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Summary: You and Bucky are secretly dating and when you end up pregnant, your secret comes out.
Word Count: 1.2k
I know some people aren't all for pregnancy's and kids, I'm not either, but it's a fanfic, it's not real. You don't have to read this one if you don't want, but I had a lot of fun writing it. It was requested by dena_dixon_87

Bucky wakes up before you like always. He smiles and kisses the tip of your nose. When that doesn't wake you up, he kisses your cheek, then your other cheek, your forehead, then finally your lips.

You groan as you open your eyes. "Morning beautiful," he says.

"Why'd you wake me up?" You ask.

"I missed you," he admits. You giggle and kiss his cheek. You roll over on top of him. "Should I go buy you some ice cream?" He asks. You look at him confused. "Aren't you on your period? Unless I calculated wrong," Bucky says.

"You track my cycle?" You ask.

"I wanna know what days not to be a total asshole. I don't wanna have to sleep alone in my bed," he says. You giggle before you stop and realize you're not on your period. You're late.

Slowly, you get off of Bucky with a look of worry. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asks noticing your change in expression. "I'm late," you say.

"Late to what?" He asks.

"My period. My period is late," you say as you get off your bed. He copies your movements and stands in front of you. "Okay, well, take a deep breath, I'm sure it'll be okay," he says.

"What if it's not? What if I'm pregnant?" You ask.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'll be here to support you no matter what you choose," he says.

"Can you go buy me a test?" You ask. He nods and kisses you before walking to your door. "And stay away from Wanda," you say. He gives you a thumbs up before leaving. You sigh and sit on your bed.

Bucky walks back into the compound with a bag in his hands. "Hey Bucky, whatcha got there?" Nat asks as she steals the bag.

"It's just some ice cream for y/n," Bucky says and is grateful he trusted his gut and put the pregnancy test in his coat pocket.

"Why'd you get her ice cream?" Nat asks as she hands him the bag back.

"Because I'm a caring bo—est friend," Bucky says. Nat rolls her eyes. "And she told me she'd beat me up if I didn't," Bucky adds to make it more believable.

"Yea that's sounds about right. Well, I gotta go track down Steve and annoy him. Kiss y/n for me," Nat says with a wink before walking away.

Bucky walks into your room and closes the door behind him. He sets the bag down and pulls the pregnancy test out of his pocket. "What's in the bag?" You ask as you take the test from him.

"I got you ice cream," Bucky says.

"I love you," you say. He smiles and kisses you. "I love you too," he says.

You turn around to walk to the bathroom, but Bucky catches your arm and spins you around. He kisses you and you pull away. "What was that for?"

"Natasha. She asked me to kiss you for her," he says.

"I mean, is she wants to kiss me herself—"

"Go take the test," Bucky says. You giggle.

A few seconds later, you call Bucky in. He opens your bathroom door and sees you sitting down on the floor. Your test is resting on toilet paper on the sink counter. Bucky sits next to you on the ground.

"How long do you have to wait?" He asks.

"Two minutes," you reply. Bucky nods and you lay your head on his shoulder. He turns his head and kisses the top of your head softly.

Two minutes go by and you stand up to look at it. Two pink lines show on it and you feel your heartbeat pick up. You grab the box to make sure that means positive.

Tears weld in your eyes as you look at Bucky. He pulls you into him and you softly cry. "Doll, if you don't wanna keep it, you don't have too," he says.

"Do you wanna keep it?" You ask as you look at him.

"I don't wanna answer that question because I don't want you to decide what to do because of what I want," he says.

"I need to know cause I don't wanna get rid of it if you don't," you say.

"Doll, if you wanna have this baby, then I'll be happy to have it with you and I'll support you through all of it. And if you don't wanna have this baby, I'll support you through that too. I'll stand by you through the whole thing and hold your hand every step of it," he say.

"I wanna keep it," you say. Bucky smiles widely at you which triggers your own smile. "You do?" He asks. You nod and he hugs you.

"I'm gonna be a daddy," he says. You smirk at him. "You already are—"

"Y/n," he says and you close your mouth. You keep smiling at each other before it dawns upon you. "What're we gonna tell my brother?" You ask, "he's the reason we're dating in secret."

"I'm sure Tony will be happy he's gonna be an uncle," Bucky says. You look at him with a worried expression.

"You're what?" Tony asks loudly.

"Pregnant, I'm pregnant," you say. He stares at you in shock. You decided to tell him over dinner with everyone, so that when you revealed Bucky to be the father, Tony would be stopped pretty quickly if he tried to hurt Bucky.

"Who's the father?" Tony asks, "some dude you met at the bar and decided to have unprotected sex with. Does he even know you're pregnant?"

"Yes he does know, and no I didn't meet him at a bar," you say.

"So, who is it?" He asks.

Bucky takes your hand in his under the table and softly draws circles on the back of your hand. You know he's nervous. Only a fool wouldn't be.

You and Bucky look at each other and smile softly. "No!" Tony shouts. You both look over at him. "No! No god! Please no! No! Nooooooo!" He shouts.

Drama queen.

"Oh shit," Clint chuckles as the realization hits him.

"Tony this is good," you say.

"Good? You think sleeping with Bucky is good. Look where it got you," he says.

"Hey! I'm happy about this and he is too. We aren't just sleeping together, we're dating," you blurt out.

"What!?" Tony screeches.

"I love him, Tony," you say.

"And I love her," Bucky says.

"Shit just got real," Sam says.

You stand up and walk over to Tony. "I know this is a lot to take in. I should've told you about me and Bucky sooner, but I was gonna before I found out I was pregnant. Look on the bright side of this, you're gonna be uncle Tony," you say.

He tries hard not to, but a smile breaks through on his lip. "Uncle Tony," he repeats. You nod. He looks at Bucky. "Thanks for impregnating my sister," he says before hugging you.

You pull away and Bucky walks over to you. He takes you in his arms and does what he's always wanted to do, kiss you in front of everyone.

You giggle when you hear a mixture of awes and gags among the group.

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