
12.1K 188 66

Summary: You're addicted to drugs and it's scaring everyone.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: addiction to drugs

It all went to hell. How were you supposed to know Tony was gonna do a surprise room check? You didn't. Hint the word surprise.

"The fuck is this y/n?" Tony asks with rage. Vein in his neck poking out. In his left hand, a bag of heroin. "I thought you were clean!" He points at you with his right index finger.

So maybe in the past you had a few addictions to various drugs. Tony was there for you and helped you through. Everyone did. Especially Bucky.

You stand there in silence as your father figure yells at you. "What the fuck are you doing again? We talked about this! You promised you stopped! Do you like lying to me? Does it make you feel cool? Like using fucking heroin! Do you feel cool knowing you're a fucking junkie? A burnout! A fucking druggie!" Tony screams.

At this point, Natasha and Steve came into the room. "What else are you using?" Tony asks in a soft voice. You stay quiet as tears gloss over your eyes. "What else are you using?" He raises his voice.

Peter, Sam, Wanda, and Clint filter into your room to see what's happening. "That's it I swear," you say with tears pouring out of your eyes.

"Is it?" Tony ask. He looks around your room before he frantically looks through your dresser. "What're you doing?" You ask.

"I don't fucking believe you y/n!" Tony yells. "I don't believe you when you say that's it! And why should I? You've been lying to me for, who knows how long?"

Sam walks over to you, but doesn't say anything. He just stands near you for support. "Ah ha!" Tony shouts as he pulls a ziplock bag full of molly out from under the board in your dresser.

"Y/n," Steve says in a disappointing tone.

"Y/n, why do you have that?" Nat asks.

"Everyone thought you were clear," "You're using again," "We thought you were better then this," "Why'd you start again," "Do you need help," "Do you need to talk," "What's wrong,"

"Stop!" You yell. Everyone stops talking and looks at you. "Yes, I'm using again. Big shocker oh my god. Not really though. Let's recap on the past few months of my life. One, my sister was murdered. Two, I found out I can never have kids. Three, my boyfriend left me when he found out I couldn't have kids. That's only half of it. I felt the urge, the compelling need to feel better, to feel good. So yes, I started using again."

"Y/n—" Wanda's soft tone of voice makes you even more angry and you don't know why.

"No Wanda! I don't want your fucking sympathy! I don't need it. I don't need your love when I have drugs. I have everything I could possible need from drugs. Give me the bags Tony," you demand as you walk over to him.

He shakes his head and holds the bags away from you. "I'm not fucking around Tony. Give me the bags," you repeat. He still refuses.

"Give me the bags. Give me the fucking bags," you reach for them again, but he moves the away from you. "Give me the fucking bags, Tony!" You shout.

"Give me the bags!" You yell over and over again. You start hitting at Tony, hoping that if you get more physical, he'll give you the bags. He doesn't.

Sam grabs you and forces you into the bathroom. Tony quickly locks it from the outside. Since you locked yourself in your bathroom and OD, Tony installed a lock on the outside of your door so you couldn't lock yourself in your bathroom.

"Y/n, breathe," Sam says calmly. You keep shouting and hitting him. He grabs your hands and holds the behind your back as he back you up against the sink.

"Y/n, look at me. Look at me," Sam demands. You look at him with red puffy eyes. "It's okay. It's okay. You're gonna be alright," he says.

"No," you shake your head. "No no no no no."

"Yes. You're gonna be alright. You know why? Because you have me. I'm gonna help you okay?" He smiles at you.

"I don't need help," you say bitterly before knocking your head against his. He groans in pain as he lets go of your hands. You push him back against the wall and kick the door down.

"Give them to me, Tony!" You yell as you launch yourself at him. He ends up bringing you to the ground with him and you continue to fight against him as you reach for the bags.

Steve comes over, puts his hands under your arms, and pulls you off of him. You scream and hit at him. Sam comes out of the bathroom and grabs your feet. You thrash around and try to wiggle out of their arms.

"Somebody get me Bucky!" Steve yells. He tells Sam to drop your legs so he can put you over his shoulder. You hit at Steve's back, but he doesn't put you down.

He carries you to his room and throws you on his bed. "Don't make me restrain you y/n," Steve says. You don't even hear what he says with how much your moving and screaming.

Steve straddles your stomach and pins your arms next to your head. "Please stop y/n," he says with tears in his eyes. "Let me go Stevie!" You shout.

Bucky runs into the room and pushes Steve off of you. You stand up and try to bolt for the door, but Bucky grabs you by your waist and tosses you back on the bed.

This time you sit up and Bucky straddles your lap and hugs you. Not being able to resist, you hug him back. "It's okay doll. It's okay," he says softly as you nuzzle your head against his neck.

"I just want to feel better," you say.

"You think this is better. You're scaring us y/n. You're scaring me," Bucky says.

You pull back and look at him. Bucky softly moves a strand of hair behind your ear before placing his hand on the side of your face. Steve clears his throat nervously, before excusing himself from his room.

"It's gonna be alright doll. I'll help you get through this. Even if I have to do it again and again, I will always be here to help you," Bucky says. He kisses your forehead softly as you nod your head.

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