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"I want the huge bear, Cam," I shouted, pointing to the purple plushie and tightened my grip around his neck, "I want the purple one, please."

He grunted, adjusting his hold on my ankles. "Okay, okay, Mase," he said, making Jaime chuckle beside us. "I'll get it for you, just don't strangle me to death."

"Oops," I giggled, loosening the death grip I had on him. "Sorry, Cammy." My older brother kneeled down and I jumped off his back.

Cameron reached his hand out, taking mine. Jaime took my other hand and together we went up to the tent. My brothers greeted the man and Cameron traded a few bills bill for three arrows. The attendant stood back and I stepped back into Jaime, giving our brother room.

My smile grew wide when all three balloons popped.

"Congratulations," the man said, "pick any on the top."

"Which one do you want?" Cameron asked, picking me up.

"The purple one," I said, pointing to the big bear. The attendant chuckled, reaching for the stuffed animal. Cameron passed the stuffy to me, smiling. "Thank you."

"Happy birthday, Mase," he said, and reached to take my hand. "C'mon, we should go find mom and the others."

Jaime followed close behind as we travelled to the food arena, where the smell of greasy fries, hotdogs, and popcorn infiltrated my senses. Mom, Micaela, and Ashton were sitting at a picnic table, under an umbrella.

"Momma," I shouted, wiggling from my brothers grip and running towards her. I ran straight into her arms, crushing her in a hug.

"Hey baby," she said, laughing. "What you you wanna eat, huh?"

"Can we get ice cream too?" Ashton asked, already thinking about dessert.

Mom chuckled. "Yes, but you have to eat something not so sugary first," she said, squeezing me into her side. "After that, you can have all the sugar your hearts desire."

I didn't want the day to end, though I knew it would. Tomorrow it would be back to the same old, tip toeing around my father, hoping he didn't get too angry. I was sad to see my moms smile, wishing she would smile more, knowing it never lasted.

"Will he be mad?" I mumbled into my mother's shoulder. "Will dad be angry you took us without him?"

Her hands tightened around me, holding me at arms length. She shook her head, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "No, baby girl," she whispered, "don't you worry about that, okay?"

I nodded, hugging her. "I love you, momma."

She smiled. "I love you more, baby. Happy Birthday."

"Are you thinking about that day too?" Ashton asked, leaning against the stone wall outside the carnival gates. We were waiting for Sebastian, who had taken a phone call. "Our eleventh birthday?"

I nodded, smiling, staring at the line of people waiting to get through the gates. "I am. I think it's one of the best memories I have with mom." I turned to look back at my twin.

"Me too. I wish we had more," he said, his lips pulling in a slight quiver.

"We have a chance to make more," I murmured, but we don't have a lot of time to do so. "We will make more."

Bound by Honour [Part I & II]Where stories live. Discover now