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Trigger warning:

Mention of SA.

Violence and murder.

Cameron's POV

Maisie and Ashton were sound asleep when I checked on them. They looked peaceful, Ashton resting his chin on top of Maisie's head, their hands intertwined. Hazel snuggled close to Maisie's back,  on the other side of her, snoring. They were too cute not to take a picture, sending it to mom.

She missed them, my mom. She missed the twins. She missed Micaela. I knew she was trying to keep her distance, because Jaime and I told her to. Maisie knew she was alive, the amount of contact or type of relationship with her, that was her choice to make.

I had conflicted views about my mother. On one hand, she was my mom, a kind-hearted and gentle soul that raised me and my siblings with love despite the bastard she married. On the other hand, I felt betrayed and angry, beyond forgiveness. She left my baby brother and sisters to fend for themselves. Yes, I was their older brother, a few months away from eighteen at the time she faked her suicide, but she knew I wouldn't be able to care for my siblings. Jaime had been in college, studying business, like our father wanted, and working for him. Royce kept him busy, away from the family - away from our siblings.

A few months after I turned eighteen, I moved out of my childhood house, with a promise I'd come to visit my siblings left in the care of our father. Except my father banned me from the house when I refused to keep my "lifestyle" hidden.

He hated that his son liked dick. He hurt me in ways that would haunt me for the rest of my life. He refused to call me son. He never hesitated to call me nasty names and spit insults that stung more than any physical wounds he inflicted. Get the fuck out of my way, faggot.

My father limited my access to my siblings and I didn't protect them like I should've. Micaela was dead and I didn't protect her because I wasn't there. I wasn't there. I wasn't there. I wasn't there.

I shook my head, shaking the thoughts away, gazing at the twins again. I will do everything and anything I can to keep them safe and happy. Overprotective, strict, controlling - I didn't care what my little siblings called me - I would do whatever necessary, whatever it takes, to protect them from the world and themselves.

"Hey babe. We're ready to go," Sebastian said, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I wanted nothing more than to go to bed and jump his bones.

"Okay. Give me a minute."

He rested his chin on shoulder. "They're cute ... when they're sleeping, I mean."

I snorted. "And little gremlins when they're awake."

Eden appeared, squeezing herself between me and the doorframe. She chuckled, seeing Ashton and Maisie. "You know, the kids are gremlins because they're being raised by gremlins."

I gasped. "Rude."

"Totally uncalled for," Sebastian agreed.

Eden patted my arm, her expression lacking sympathy. "Come on, Jaime is getting more anxious by the minute," she muttered, heading back down the hallway.

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