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HEEEEEY! Decided it would probably be smart to actually have a chapter to hash out details on our character, others, and any warnings/differences.

So, about us. We are a Creeper hybrid. Honestly, this idea is inspired by someone else's continued story, which I really wanted to try out with my own storyline. Anyways, here's some details on us.

First off, we be female. Sorry, any males, nonbinaries, etc but I am inexperienced with that sort of thing, and writing a female character is most comfortable to me.


Normal Feature, woo:

- Hair: so I'm gonna leave the hair be, so you get to keep your hair as long or short as you want. I do want to add green tips to the ends of our hair, but feel free to ignore that if you don't want it.

- Eyes: oh boi. I'm going to make the whites of our eyes black, but your irises will stay the same. The same goes for Awesamdude. As the Warden, I'm just gonna make it so his eyes are black with red irises since I've seen and read many different ideas of what his eyes would look like.

- Skin: I'm leaving our skin be, so I will just write it as (skin color).

Green flecks/speckles/freckles (whatever you want to call them): these are green dots all over our body; they clump together in scale-like formations, which have higher concentrations in areas around our joints and knuckles (ex. elbows, knees, finger knuckles, etc); they are also concentrated at the tips of our ears (which are pointed), cheeks, and corners of our face

Mouth (won't be mentioned for a bit): so we have a normal human looking mouth, for the most part; our teeth are sharpened, but not pointed like a shark's; I wanna imagine that we have a long, somewhat pointed, tongue but you can decide differently; we also have two black pits on our cheeks, which I'll refer to as our Black Holes (might rename later on)

Black Holes: In the middle of the cheek; There's just no skin or muscle there, creating another opening to the mouth; these will have a small pathway in them that connect to the main mouth, but the muscles will generally keep this pathway closed; they act as a way to make explosions for us, kinda like the Bombardier Beetle but bigger and deadlier; 

Claws: awwww yeah, we have claws!!! 

- Hands (above is how I think our claws would look like, but it's up to you): so our hands do have the normal five fingers; instead of having the normal round edges and nails, our fingers themselves are claws (kinda like talons or a dog's feet); I...

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- Hands (above is how I think our claws would look like, but it's up to you): so our hands do have the normal five fingers; instead of having the normal round edges and nails, our fingers themselves are claws (kinda like talons or a dog's feet); I'm gonna have our claws begin after our 3rd knuckle (closest to the edge of our fingers); just as a design for imagery, I'm gonna have our green freckles start concentrating at our first knuckle, and keep on getting closer until the claws, which will be solid green

- Feet (this is a little harder to imagine, probably for you and me): so we have four-toed feet; The toes themselves will now be claws, kinda like a dinosaur's; exact same freckle pattern/style as your hands; I won't change our foot size, so you may keep your original size

Accent/Speaking: since we are a Creeper hybrid we heavily pronounce s's and z's (since we hiss) when we speak; since our vocal chords aren't the same as a human's we also have a hard time with sounds that come from the back of our throat, which would be double voweled words (ex. thought, brought, dough, soon, etc.)

Oh yes, and height. Almost forgot that we should know our height. I'm going to put us at about 6 feet and 4 inches. Creepers are supposed to be about 6 feet from what I've read, although Awesamdude is a whole 7 feet and 4 inches. So go us, we're taller than most characters but still a whole foot shorter than Awesamdude.

I'm trying to think of other details that might be necessary throughout the story, but I can't think of any, so feel free to comment on any details you would like me to go in-depth about

Also, important info on how Minecraft works in my story. It's kind of like VR, from what I know at least. So in this story, Minecraft is the real world to the characters and it contains servers. Admins/Gods can go in and out of the servers, as well as make their own, while the characters themselves can't (Dreamxd is the Admin/God of DreamSMP, while Dream is just a character). Characters can move between servers and/or leave servers with the approval of Admins, which is rare. Now onto the VR aspect. Characters still have their normal inventory, armor display, and recipe crafting display on crafting tables, furnace display, etc. This just makes it easier for me as a writer, and I think it'll make more sense for readers but feel free to tell me if you think otherwise. Anyways, I'll also include the idea of a bundle (look it up if you don't know what it is) since I don't want to have to wait for the 1.18 update to come out before I can use it. Also, simple plot differences from the original L'manburg plot. I'm going to have L'manburg rebuilt in L'manhole. Characters that were members of L'manburg and are now members of different nations/groups/or whatever, will now be members of both.

Backstory: Hahahaha, you guys aren't getting this yet. I have yet to actually make it yet, and will only put it in the story.


This is my first time making a full-fledged story and that I won't really be following the plot and lore. I will include certain events, like the bombing of L'Manberg and Dream's imprisonment, but otherwise, I will set things up as I need them. I also won't perfectly follow certain characters, since I will need them to be a certain way for our character development. I don't own any of the characters from the Dream SMP (obviously), so these are just my interpretations of the characters.

I don't think this will have lemon, but I'm also not at that point yet, so I'll probably leave it up to readers as I continue to write this story.

Just pointing this out, but I for the life of me, can't find Awesamdude's ideas on fanfics and shipping. My current website that I use to see people boundaries, is , which doesn't include him. If any of you find something, please share it with me, and have proof please.

There were probably be swearing in this story, considering that some streamers like Tommy swear quite often and it would be out of character for them not to.

All artwork used is not mine. I find it online, so please don't give me the credit unless I explicitly say that I made it.

Also, this is all unedited. I'm writing it as I go, and will eventually start writing a chapter ahead so that I can review it. So please, don't expect pro work that contains no grammar errors, this is a hobby for me that I want to share with you since you might enjoy my work.

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