Chapter 1 - Travels

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(Bold, italic words = Creeper language)

There is a breeze. That's new. Only yesterday was it summer, with flush forests and animals all over. Now, there are fallen leaves everywhere and a breeze that left a chill in my bones.

Letting out a sigh, I get up and start to crawl out from under the tree I slept under. Once I'm out, I go to crack my back, letting out a small hiss from the stiffness before I proceed to look through the bare branches to see the rising sun. It looks so close that I subconsciously reach out to it in wonder, before remembering that today was my designated traveling day. That doesn't stop me from admiring my green speckled (skin color) arms, though.

I occasionally like to admire the green flecks of color that cover my whole body, but are most apparent at my joints and knuckles. In some ways, the flecks gather together in a scale-like fashion, which creates cool designs since they somehow reflect light. After picking up my supplies I walk over to the pond in a nearby clearing, I observe the collection of flecks that concentrate on the corners of my face, cheeks, and tips of my pointed ears.

There was a time before when I hated these flecks, one of the signs that I'm a Creeper hybrid, and tried to scrape them off. I even have a few scars from when I actually ripped off skin. Thankfully, ever since I ran away 7 years ago, I've slowly recovered my mental health and came to love my features. It was a long process where I almost died a few times, intentional and unintentional, but I met others who helped me.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I quickly splash some water on my face, pick up my stuff, and start my trek to a new location. I used to settle down for months at a time, but in the last few years normal humans have taken a greater dislike to hybrids, which means a lot of places don't welcome me for more than a couple days. So now I'm sticking to a nomadic lifestyle, and restocking only when I have to.

Letting out a huff I look up and see the mountains ahead that I plan to pass over. I take a second to look at my clawed hands and feet.

"Hmm. This'll take a bit, not to mention that I'll have to resharpen my claws after this."


After a few days, I'm on the other side of the mountain range and am about to enter a winter zone.

"Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have consistent seasons, then I wouldn't have to continually carry every type of clothing on me, at all times."

Over time, with the lack of social interaction and need for entertainment, I've grown a habit of talking to myself. Doesn't matter how dull it is, or if it's something made up, I'll just talk to myself in my original language, that of the Creepers. I can speak a little English of course, because of my old friends, but my vocal chords are primarily made for the Creeper language. Therefore, while I'm able to communicate with humans, it takes me a bit to form a sentence that will heavily pronounce any s's and z's.

By this time, I'm now walking through a forest of snow-covered Spruce trees. I quickly look around me to see if there are any tell-tale signs of life and pause when I see a plume of smoke rising in the distance.

"There's only one, so it's probably not a village. Could be a family living in a cottage. Hmm. Should I check it out? Yeah, why not. I'll probably be able to get a lay of the land from then, so that I can avoid any nearby villages."

Having made up my mind, I start walking towards the smoke before eventually coming to a clearing that holds a cottage near in the middle of it. It's a surprisingly well-built and fancy cottage that looks more like two buildings connected with a bridge that hangs over a pond. There are a couple polar bears outside guarding the house, causing me to hesitate on approaching. From the look of it, there's a stable on the side that should contain a horse, although there isn't one there at the moment. The owner, or maybe owners, are probably out, which means I should wait and see who could possibly live here.

I decide to climb a tree a few feet inside the treeline and wait for whoever lives here to come back.

Taking my sketchbook out of my inventory, I start journaling and sketching different things that I've seen on my travels throughout the past few days in order to kill time.

A few hours later I hear the sound of snow crunching from a distance away, courtesy of my pointed ears that allow me to have a much higher degree of hearing than that of humans. I quickly tuck my sketchbook away into my inventory, and shift into a vantage point of the cottage.

Within a minute I see two figures come out of the woods, one of which is on a horse. I focus in on the closer and older of the two, and notice the man is a crow hybrid with black wings, one of which looks broken, that he seems to use like a cloak over his green clothes. It's hard to notice any features since he's facing the other, while wearing a green and white striped hat that covers his blonde hair. Switching my focus to one on the horse, I tilt my head in slight confusion. This one is a little harder to identify since he could be a piglin or pig hybrid. Either way, for some reason he is dressed in what looks like black boots, loose gray slacks, a white blouse, and a long red cape. His facial features are a little more recognizable since he is facing my way. The long pink hair somewhat covers them, but I can see what looks like pig ears, hence the pig hybrid. The tusks coming out of his mouth are what makes me think he is most likely a piglin hybrid. Both looked somewhat familiar, but I couldn't place where I could remembered them from so I decided to leave it be for another day.

Of course, my cover doesn't last long as the pinkette suddenly stops and looks over in my direction before leaning over to whisper something to the blonde. After jumping off of his horse, I see him walk in my direction while drawing a netherite sword.

As I start wondering what to do, I can't help but whisper "Oh come on. I really don't feel like dealing with hostile people right now" to myself. But despite my dislike of the upcoming confrontation, I decide that climbing down the tree to face the hybrid would result in a better outcome than running away, and start shifting into a position to climb down the tree.

Once I reach the bottom, I see the hybrid about 6 feet (Ahahaha. Social Distancing Boooiiiiis!!), and put my hands in the air to show that I'm not holding a weapon.

Staring me down the pinkette asks, "What are you doing here, and what do you want".

Noting his bored, monotone voice, I decide to answer as best I can.

"I wassss trav-velinng by, and tho-ught to ssssstop by a-and sssssee if who-ev-ver liv-ved here had a map of the placccce. Didn't want to intrude ssssso I tho-ught it wo-uld be bet-ter if I waited."

He paused for a second after listening to me before replying, "I won't invite you inside but I'll have Phil help you out", as he slightly jerks his head towards the nearby blonde that was waiting.

My eyes widen after hearing that name, recognizing it as the nickname of one of my old friends.

Before he has the opportunity to fully turn away I quickly ask him, "Wa-it. By Phil, yo-u wou-ldn't hap-pen to me-an Philz-za Minecraft, wo-uld yo-u?!"

Readjusting his weight to look back at me, he says "Yeah. His name is Philza Minecraft. Why?"

Hearing that, I immediately shift the weight from the heels of my feet to the claws and take off towards Phil, while shouting his name out.

"Phil!! Oh my go-odnessssss. It'ssssss be-en sssssso long!!!"

He quickly tenses up, before recognizing me by my voice and Creeper features. He then starts laughing and pulls me into a hug when I reach him.

"Y/n?! What are you doing here?! I haven't seen you in years, mate!"

"Yeah! I know! It'sssss be-en ssssso long Phil! I misssssed you a lot!"

We spend a solid minute or two catching up, not noticing a confused pinkette watching from the side.

"Oh, Y/n, I forgot to introduce you.", he says and he slightly turns before pointing at said pinkette, "This here is Techno. His full name is Techno Blade, but he'll probably be fine with you calling him Techno. Techno, this is Y/n. She's an old friend that I took care of a few years ago."


"Ah, hel-lo!"

"Anyways, Y/n, what brings you to this neck of the woods?"

(A/N: So did you guys like it?! Hope you did. I can't guarantee an exact upload schedule but I should be uploading at least once every 2 or 3 days. Also this was 1567 words. Quite long for my first chapter.)

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