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This is reallly important, I'm just going to say this first:

Guys, please DO NOT repost my works anywhere else. Do not repost it at all. Please.

Okay now to explain why I suddenly have to say this:

I've been inactive lately, trying to work on a fanfic, and just for fun I wondered if I could try using a bot to continue writing "...Mother?" for me, and maybe I'd get a laugh out of it. But the copy pasted segment was too long for Botnik, so I gave up, and just for fun, decided to paste the segment I'd copied into the search bar.

That's when I realised that something was going on.

I'm not well known, or at least, I don't think I am. But when I copy pasted that chunk, a single search result came out. And there, lo and behold, was a fanfic website I'd never seen before, sporting the exact same words in my fanfic. I was enraged at first, and wanted to come here to rant about someone copying my fic word for word shamelessly. But then, it got worse.

I realised that the author's name is exactly as my author's name here.

Now, this plot twist isn't a joke. I didn't write so much so far just to say "haha just kidding lmao that was my account." No, this is serious. Because the account is my name, indeed, but I NEVER made that account. Someone's pretending to be me, and posting instead of me.

And now I'd like to warn/clarify that it absolutely IS NOT me.

This is worse than plagiarism. This person, whoever they may be, has stolen my entire identity. And it's not just one chapter plagiarised. The entirety of "...Mother?" up till now, as well as the two oneshot books, have all been reposted exactly as they are on two different websites, as me. I want to report plagiarism, but it's a little ironic. How do you report plagiarism against what supposedly is you??? I'm feeling so lost and desperate, and I have no idea what to do anymore.

I just want to make it clear here that this is the legitimate Z18M8Malrae account. I only ever posted on AO3 or Wattpad before, and other platforms with my books are DEFINITELY NOT MINE, unless I do wish to expand my publicity, in which I would definitely broadcast it here/AO3 for support. I feel very exposed now, because I'm sharing an identity with someone who thinks that it's fine to just rip my things off of one place and dunk it onto another, and I don't even KNOW who this is.

Please, if you are the one who did this, you have caused me much anxiety and anguish. Thank you for recognising my work, but you really should have said something. This is identity theft. I don't feel comfortable about it, and I hope if you're reading this — because I know for a fact you're stealing off my Wattpad (the books copied are solely wattpad published) — you will be able to take down the works that you've published in my name and delete that account.

To those who have read this, thank you so very much for your support. Identity theft and plagiarism are really the two worst nightmares of authors, and to be honest I never thought the day would come when this might happen to me. I didn't think I was good enough for people to actually develop the heart to copy my works as they are and even publish it in MY NAME, so to speak. But no. I really must emphasize this. No, I do not like it, this is original Z18M9Malrae speaking, please take it down.

From your very distraught author who's drunk three cups of scalding sour tea in an attempt of trying to calm down,
Z18M9Malrae ♡︎☆

P.S. I originally put this on my account, but then I know some of you aren't followers and y'all might not get the memo. So I decided to put the message here, well, because I do know the person is taking content from here, and for another fact is that I've been checking, they don't even bother deleting author's note. Anyway, if you've come to steal more content and further your identity theft, please, I hope I can stop you. What do you gain from doing this??? I don't understand. It's not your success, your heart's blood poured into moulding the book, the plot. How can you think that by borrowing my name, it is the same as being me, as being the person who originated these books? Your actions befuddle me. And I'm unamused. Please, stop.

"...Mother?" (A Descendants × Hadeficent story)Where stories live. Discover now