Chapter 7 - love advice

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A/N: Light swearing in this chapter. Shouldn't be a problem, just thought I should put a warning.

"Come on Y/N, just tell Sam you like him!"

"Wilbur. I don't think yo-u're in a possssssiti-on to give me love advicccce."

"Well, who else is going to do it if not me!!"

"I don't know. Philza? Anywaysssss, yo-u have a terrible passsst with love ssssssso jusssst sssstop."

"How would you know? As far as you're concerned I could have an amazing love life."

"Wilbur, yo-u were topped by a ssssssalmon, who had a fox hybrid ssssson that yo-u haven't talked to for a long time. Alssssso, Philza told me."

"How could he?!"

"Well don't give him bad thingsssss to talk abo-ut."

"For fucks sake, Y/N!! I swear to God if we were a family you would be the favorite child!"

"No, that'sssss Techno."

"Eh, true."

Turning around, I looked at Techno's cottage and then to Ranboo's house a little farther away.

"Do yo-u think Ranbo-o wo-uld give go-od adviccccce? He issssss marri-ed after all."

"That's probably a good idea. I think he's in Snowchester right now with Tubbo and Micheal."

"Hm. I don't know where that isssss, do yo-u?"

"Yeah, I do. Here, I'll show the way there."

"So-unds go-od."

I then got up, helped Wilbur up, and followed him outside towards the Nether Portal.

** Timeskip to convo with Ranboo because we love the boo and his family **

Following Ranboo into Micheal's room, I see him (Micheal) playing with a stuffed chicken toy.

"Aaaaw. I've never he'sssssss sssssso cute!!"

"Hehe. He sure is. Sorry that we had to move in here. I just don't want him to feel lonely since Tubbo had to leave."

"Don't worry, it'ssss all go-od."

"That's good. Anyways, back to the topic. You want love advice from me since I'm married and have a family right?"


"Well, don't expect much from me. Tubbo and I are platonically married, so we're more or less just really close friends."

A/N: Just to clarify. It was mentioned during some of Ranboo's/Tubbo's streams that they did fall in love after marrying each other, but I'm very sure that was supposed to be a joke, especially since neither are really comfortable with being shipped (from what I've read). I continue to believe/headcanon that they are just platonically married. If you believe otherwise and wish to say so, please supply evidence, and I'll be sure to change it.

"That'ssssss fine. Um, how did yo-u two get married."

"Well, we actually got married for tax reasons in the beginning. Eret had started to tax people, and so we decided that if we got married, we would have to pay less. Afterward, we then found Micheal and decided to adopt him. Not really romantic."

"Hm. That makessss sssenssse. Any advicccce for me, in termsssss of confesssssssing to Sssssam?"

"Maybe have many different plans for the different scenarios you can think of. For example, if he likes you too, then clarify on if he wants to date you and so on. If he asks for time to think, give him a few days, but don't expect much. As for rejection, well probably go to Phil for that. I don't think I could do much to comfort you after a rejection."

After listening to that, I took a second to think.

"Sssssho-uld I try to tessssst him firsssssst? I've be-en flirting with him for a while and he doesssss tend to get flusssstered, but that co-uld just be the whole 'OMG I'M NE-AR A FEMALE!!!!' thing."

"Hmmmmm. Well, I don't have much for that. I mean, feel free to try and feel it out some more if you want. Just don't delay too long, or he might think you're actually toying with him."

"Thisssss isssss why I like coming to yo-u for adviccccce Ranbo-o!! Wilbur wo-uld never be able to give me sssssolid advicccce like thissss."

"You give me too much credit, Y/n."

"Nope. Accept my love and thanksss!!!"

"I refuse."

"But Raaaaaanbooooooooo!!!"

*Sigh* "Fine."


"This is the last time though."

"Heheheheheh. Don't be to-o ssssssure Ranbo-o. Assss far asssss yo-u're conccccerned, I co-uld have a sssssecret trick to make yo-u acccccept my love and thankssss."


"Don't worry tho-ugh Ranbo-o, I'd never do anything to actu-ally hurt yo-u!"

"Well isn't reassuring."

"Heeeey! Drop the ssssarcassssm!"

"Yeah, when pigs fly."

"Oh, in that casssse let me quick call Techno."

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