Chapter 5 - The Prank

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It's the day before my "date" with Sam, and I'm already amped. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm doing nothing. I've been avoiding Wilbur, since he noticed what was missing almost right away. He's tried to ask me about it so many times, but I've slipped away before he was able to elaborate. Each time. Oh boy is he gonna be ticked when he finds out that Sam only took it because I dared him to.

Talking about Wilbur, he's right there. Seeing Wilbur cross over L'Manhole is surprisingly scary when he is on a mission.

"Y/n!!! I swear, if you don't wait for me to get to you and instead run off, I will get Philza involved!"

Aaaaaaw. So cute. The boy's so mad he's going to go cry to his dad.

"Why wo-uld I do that, Wilbur? Of co-urse I'll wait. Anything for yo-u Wilbur <3."

"What the heck. Anyways, I really do have something to ask you. Do you have anyth-"

My notifications start to go crazy, and I look at my chat to see that Sam is asking to talk to me.

"Ah, ssssssssorry Wilbur but I'll have to ssssstop yo-u there. Ssssssam issssss wanting to talk to me, and sssssssayssssss it'ssssss very important."

"Ugh. Fine, but I really do have to ask you something."

I reply, "Ssssso-undsssss go-od, Wilbur. Ssssse-e yo-u tomorrow", and immediately start walking at a fast pace while pulling up Discord to call Sam.

"Hey, Ssssssam. What did yo-u ne-ed?"

"Hello, Y/n. Sorry if I interrupted something you were doing."

Haha. Well, you did, but it actually helped me! (A/N: Straight italics are thoughts)

"Anyways, Y/n, I have a question for you regarding tomorrow."

** Time skip to next day because heeeeeeeeey, I don't know what to do with Sam's call **

"Did yo-u bring it, Ssssssam?"

"Yep. Was able to get around with Wilbur not seeing me, too."

"Go-od, go-od. Give it here."

The sun was starting to rise, and Sam and I were already getting ready to prank Wilbur.

Poor Sam. I'm such a bad influence on him.

We spent half an hour setting up some Redstone, perks of Sam, before putting everything in place. Once we finished, we climbed the nearby vines to get on top of the old obsidian build above L'Manhole.

"Hey Y/n, what do we do if someone other than Wilbur triggers the prank?"

"Then we get an even better la-ugh. Don't worry, tho-ugh, there'sssssss no do-ubt that Wilbur will be the one to trigger it."

Right after I say that I see Ranboo come into view and walk near the tripwire that triggers our prank, causing me to whisper, "Oh come on. Shoo away Ranboo."

"Wait. You know Creeper, Y/n?"

"Uh, yeah. Wait. You know it too?! I thought I was the only one. Guess it makes sense though since we're both Creeper hybrids. This is so cool."

"How do you know it?"

"It's my first language."

"That's interesting. We'll have to talk about this later."

"Sounds good, Sam."

As the surprise starts to wear off and I turn back to look at Ranboo, I see that he's already looking at me.

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