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Summary: Bucky's tired of you being with your boyfriend.
Word Count: 1.7k

"Babe. Where are you?" You heard someone call outside of your door. "Fuck. Shit. Go away. Please." You mumble as your door opens and he walks in. "Finn." You say with a smile.

Finn. Abusive, terrible, alcoholic, dumb, fucktard, bitch, pussy ass mother fucker. Your boyfriend. Yep.

You've tried to break it off with him. He guilt trips you into getting back with him. Gross dumb piece of shit.

He peer pressures you into having sex with him. Currently, he's trying to baby trap you. Thankfully something called birth control exists. You wanna kill him. You almost did.

Well, not you. Bucky almost did.

You stopped Bucky before he could. Why? Because you're stupid.

It's Finns fault. He had it coming to him. What did he really expect to happen when he slapped you in front of the scary ex-assassin Super Solider, who happens to be your best friend and very over protective of you.

Honestly. Finn is more stupid than you.

"I was thinking we could go out tonight. Some where nice." Finn suggests. You give him a fake smile. "Sure."

"Alright. You change, put some makeup on. I'll go wait outside." Finn says. You smile as he walks out of your room. "I'm already wearing makeup." You mumble.

You change and walk out to meet Finn. He takes one look at you and shakes his head. "Absolutely not. Go change. You look like a whore with that outfit on." Finn says.

"I think she looks beautiful." Jravis says.

"Thank you Jravis." You say. Finn rolls his eyes. "No one cares what an AI thinks." Finn says. "Go change."

You turn around and walk back to your room. Tears forming in your eyes. "I hate him so much." You quietly say.

"Would you like me to have Happy kick him out?" Jravis asks.

"No Jravis. Thank you though." You say.

"Anytime." Jravis says.

"An AI is nicer to me than an actual human." You mumble as you change.

When you walk out, Finn sees you and smiles. "There we go. Good girl." He says.

The fuck? I'm not a dog.

"Shall we go?" He asks. You fake smile and let him wrap his arm around your waist.

1 hour later:

"No. Leave me alone." You say as you walk into the lobby of the compound. Finn running in behind you. "I'm sorry y/n. I didn't mean it." He says.

You walk up the stairs to the main living room. "You told me you wanna sleep with other women!" You loudly announce as you walk in.

Bucky, Steve, and Sam happen to be in the room. Natasha and Tony filter in after they heard you yell.

"I'm sorry." Finn says. You turn around and cross your arms. Waiting for him to continue. "I didn't mean it." Finn says.

"You told me to buy a book on how to be better in bed." You say as tears form in your eyes.

"Let me beat his ass, y/n. Let me at 'im." Nat says as Steve wraps his arms around her to stop her from beating Finn up.

"Have you slept with someone else?" You ask with a shaky voice. Finn looks over at Bucky before looking back at you.

Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now