Chapter 18- I don't need a man

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Your pov:
Something in me shifted when I felt Alice kiss Jasper. I moved around and saw a paper. I looked down being able to see has been okay. I cried my heart out  but I really don't need a boyfriend I have myself for that and I don't cry over boys who can't even be loyal.

I packed my stuff that smelt nothing like the Cullens and walked outside. " Hey dad, I need a place to stay, the Cullens left town and all they left me was a letter." " Are you with Bella." " No but I can get Ace to find her, I can go check." " If you find Bella please bring her home." I nodded as I whistled to Ace who ran out of my room he was always there. " Find Bella" Ace started to run " I can see now and run faster" Ace seemed to understand and speed up.

I found Bella passed out and ran after Ace. " Y/n your okay, are you a vampire?" " I'm a mix" he nodded " I'll come by tommorow and hang with the pack, Embry needs serious tackle help." I said laughing a little. Ace had retreated to walking when we heard dad. He started barking alerting them. Sam had grabbed the bags I was about to leave. " Bella" Charlie called as if I wasn't here " thank you for finding her" he said to Sam. " Uhm dad I'm here too." " Not right now Y/n, Bella's hurt."

I was hurting too. Everyone surronded Bella. I've grown tired of this. I looked at Sam " I actually don't have any room." Charlie mumbled." She can stay with me and my fiance." Charlie nodded not even caring. I walked to his car and we got in. " Who was the first person you saw." " Bella, then you" " but Jasper took you back to his house." " To leave me there, with this note, and to makeout with Alice" I explained to Sam.

He broke the window as I curled up crying slightly. " Hey it's okay we'll get through this pup" " I'm not a pup anymore, I'm taller then you in wolf form." I teased " maybe but your still a short potato in human form." I smiled at him, " maybe I could visit Italy in a month" " definitely go wherever you want if you have the money, your a adult now" I felt that. " I'm glad I found you that day" " I remember that, you almost killed me." I smirked " I warned you then I was a damn good aim."

He laughed as we got out " Emily, Y/n's now our daughter" Sam shouted making a cheer sound from the kitchen. I tied my hair up " I'm going to go help her she can be clumsy when excited. " Sam laughed " that's probably best." I walked in and started helping out. I plated the food and the pack rolled in. " Pup?" They asked " in flesh and bone" they all smiled at me.

I sat down and ate with them laughing and protecting Emily from the pigs. I saved her a gorgeous plate. She looked shocked. " If you don't get your act together I'll go and marry Y/n" I snickered at Sam's shocked face.

We rough housed a little but I made them clean it up afterwards, poor Emily having to put up with this all the time. I smacked them upside the head even Sam " and you all better have that kitchen cleaned come morning." I said " your not my mom" " Oh no I'm a crazy psycho who will send you to the hospital take your pick." I said sweetly. They gulped and scurried to cleaning the kitchen. I cleaned the living room and organized everything. They left and I hit the couch sleeping peacefully, but uncomfortablely on it until morning came.

As I sat up I noticed everything was floating " Uhm SAM" I yelled he ran in from the kitchen as did the boys " what the hell Y/n" " don't ask me I woke up like this."  Paul breathed and said " Jasper doesn't love you" I looked at him as I fell to the floor he caught me. " So he is a trigger" he said hugging me. I growled at Sam " why'd you tell them" I asked " cause you need people who support you." " I have myself for that" I mumbled.

" That's not how mending works" " then tell me how to do something I have been doing my whole life, wrong, huh" " people support you, they raise your spirts, help you move on." Paul told me which confused the fuck out of me. " Your serious?" " Didn't your mom ever make you cookies, cupcakes, or your favorite food when you were little and feeling sad." " She may have did that for Bella but me, oh no she would never waste cookies on me." I said smiling " that's not something to smile about" " aren't all moms like that." " No, did she ever care to learn your likes and intrest, did you ever have girl days, or have little moments with you." I looked at him extremely confused " nope, she had Bella and Phil to worry about, I was always at work, and she only had time for Bella." Paul winced as I finished they all did.

" How about Charlie" " well we had our mornings and goodnights, but outside of that not much, but he kept Ace for 2 weeks while we were coming here." I said smiling even wider. They exchanged glances " Y/n that's not normal did they always have work or just never got done with house chores." " Of course not, Renee worked part time jobs and I cleaned, cooked, and basically anything around the house to be done."

" Y/n they have been neglecting you why'd you go to the Cullens anyway" " Oh broken stair, dad was worried I'd die walking down the stairs." " He gave you up just like that, what was he thinking, they could be killers, kidnappers, rapest, anything and he barely bated a eye."

" Yeah, but it's fine who needs people anyway?" " Everybody needs someone." Embry remarked.

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