Supply Closet

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Summary: You and Bucky have been sneaking around and Bucky gets jealous when Steve says he wants to ask you out.
Word Count: 2.1k

"Hey buck? D'you know if y/n is single?" Steve asks. Bucky looks at Steve. "No why?" He asks.

"I'm planning on asking her out. Just wanted to know if she's available first," Steve shrugs. Anger rises in Bucky. His cheeks heat up as his hands form into fists. Steve pats Bucky's shoulder before walking out of the room.

Jealousy burns deep inside Bucky's bones at the thought of Steve touching you. Kissing you. Holding your hand. Seeing you naked. Saying you're his girlfriend.

Bucky walks to your room and bangs on the door. "Just a minute!" You yell on the other side. "It's Bucky," he says hoping that'll get you to open the door. It does.

You open the door only wearing a sports bra and spandex since you just got done sparring with Nat. "Hey what's up?" You ask still panting.

"You okay? You look tired," Bucky says as he walks into your room and softly holds your waist with his hands. "I am tired. Natasha beat my ass," you say.

Bucky softly chuckles and you wrap your arms around his neck. "I was just about to take a shower," you hint. Bucky smirks at you. "Want help, doll?"

Bucky washes your hair for you. You wash his body and let him kiss every square inch of your body.

Your arms wrap around his neck as his wrap around your waist. He smiles at you. The skin around his eyes wrinkles as he softly chuckles. You can't help, but smile back. His smile is contagious, no matter how hard you try not to, you can't help it. The urge to make him smile is always there. Compelling you to do anything to see happiness dance in his eyes once again.

The three words that have been nagging at you to say want to burst out of you. But, you push them down. It's hard but you do it. Like when you have something stuck in your throat and you have to push it down with water. Hard, but manageable.

Bucky wrapped a towel around you once the two of you stepped out of the shower. He wrapped one around his waist and followed you back to your room. Keeping his hands on you somehow the whole way.

You walk over to your dresser and bend down to grab some clothes. Bucky bends over you and starts nibbling on your ear. "Bucky," you giggle as you try to push him off. Bucky chuckles in response.

Finally, you manage to grab clothes. You start getting dressed while Bucky let's out protests. Saying that you should stay naked and wrapped in his arms. You reassure him that he'll probably see you naked again later. That sedates him.

He puts his clothes back on and sits down on your bed. You walk over to him and he grabs the back of your legs, making you straddle him lap. "Sit on daddy's lap please," Bucky begs.

You giggle at the fact that he can be sexy and soft as a warm cinnamon roll at the same time.

Bucky smiles and kisses your neck softly and slowly. Leaving wet spots over your throat. "Will you be mad if I give you a hickey?" He asks innocently. You softly scratch the back of his head. "Yes," you say.

"But I need to mark you as mine," Bucky says. You squint your eyes in confusion. "But technically, I'm not yours. We aren't dating," you say.

Bucky pulls away from your neck and looks at you. "All we do is have sex. You're just here for my body," you say. You've said it so many times to yourself in the mirror, that it's practically a second language to you.

"That's not true," Bucky says as his eyes cloud with guilt. You look away from him as tears weld in your eyes, but you refuse to cry. Not in front of him. Anyone, but him.

Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now