Chapter 9- Car accident

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Your pov:
Jasper had not came last night but as I woke up I wondered where he could be. I yawned and sat up Ace sat at the foot of my bed. I walked down fixing dad breakfast, he came down " morning dad." " morning Y/n" " Bye dad, have a good day at work." " And you at school" he said after kissing my forehead. The door close I felt a presence behind me, Emmett. " Morning Emmett." " How'd you know it was me." " I have my ways, be a dear and get me some bacon." I told him as I clenaed the plate. " Hi Alice." " Your creepy with that." Emmett said " don't even think about it Edward." " Good morning Rose." " Jasper will be here in a minute he wanted us to check so he didn't go berserk when he got here." " Check what?" " Are you alright we heard you ran into Aro, Jane, and Alec?" " They were a pleasant trio, why?" " They drink human blood. " Rose said I shrugged " I actually had a very pleasant conversation with Jane and Alec, Aro was rather quiet." " Did they touch you in anyway" " only to help me up, they didn't even allow me to come home alone, Jane dropped me off and left." I shared. " Good, now Jasper said your food wa-" I popped Emmett with the spoon I had " no" I scolded. Jasper entered " Mornin Jasper." He wrapped his arms around my waist. " Good." He sajd stealing a piece of bacon. " How come he gets a piece but I don't." " He took me to the store to get it plus it was made for him not you." I countered. " Can I get some?" Esme asked " of course, Emmett close your mouth before I hit you again." Emmett pouted. " This is delicious how'd you get the blood taste." Jasper was smirking I could feel it on my neck " She let it sit in the blood before cooking so it taste like blood." Jasper shared kissing me neck gently. I plated the food. Jasper kissed my forehead and grabbed his plate. " This is so good." Alice gushed " thank you" " your definitely keeping her." Emmett whispered. " I'm going to go get ready f-" " please wear what I picked out for you." I continued upstairs after placing Bella's clothes out. I put on the dress Alice picked out wearily it felt a little skin tight but I guess that's how it's supposed to fit. " Alright I done getting dressed."

Nobody's pov:
Jasper looked up to see his girl in a dress that went to her mid thigh it was all black, it hugged every curve, her breast looked perfect " fuck" he breathed. Esme had left and clean like the amazing person she is. " You didn't grab a coat?" Alice pouted. Jasper handed her his she didn't bother to complain. She threw it over her shoulders and she took a comb out of her bag and did her hair. Jasper wanted to see the dress on the floor but he knew better. You kissed his cheek and pushed them out while going to wake Bella. You woke her up she groaned " I'm up I'm up." " Theres so food downstairs eat before you leave." You told her she nodded and you left afterwards you went to run back in when Jasper scooped you up and placed you in the car. " You can eat in my car we don't have to get out for a while." You squeezed his hand " alright" was all you managed before he gave you food and you ate it happily. You felt a weird pain in your neck. " My neck just started hurting" Jasper looked at you worriedly he massaged it careful to not harm you. " Any better?" You nodded " a lot actually." He smiled he shifted you to his lap. Then kissed your cheek. " I wanted to know if you maybe wanted to go on a date sometime?" Your head snapped to him. " Yes I would love too." Alice squealed softly in her car. Rosalie was happy for you. " Alright I'll pick you up at 6." Jasper said and you furrowed your eyes. " I'm actually graduating early, I'm almost done with college, we won't be able to spend as much time with each other." You told him. Jasper wasn't happy about it but was at the same time because he could say he was being schooled from home which would give you guys the most time together but then he wouldn't be able to take you to prom. The bell would ring in 30 minutes "   want to go get some hashbrowns before we have class." You smiled " only if I-" " don't pay because you always do glad we agree." You gapped at him as he pulled out of the school you had managed to hold his hand while in your seat.

You got your hashbrowns and Jasper then said. " So I was thinking if for safety purposes you moved in with me." Jasper said making you smile hard trying not to laugh. " And what danger is there in my current home." " Your home actually does have a danger that one stair you cant see and almost always step on. Your leg gets scratched up bad and you know it. Not to mention the fact your room has insulation problems." You looked at him lovingly.

" Jasper just say you want me to move in." " Well yes but your safety is very important to me." You smiled and placed a land where his face should be. You kissed his cheek. " Jasper you'll have to ask my dad and he won't just say yes yo-" " That's why we have Carlisle and Esme." You gasped " don't bring your parents into this." You scolded. Jasper laughed you kissed his cheek. " You really need to work on your aim." " huh, I'm great with guns." You said confused Jasper smirked and kissed you on the lips which sent shivers down your spine. A driver was drunk and they're car hit Jaspers.

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