I needed you/ reader x Florence

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Florence Pugh

Reader: 15

Request: Florence's younger sister feels like Florence is forgetting about her, so when flo comes back to Oxford for a visit y/n gives her the cold shoulder

words: 1941

Y/n's pov:

Florence is currently filming another movie in America. She's never home anymore, and of course I get that, It's her work. But I miss her. We used to be so close, I used to tell her everything. We were best friends. But now that she's all grown up I'm not as close to her anymore. We used to call and text each other but that ended a long time ago. Now we only talk when she visits.

She's coming home to Oxford tomorrow and I don't want to see her. If I'm being honest, I'm mad at her. Sisters are supposed to be there for each other, and with school and friends everything is kind of hard right now and she hasn't been here to help. Of course I have mom, dad and my other siblings, but it's not the same.

I don't want to see flo, because I know when I see her it's not going to be the same. And when she leaves again, we're going to go back to the same as it was, no text, no calls, no contact. I think the best option is to ignore her. If I act the same way she's done to me it won't be as hard when she leaves again.

We're going to the airport tomorrow to pick up Florence and then she's going to stay home for a month before going back. The car ride is going to take about 1 hour and it's going to be awkward. The last time I saw her was about half a year ago when she came home to celebrate Christmas and her birthday with us.

I check the time. 01.51 am. Ugh I have to get up at 8. I put away my phone and close my eyes, but the only thing I can think about is the memories with flo from when I was a kid. I feel a lump in my stomach, as tears silently run down my face onto the pillow.

Next thing I know my alarm goes off. I get up and put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I go into my bathroom and wash my face, washing away the remaining tear stains. I put up my hair in a clip and put on some light makeup.

I go downstairs into the kitchen to make some breakfast. Mom has already made some eggs and bacon for us so I go to the table and sit down. Raffie is already there. "Morning Y/n/n" She says smiling. "Sup Raff" I respond, starting to eat. "Are you excited to meet Florence?" She asks. "Very" I answer with a low tone while continuing eating my breakfast. "You don't sound excited?" She says confused. "I am, I'm just tired" I lie, well half lie, I am tired as fuck also.

We continue eating in silence and I then put away my dishes and go up to my room again to take the things I want for the car ride. I get my tote bag and put my airpods, a book and my charger in it. After I go down to the car waiting where mom and dad already are. We wait about 5 minutes for raffie and then head off to the airport.

I put in my airpods and look out the window. I start thinking about what I'm going to do when we get there. Should I ignore her completely or should I ask her something? No I can say hi but that's all, I'm going to be as cold to her as she's been to me. Not a hug, not a 'how was the flight', nothing. I'm not going to act obsessed or neady.

I listened to my playlist for about 15 minutes until I got bored and ended up watching tiktok for the rest of the time. We arrive at the airport and get out of the car. It's about 30 minutes until her plane lands so dad said we could get some mcdonalds before.

After we have eaten, mom gets a text from Florence saying the plane has landed and that she's going towards the gates now. We start walking to the gates and wait for Florence to get to us. Suddenly I see her coming to us, I instantly get nervous for some weird reason and quickly look back at my phone, hoping she didn't see me. Raffie is the first one to greet her. She runs up to Florence and gives her a long hug. Then mom and dad say their hi and give her a hug. I barely look at her, finally I look up at her, she looks confused, probably because I didn't run up to her instantly.

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