bad luck day/ reader x the bw cast

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The black widow cast

reader: 16

Y/n is having a really bad luck day

warning: mention of blood (not so much but just so yk)

words: 1360

your pov:

I woke up in my bed in the trailer. I immediately went to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. I never really liked tea before but Florence has taught me to. I take out my favorite mug and am about to place it on the kitchen counter, but the cabinet was so high up and I'm not very tall, though very stubborn, so I thought I didn't need anything to stand on to reach the mug. So when I was standing on my tippy toes to reach my mug, I could only touch it with my fingers. I tried to drag it towards me with my fingers but the cup went too far and instead of catching it with my hands, my face took the fall. The mug hit my nose and eye and then went straight to the floor and broke in tiny pieces.

"Mother fucker" I said out loud as I put pressure with my hand on the area on my face that just got hit. I can feel my whole face pounding as I bend down to pick up the pieces of the broken mug. I had to use both hands to pick up the pieces so I gently released the hand from the face and started picking up the pieces. As I was picking up the last pieces I felt something dripping from my nose. I look at the floor and see a little puddle of blood. Nosebleed, nice. I try to stop it with my hand as I go and get some paper to stop the bleeding and to clean up the blood on the floor and on my face.

I'm only bleeding from one nostril, so I stick up some paper and keep on cleaning up the last big pieces of glass until I go and get the vacuum cleaner to clean up the small pieces. I get out the vacuum cleaner and realise that there is no bag in it. "This day just gets better and better" I mutter to myself sarcastically.

I put back the vacuum cleaner and instead go and get the garbage brush to clean up the rest. When I'm done I change from pajamas to some comfy sweatpants and Florence black widow hoodie she left here a couple of days ago. (if yk wich one I'm talking about, you're cool)

I took out the paper from my nose and thankfully the bleeding had stopped so I threw away the paper in the bin and headed out to the set. When I was walking I saw Scarlett and Florence talking to each other so I decided to go and greet them. They were standing with their backs towards me so I went up to them and tapped on their shoulders. They turned around and both of their faces dropped when they saw me. "Okay, I know I haven't done my makeup yet but you don't have to look like you just saw a ghost guys, that's rude" I say a little offended.

"Hunny what happened to your face" Scarlett says worried as she places her hands on my cheeks.

"oh my god y/n what have your clumsy arse managed to do this time" Florence chuckles.

I just look at them confused until I realise that the mug that hit my face must have left some bruises.

"Oh yeah I dropped a mug on my face" I answered as if it was nothing.

Florence starts laughing and Scarlett hits Florence's arm and gives her the mom look so she immediately stops laughing.

"follow me" Scarlett says, placing her hand on my back leeding me to the toilet. As we're walking to the toilets she asks me if I have looked in the mirror since it happened, and I answer no and that I just picked up the glass shatters and then left. I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror and can see that I have a small cut on my nose and bruising around my right eye.

I touch it with my fingers and flinch in pain, and Scarlett grabs my hand so I won't be able to touch it more. "Don't touch it y/n/n, we have to clean the small cut on your nose and put something cold on that bruising. Come on, I have some rubbing alcohol in my trailer." she says as she starts to walk to walk towards her trailer.

"Wait no, isn't that going to hurt" I say as I stop walking and look at her with fear in my eyes.

"Oh haha come on now you big baby it's not going to hurt so bad" She says laughing a little taking my hand again and starts dragging me to her trailer.

After she's done patching me we go out to meet the other cast. As we're walking towards the others I see Florence laughing at me. "Shut it flo" I say as I look at her dead in the eyes

"You are so cute when you're mad y/n/n" she says, giving me a hug.

Hi Rachel, Hi david" I say in a squeaky voice as I'm being squished by Florence.

"Hi dear" Rachel answers, smiling at me.

I didn't have any scenes to film today, and that's probably good, with this bad luck day, I think it's for the best. Otherwise I would've messed up my lines or costume or something worse. But I love being on set so I'm here anyway to see the others work. I get to work with some of the greatest actors so I can learn a lot by just watching them work.

As the girls go and film some scenes I stay with David. We decided to go to the snacks and get something to eat and drink. We get back to the table and place down our food. I placed the food on the table and went back to get a glass of water. I get my water and am walking back when I suddenly trip on a wire that's laying on the floor, I manage to not fall but the water is now all over me and I just look at David who's now laughing so hard at me. I walk back to him and my face is red with embarrassment.

"I- I- I got that on tape" He says trying to catch his breath and then bursts into laughter again. I can't help but laugh too. I ask if I can see the video and he hands me his phone.

I recive the phone and press play. "You can now see y/n y/l/n getting water after a very tough day." David says in the video. He zooms in on me and then you can see me trip over the black cable. "Oh my god y/n" he starts laughing. I quickly stabilize myself and look directly in the camera. My whole face is red and my light gray sweatpants are now dark gray. Then the video ends.

I can't help but to join David in his fit of laughter and soon enough we're both lying on the floor laughing at the video. When Florence, Scarlett and Rachel are done with their scenes they come to us. All three women are now staring at the both of us in confusion. David gets up still laughing and so do I. They look at me and see that my pants are all wet.

"Have you peed yourself y/n" Florence asks chuckling. "Haha noooo, I tripped over that cable over there and spilled water all over me." I answer. "And I got it on tape" David adds proudly.

He shows the video to them and sas soon as they see me trip over the cable they all start laughing.

"You looked so embarrassed when you looked up after nearly faceplanting" Florence says, teasing me.

"poor y/n it isn't your lucky day today" Scarlett says still laughing when the video is over. "It for sure isn't" I answer her still laughing at the video replaying in my head


This was very fun to write. The video tape part was the most fun to write because I can imagine how it would look and it's definitely something that could happen to me :) And some David content to is gold because who doesn't love him

I have started a new book, Adopted by Scarlett Johansson, if you want to check it out :)

Please send me some requests I can do because I think my imagination is broken so the content here isn't very good haha. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this! stay healthy my friends 

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