was heartwarming to the young girl. She started to cry as she crumbled to the ground screaming in pain. " Move her to the boarder." Sam ordered seeing the sun out.

Her screams echoed through the night air alerting the already chaotic family. The scream sent Jasper out the door and into the woods. Edward followed after telling Bella to wait. Jasper locked eyes with the wolves and they sat the girl down in between the boarder. Jasper didn't think and ran to his mate.

He cradled her trying to calm her. He looked down her hair grew longer and started to straighten like the stream. Her eyes became blood red but the pain didn't stop her screams sent out shockwaves making them cover their ears and get low to the ground. The trees blew over.

Jasper gasped making them look up a gorgeous white furred wolf with blood red eyes lay in his arms. He noticed the blood red tips of her fur and tail.

The wolf barreled out of Jasper's arms not looking at him, she just took off down the stream somehow outrunning both of the supernatural the wokves shifted running along the string. Embry attempted to tackle but the wolf got lower and continued.

By the time they caught her, she had made it to California. She had passed out. Jasper was quick to cover his mate. Edward gave Jasper a look making Jasper grow angry, and he felt his heart break he wanted to stay, to be the first one she saw when she awoke in a few days but Carlisle had agreed.

They placed her in the bed she would sleep in alone for months. Jasper begged to stay just for a few days 6 at the very most.

The family weren't having it. They left that night and they looked back once and saw blood red eyes pulled with venom and as it dripped down her face they knew they had done something terrible.

Jasper sat quiet cause when she came across his car her hand flew to her mouth as her body racked with tears. He tried to get out of his car but Alice pulled him in and kissed him and the last thing he heard out of Forks was a whisper " he didn't love me," he desperately tried but couldn't as he felt himself go numb with her last sentence " goodbye Jasper, I'll see you in hell."

He was in Australia when he came too. They got out, Alice held her head low. " Jasper I-" " save it" Jasper mumbled the other Cullens were confused not even Edward was this sad and he and Bella had developed into mates. " Why so down." " You could never understand" Jasper mustered.

" Try us" Carlisle said " she fucking hates me, we weren't on good terms as is, now I'll be lucky if she ever speaks a word to me, other then hateful slurs, none of you ever take my love life into consideration. We left because of Edward having problems with his fucking mate, I couldn't even be their for my mate, she was with the wolves seeking comfort in wolves, let that sink in, she had to seek comfort from wolves rather then her own mate, you to much lf a coward to just fucking face your problems, she died cause of all of you all of you, I didn't even get to be the first thing she held, saw, breathed in, no she can't see but it's the fact I wasn't there I should have been there these first are what I live for, the first step, the first hunt, I get non of it because of you all." Jasper said heartbroken.

" Jasper I'm sorry she wouldn't have let you go otherwise" " what are you talking about" Rosalie asked anger building " I kissed Jasper when I knew she was feeling around" Alice said voice small. Emmett held Rosalie back " how would you feel if another girl had of kissed Joshua" Rosalie hissed Alice was held back by Edward " it's different" " how cause she's a newborn, cause she wasn't fully mated to him, because she still has a mate" Roasile growled but covered her mouth at the last part. Jasper had got in the car and drove off leaving Alice's stuff.

He had no clue of where he was going.

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