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Summary: Your dad, Tony Stark, has Bucky go with you to the mall as your body guard.
Word Count: 1627

"Y/n. Go pick these up for me." Tony says.

"Jeez dad. Maybe a please at the end of that sentence." You say.

Tony rolls his eyes. "Fine. Please go pick these up for me." Tony says. He hands you a list of things to buy. "You can find these all at the mall." Tony says.

"You want me to carry all this stuff?" You ask.

"No. Just order it, pay for it. Put it on hold, and I'll have someone else pick it up tomorrow." Tony says.

"Are you sure you want me to go to the mall by myself. Remember what happened last time?" You ask.

Last time you were by yourself at the mall, a group of guys tried to take you. They heard your last name was Stark and thought they could get a reward for you or some stupid shit. A group of brave people stopped them from putting you in their car. You told Tony and he found those guys and put their asses in jail. His exact words were, "Nobody tries to take my daughter and lives with freedom."

"You're not going alone. Barnes! Get in here!" Tony yells. Bucky enters the room.

"You're not my favorite person in the world, but Steve and Natasha are on a mission. Wanda and Vision are also on a mission. Thor is somewhere in his golden palace. Sam. He flirts with y/n to much. Scott. We won't talk about him. And I can't trust Bruce won't turn green. So, you are gonna go to the mall with my daughter and make sure no one takes her. Be her bodyguard. Okay?" Tony asks.

"Okay." Bucky says.

Tony gives you a kiss on the cheek. "Love ya. Be safe." He says.

"Love ya too." You say.

"Keep an eye on her. No perverts." Tony says.

"Got it. No one will touch her, or even look at her in a funny way." Bucky says.

"Good." Tony says.

"Okay let's go." You say.

Bucky follows you out of the room. The two of you walk to the garage.

"Do you wanna drive? Or do you want me too?" You ask.

"I'll drive." Bucky says. You toss him the keys.

You're about to open the passenger door, but Bucky beats you to it. He opens it and waits for you to get in. Once you're in, he closes the door and walks around to the drivers seat.

The ride to the mall is quiet. Neither you or Bucky says anything. The radio is silent. You don't turn it up, nor does he.

Once you get to the mall, you unbuckle and turn to open the door.

"Stay here." Bucky says. You stop and turn back in your seat.

Bucky gets out and walks over to your door. He looks around real quick, before opening your door for you. You get out.

He stays uncomfortably close to you on the walk inside the mall. His flesh hand rests on your lower back. Guiding you away from people.

You take the list out and look at the first thing. You groan as you finally realize how long the list is. Bucky looks at you and chuckles.

"Okay. There's at least 30 things on this. So I say, you take 15 and I'll take 15 and we'll meet here when we're done. Yea? Okay." You say and start walking away.

A hand grabs your arm and yanks you back. You look over and see Bucky looking at you with one eyebrow raised. He wraps his flesh arm around your waist and takes the list from you.

Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now