Chapter 3 - Meeting our Soft Boi ;)

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It's been a week or so since I met Ranboo and Will and finally agreed to go out to see L'Manburg and visit the people living there. I met most of the people from L'Manburg and the surrounding towns within that time, but not all. There are two specifically that I'm hesitant to meet, the Warden and his prisoner. I'm not sure how to feel about this pair, especially since I've heard that the Warden, Sam, has cut off Ponk's hand just for stealing a book. As for the prisoner, Dream, I've already dealt with manipulation in my past and don't want to go through it again. Apparently, there's a rumor that he escaped along with Technoblade, but Techno said that Sam is probably just protecting him from Quackity.

Surprisingly enough Techno, Philza, Tommy, and Wilbur all refuse to go see the two with me. Some things about being either killed or hated by at least one of the two men. Tubbo has agreed to take me though, and that's what we're doing right now.

(A/N: I'm writing this after Techno's prison break with Philza, so Techno doesn't want to reveal himself to Sam or anyone who could report him to Quackity)

After walking through L'Manburg with Tubbo, I start to see a huge obsidian build that doesn't match the surroundings at all.

"I'm gu-essssssssing that'ssssss it, Tubbo?"

"Yep! That's the prison Y/n"

After a couple more minutes, we get to the gates of the prison and stop. Tubbo then pulls up one of his screens and asks Sam to get on a VC.


"Hi Sam!"

"Hi Tubbo."

"Hey Sam. I've brought the new member of the server to meet you and Dream. Can she come in?"

"She won't be able to meet Dream at the moment, so I can't let her in for safety precautions. I can come out to meet her though."

"Ok! See you soon."

Tubbo quickly disconnected from the VC before turning towards me and giving a small double thumbs-up.

"Sam will be out soon, shouldn't take too long."

"Ok, thank yo-u Tubbo."

A few minutes pass and I see a very tall man start to exit the prison. Just from his height alone, I can tell he isn't a human but a hybrid. I try to focus on his features more, but he is wearing a gas mask that covers his lower face. I do see that he has black eyes with red irises. As his green hair sways slightly, I also notice that his ears are pointed and freckled, like mine

After observing him for a little longer, he finally stops in front of us and looks at Tubbo.

"I'm assuming this is the new member."

"Yep. Sam meet Y/n. Y/n this is Sam, the Warden."

"Nice to me-et yo-u, Sam."

"Nice to meet you too, Y/n. You look to be a hybrid. Would you mind telling me what type?"

As I reply, "I'm a Cre-eper hybrid. What type are yo-u?" I see him nod his head slightly as if he had already guessed my hybrid type. With that he then goes to take off his gas mask, (A/N: do any of you know whether Awesamdude is right or left-handed? If so please tell me so I can take note of it) before replying "I'm also a Creeper hybrid". I then see that he has almost all of the same features as me (A/N: there is not a lot on how his character would look like irl, so I'm giving him the same stuff as us [ex. claws, eyes, ears, flecks, etc]), the only real difference being that he doesn't seem to have an accent like me.

I can't help but stare in awe, taking in his features, especially his freckles and Black Holes (remember, the mouth holes). My hands twitch a little bit as I fight the urge to touch his face and see if it really is like mine.

He probably saw my hands move since he crouches slightly before saying, "Go ahead."

*cough cough soft boi cough cough*

Not even giving myself a chance to second-guess, I immediately touch his cheeks and rub my thumbs over his freckles. I notice that not only does he have a mix of different shades of green, but he also has a few black freckles. I run my fingers over their scale-like pattern, slowly following them back. Slowly moving his hair, which I could swear was as soft as Steve's fur and that is saying a lot, I take a few seconds to admire his ears before returning to his face. This time I focus on his Black Holes, being careful not to poke into them since that could hurt him and instead slightly rubbing and stretching the skin around them.

After another minute of admiring his features, I tilt my head down and quietly whisper "Such a shame to hide such handsome features behind a mask" as I pull away. Having said it quietly in Creeper dialect, I expect no one to have heard or understood.

"Why thank you, Y/n. I'm"

With that my face snaps back up to his, surprise showing on my face.

"You can understand me?!"



At this, Sam chuckles before slowly putting his mask back on and turning to Tubbo, who I had forgotten was there. So embarrassing.

"Thanks, Tubbo for bringing her so that I could meet her."

"Anytime, Sam"

With this, he turns to me and chuckles before saying, "Feel free to come back and visit anytime Y/n. I'd be happy to talk to you again. Hopefully, you won't feel a need next time to admire my hybrid features, though."

At that, I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks, and start to tilt my head down in a feeble attempt to hide it.

"Y-ye-ah. I'll be back. Um, sssssse-e yo-u next time, Sam."

I quickly wave goodbye as I turn to head back to Techno and Phil's house, jogging to catch up with Tubbo, who had wandered off to look at a nearby bee. On my way, I notice my heart is beating like crazy, and my stomach is queasy in a way that I've never felt before. I decide to leave it be though, chalking it up to it being nervous since I've finally met another Creeper hybrid.

(A/N: 1064 words, my friends. Not as long as the first chapter, but longer than the second. Hope you enjoyed, and I'll have the next up soon. BYYYYYYYE :) )

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