Ch. 21 - Interpersonal Chemistry

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A/N: An almost 6k word chapter! Phew, hope y'all don't snooze. It's my new goal to have chapter lengths between 3k to 5k words, but it's hard to keep track y'know *awkward laughter* so uhm, enjoy? XD

I totally DIDN'T write this while preparing for exams heh...hehe...shhhhhh-

(also pls don't kill me but imma be honest to say i finished this last week actually just lazy to format on Wattpad without my laptop okay sorry thanks bye)


"She needs...a break???"

Doug repeated his best friend's words, before he muttered, "Heigh-ho. I've only ever heard that they say that...when, you know, they..." "Want to break up?" Ben finished for him, before he smiled bitterly, "Yeah, believe me, I've heard that too." "You didn't say anything to provoke it, did you?" Doug decided to ask, just to be sure. He wasn't a dating expert himself, but being close friends with Evie made him a little more self-aware about just how poor his knowledge of girls was. And, as far as Doug could recall, Audrey might have been Ben's first date, but it had very much been initiated by the princess. He seriously couldn't remember if Ben was any better than him before he met Evie.

"I apologised for not defending her well enough from the rumours." Ben answered, before he paused, his glass an inch away from his lips, "I don't suppose that's what triggered her defenses?" "Dunno. All I know is that you've got to get your act together soon, Ben, or you're going to lose your girl." Doug picked the mug from the prince's hand, "And stop with the coffee, or I'm going to make sure Belle hears of this."

"Oh, no. Imagine she hears of this." Ben froze, wondering what his mother's reaction to Mal's proposition would be. His father's reaction would certainly be of relief; Beast never really quite fancied Mal for some reason. Belle, however...perhaps pity? She seemed rather fond of Mal, more than she'd been with Audrey.

"She will hear of it if you don't get your..." Doug almost considered using profanity, except for the fact that Fairy Godmother wasn't quite as far as she could ideally be, "-yourself together. Unless you get back to Mal real quick, things are going to spread. People aren't blind, you know." "But how? How do I get back together with her?" Ben grunted, slumping over the table in an un-princely manner, "I have absolutely no idea."

"Well..." Doug had been about to answer that neither did he, but a flash of blue entered his mind, making the dwarf descendant grin.

"Skip that tea session today. You're going to have Extra Chemistry lessons...human chemistry."

And Ben looked completely confused, although the next second, a smile began to spread across his face.

"We need Evie."


The bell rang, signalling that the previous period was over, and Ben barely gathered his things when Doug was already dragging him away to the chemistry lab. "Afternoon, Ben." Mr Deley seemed amused to find the prince back in his class, "But was your Chemistry not this morning, dear boy?" "Uhh-" His mind blanked as he struggled to find an excuse, and Doug immediately answered, "Oh, uh, he's just here to bide his time, sir, he won't be a disruption!" "As you wish, Prince Ben." Mr Deley shrugged, "Now, is anyone missing?"

Obviously. Ben had just spent the moment searching the class for Evie, and it was rather obvious that the girl wasn't there; no one else in the class had navy hair. "Evie, sir." Evidently, Doug had noticed her absence as well, "Evelyn Grimhilde." "Who?" The professor frowned, and Chad Charming, who had just slipped into the class, chuckled, "Oh, that insignificant VK. It's no matter, Mr Deley. I've heard that they had a habit of skipping classes." "Is that so?" Mr Deley seemed concerned, but Ben saw the way the older man's lip quirked, "Well, that's unfortunate. Today is a very important lesson, I would absolutely hate for Miss Evelyn to miss it."

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