Sun Dried Tomato

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A/n: Don't ask questions about the title, I just wrote the first thing that came to my mind cause I couldn't think of a title :)
Summary: You and Bucky decide to play basketball against each other and make some bets.
Word count: 895

"Broken ankles," you joke as you juke Bucky out again and shoot the basketball in the basket. "Boom! Another point to this bitch," you rejoice as you do a little dance.

Bucky chuckles as he dribbles the ball. You start to guard him, but he manages to trick you and shoots the ball. You watch as it goes straight in the basket. The net sways back and forth and he bounces his eyebrows at you.

He takes his shirt off and tosses it to the side. The ball bounces towards you and you stop it as you take your shirt off and toss it next to his. Leaving him shirtless and you in a sports bra. He looks at you confused and you pick the ball up. "What? Equal rights equal fights bitch," you say as you shoot the ball and watch it go in.

"Alright Barnes, let's make some bets," you say as you grab the rebound.

"What kind of bets?" He asks.

"If you make this shot, I'll clean your room," you say as you pass the ball back to him. Bucky raises an eyebrow as he shoots the ball. And to his luck, it goes in. "Fuck," you say making him laugh.

"Alright doll, if you make this, I will buy you ice cream," he says and you smile mischievously as you calculate your shot.

"Don't mess up," he says and you glare at him.

"Be quiet I'm trying to focus," you say as you block out his words. Your raise the ball up and shoot it.

And it goes in. "Fuck yea!" You yell and Bucky chuckles. You walk up to him and press your chest out as you try to look bigger and scarier.

"What are you doing?" Bucky chuckles as he watches you make a fool of yourself.

"Being superior," you say as you jump around him. He grabs you by your waist and picks you up over his shoulder. "Bucky!" You squeal as you hold on to his waist.

"Doll," he says calmly.

"Put me down," you say. He walks around the court. "Hmm," he says as he thinks about what to do.

He bends down to grab the ball and hands it to you. "If you make this shot, I'll put you down," he says and you scoff.

"At least turn around so I have a good shot," you say and he listens to you.

You crane your neck and look up to see if you even have an opportunity at making it. Taking a deep breath, you throw the ball up and Bucky turns around and watches as the ball barley misses the hoop.

"So close doll," he says and you let out some sort of sob. He shuffles you around so your legs are wrapped around his waist and your arms are wrapped around his neck.

"You're mean," you say.

"Hey be nice. I moved you so the blood wouldn't go to your brain and make you pass out," Bucky says and you roll your eyes.

"Still mean. Like a big ol' grumpy teddy bear," you say and Bucky stops walking. "Did you just call me a teddy bear?" He asks and you giggle. "Y/n, what am I going to do with you?"

"Put me down?" You joke and he chuckles. "Alright, your wish is my command," he says as he sets you down on your feet.

You grab the basketball and dribble it around him. "Breaking gramps ankles since twelve o'clock," you tease as you shoot the ball and watch it go it.

Bucky gets the rebound and passes it between his hands. "Alright y/n, one final bet. If you make this shot, I'll kiss you," he says as he passes you the ball.

You turn to the side and throw it at the wall as hard as you can. The two of you watch as it bounces off the wall, the floor, the other wall, the celling and it hits the backboard and goes in.

Your jaw falls open and Bucky looks dumbfounded. The two of you make eye contact and he starts walking to you. "No that wasn't supposed to go in," you say as you step away from him.

"We made a bet, now we have to honor it," Bucky shrugs as he grabs you by your waist before you can run away. "Just one kiss doll. That's all," he says as he leans in and presses his lips to yours.

And they're softer than you imagined. Not that you've imagined what they felt like— ah who are you kidding, of course you've thought about his lips.

He breaks away from your lips and you pull him back. "What're you doing—"

"Just— trying something," you say as you pin his mouth to yours. His hands splay out against your back. Fingers going under the hem of your sports bra as his tongue dips in your mouth.

"How are me kissing skills for a grumpy teddy bear?" He asks.

"Exceptional," you giggle and he rolls his eyes as he picks you up over his shoulder again.

Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now