chapter 21- Get your shit together

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Your pov:
As she opened the door she yelled at me " I CAN BE SAD I'M NOT LIK-" I slammed my hand into the door making a loud bang " GET YOUR MOTHERFUCKING SHIT TOGETHER NOW, I'M FUCKING TIRED AND I NEED SLEEP, YOU NEED SLEEP, WE ALL NEED SLEEP, THE NEXT TIME YOU MISS A MEAL I SWEAR I WILL LOCK YOU IN THIS ROOM TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING YOU LIKE AND NOT GIVE IT BACK TO YOU UNTIL YOU EAT. " Bella looked shocked. I perfer not to swear that much. " Go take a bath and clean these damn sheets your not 15 anymore your 18 and you shouldn't be crying over some dumbass that decided to leave." Bella scurried to the bathroom the water started I heard the slight hiss she always made and started removing the sheets. Charlie came in " how did you get her up." " I'm not talking to you right now." I stated and took the sheets into the washroom and started the process. I then proceeded to cook food. As Bella got out of the shower she went to her room. I sat the plate down and leaned against the wall " eat " I coaxed. She took a bite the finished I gave her some more and more until she was full." Tommorow your going to school and your talking to someone weather it be me or Charlie or Jacob Black your going to talk this out because I refuse to let you sit here and act like a baby over a boy." Bella looked at me and nodded after finishing.

As the sun rose I set out breakfast and Bella was down in clean clothes. Charlie looked shocked " your grades better come up too or I'll make you study" I warned her " and you better be careful" I warned Charlie they nodded looking terrified " good, now eat" I said cheerfully as if it were a request it wasn't Charlie looked unnerved by the health benefits of the meal. Bella quickly finished and grabbed her things I grabbed mine.

" Charlie eat" I demanded coldly he quickly finished and left out. I got on my motorcycle and drove to school I got off and walked Bella in. She sat down and I left righr before the bell rang. I brought Bella lunch as well. As I wasted away time my phone was blown up but I ignored it.

As the months passed by Bella got better and dad healthier. I laid down listening to music when I heard yelling. I groaned and got up. I walked calmly down the stairs Jacob was arguing with Alice. " Both of you out now" they turned " Bella yo-" " I said you two my sisters not doing anything she doesn't want to one, two she's not going to that maniac Edward who left her for dead, and three neither of you are welcome here." The two looked shocked. Bella gave me a pleading look and I nodded upstairs she hugged me " thanks" she whispered and ran up the stairs.

The two waited outside. I packed dad food for the days. Bella came down ready. I threw my stuff to her.
' Dear Charlie,
We went to visit mom, don't bother calling she lost her phone again,
The Swan twins.

Ps: all of the meals better be gone and photos should be taken.'
I wrote quickly and walked outside with Bella. " Y/n I know I'm one of the last people you want to see right now but Jasper and Edward think your both dead. And are going to expose themselves to the Voulturi." I threw my things in the car " Y/n, Bella don't do this don't go back to them Sam told me about you and Ja-" " just go Alice." I said not wanting to hear more.

As we got out the car Bella rushed but I walked Jane and Alec know much better then to allow it or not call me. I got spaghetti and contiued Jasper saw me and he fell into the shadow. I reached out to him " your dead" he whispered. I saw all the Cullens hurrying here " nah I'm just hungry right now." Jasper stood up and hugged me. " I'm so s-" " Master Aro wishes to see you." Jane said to us Dimitri and Felix. We walked through the voulturi. The Cullens and the Voulturi gaurds. As we walked some vampires bowed a little to me.

We got to the judgement room. I sneaked into the shadows. As the trial began. Jasper was frantic but stiff. Edward took some pain. Jane smiled at his withered figure. As dad engaged in battle with the Cullen's Demitri went to grab Bella. I stepped out the shadows and he jumped back. " Ahh lovely Y/n welcome back." Dad said which triggered my eye roll. " Aro" I said in warning tone.

" I see, however it is a cri-" " if you touch her well you already know right." " I remember that veey vividly. I see we have no way of compromising here" " my tolerance will be absolutely next to 0." Caius smiled softly at me. "We've missed you these last three months." I nodded " a lots happened clearly but I do believe we have things to do." " Can you not stay, are you sure you can't stay" Felix asked hopeful. " I have a lot to talk about with the whole of this coven, we will be taking our leave." I said as Aro retreated from Bella. I was surrounded by vampires. " Come visit soon" Felix told me " continue to write" Jane said I laughed softly. " I can't wait to show you my artworks." Uncle Cauis said " we can play chess again" I smiled at dad. " I'm sure things will work out and if they don't we won't havw a problem ripping a few bodies apart." Uncle Marcus shared making me laugh.

As they let go I grabbed Jasper's hand " I think they just might." I told Marcus who smiled " it's shining gold."

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