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Jaime's POV

Harley met Isobel and I at the entrance.

Sebastian and Cameron were in front of him, helping the paramedics carry the stretcher. "Hey, how is she?" I asked, rushing to their side.

Noel and Evie came out behind him, limping and cuts all over their hands. Chance helped Evie, using his arms to hold her up. Blood dripped from her arm. 

Sebastian hung back as Cameron climbed into the back with our sister. "She was shot twice, once in the shoulder and again in her lower back," he said, ripping off his bloody gloves. "Multiple fractures in her right hand and a concussion ... among other things."

"Fuck," I muttered, rubbing my face.

"They  have her stabilized, but radioed in and said she'll need emergency surgery," he said, closing his eyes. "I'll meet you at the hospital,  Eden is already there with Chance."

I nodded. "Thanks, Seb. ... Are you okay?" I asked, gesturing to the cuts on his nose.

He  nodded, smirking. "Some bastard punched me and I shot him. I'm fine ... "

Isobel stepped forward, eyes blazing like a thousand suns. "Sebastian, what happened?"

"She kept saying things, asking for Ash..." he said, frowning. "I think she might have been hallucinating. Autumn said she hit her head hard too."

"Make sure she gets a CT scan," Harley said, "we need to make sure she doesn't have a brain bleed or anything."

"I  will. I'll see you soon." We side-hugged and I watched as he jogged up to the paramedics, telling the female paramedic he'd ride in the front with her.

"Evie? Where is she?" Izzy asked, searching the area.

Eden gestured behind me. "She's with Chance and Milo, she's not seriously injured. Minor cuts that will likely need stitches and bruising." I watched as Milo talked to Evie, soothing her as Chance helped tend to her wounds.

"We should get to the hospital," Harley said, worry in his eyes. "Noel, you'll come with us."

"I can't ... " Noel said, shaking his head. 

Denver appeared beside me. "Yes,  you will," he said, narrowing his eyes. "You need to get your leg checked out. That's an order, Noel." He held his chin high, daring Noel to challenge him.

"Okay.  Fine, whatever," Noel muttered and Evie adjusted her grip around his shoulder. They turned to head to the Rover when he glanced over his shoulder. I gave him a sharp nod, reassuring us that everything would be okay.

"Damn teenagers," Denver muttered, looking at Harley, Izzy, and I. "Whatever happens next, remember, we have each other and -"

"Jaime, behind you," Izzy shouted, reaching for her gun. 

A sharp, jarring shot cut through the air, and reverberated through my bones.

I spun around and my heart stopped beating. Harley dropped to the ground, blood splattering around his face. The man behind him  "Harley's been shot."

Cameron's POV

"Cameron? I've got her," Milo said, rushing with the paramedics and nurses. "Trust me, we're going to do everything we can."

"No, I need to go with her," I shouted over the commotion.

Sebastian grasped my arm, pulling me into his arms. "Cam, babe, we'll get through this," he whispered, caressing my cheek. "Let them do their job."

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