bad day / reader x florence

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florence pugh

reader - 16

on set of black widow and y/n is having a really bad day and flo notice it

words: 1060

your pov:

It was now 7.30 on a Saturday when the alarm went off in my trailer. I woke up and immediately felt that today was going to be a bad day. I didn't have a reason to feel bad but just woke up at the wrong side of the bed you know.

I got up and turned the alarm off. Then I went and grabbed my robe. I walked to the little kitchen to make a cup of tea just how Florence has taught me to do it. I took my kettle and started boiling the water. I opened the cabinet and stood on my tiptoes to reach my mug. I took down my favourite mug as it has a thick lip (if you have seen her ig story "cuppa tea" yk what I mean) and waited for the water to finish boiling. When the water was done boiling I poured it up in the mug and left an inch at the top for the milk. I then put the yorkshire tebag in. When I had poured the oatmilk in the tea and let the liquid cool off I took the tea and made my way to my couch. When I had finished the tea I got to the dressing room and then I went to set to do some scenes.

The day went on and as I felt when I woke up I was in such a bad mood. Nothing really made me smile. And on a normal day me and David would always be the ones pulling the pranks and cracking jokes with the cast but I was mostly quiet today. I just felt like crying every second but I knew I couldn't because I didn't have a reason to cry. And what if someone would ask me if anything had happened? what would I say? I hate talking about my feelings because I don't want to put my problems onto another for them to deal with so instead I'm staying quiet.

florence pov:

I've noticed y/n isn't as happy as she normally is today. I don't know if anything has happened to her or if she's just having a bad day but she isn't herself.

"Scarlett, can I talk to you?" I said looking her in the eyes. "Is it about y/n?" she said almost as if she could read my thoughts. Scarlett feels like a big sister to me just as I know y/n feels like I'm a big sister to her so I want to make her feel better but I just don't want to say anything wrong. "yes it is. Have you also noticed how different she is today? I ask hoping she will give me any advice. "Yes she seems sad, it breaks my heart seeing her that way." she answers without really giving me any advice as I had hoped for. "Do you think I should do something?" "I don't know, maybe just ask her if anything has happened. I know she doesn't really like to talk about feelings but someone have to do it and she really looks up to you, so I think you should ask her if anybody" I smile to myself cause what scarlett just said, does y/n really look up to me so much, but she is also right. If anything has happened to her she gotta have someone to talk to.

I make my way over to y/n. She's sitting in a chair watching Rachel and David doing a scene. she fidgets with her ring on her ring finger. She looks like she's just about to cry holding it in and as Scarlett said it's breaking my heart too.

your pov:

I can see Florence is coming towards me and I know what she's gonna ask. I don't want her to ask if anything has happened cause I know that if she does I am going to start crying and then it'll never stop. I stand up from my chair and start moving the opposite direction when I feel an arm dragging me back. I get eye contact with Florence and feel my eyes start to watering so I quickly look away again. "Follow me honey" Florence says in a soft voice as she's not really giving me a choice, still holding onto my arm dragging me to her trailer.

She closes the door and stands in front of me. "How are you dear?" she says looking me directly in the eyes. I just look at her and shrug. "I don't know" I answer back honestly and very silently. she just looks at me waiting for me to say anything more so I sigh and explain to her why I've been so down. "I just woke up today feeling so down and I don't even know why. Nothing bad has happened. Nothing today has made me happy and I'm tired and god I don't know!" I almost yell the last part so frustrated that I don't know what is wrong with me, still holding back my tears waiting for Florence to say something.

"Oh honey" is the only thing she says before she gives me a big hug. I just bury my face into her chest and when I once put my arms around her I can't hold it in anymore. I start to cry and she just rubs my back holding me tight in her arms.

We're hugging each other for what feels like forever when she loosens her grip and sits me down at the couch in her trailer. "why didn't you tell me how you felt?" she asks me, looking me in the eyes. "cause I didn't even have a reason, and it seemed so weird being sad if you don't have anything to be sad about." I answered "everyone has bad days and that is absolutely not weird. And you don't have to have a reason to be sad! Just know that I'm so, so proud of you and you are so kind to everyone and you always make me laugh even on my bad days. You can always count on me to be there for you on your bad days" she says cupping my face and wiping the tears away.

"Thank you Florence, I love you so much!" "I love you more my little love"


well so I had one of those days last week, well actually like the whole week. no reason at all just a really shitty week yk.

Anyways I hope you like this. I'm very new to this so let me know if I should do anything different.

But please know it is okay to feel bad even if you don't have a reason. I don't really think this is talked about enough. Cause I know I didn't want to tell anyone how I felt cause I thought it was lame to be sad for no reason. But it is ok. You don't have to have a reason, everyday isn't always good and that isn't lame. <3

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