Chapter 4 - Once is never enough

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Once is never enough. Only a few days have passed, and I am already twitching to see the Creeper hybrid, despite having embarrassed myself when we first met. My stomach even twists every time I think of him and our first meeting.

Kicking a pebble, I cross over L'Manhole in order to get to the prison where Sam is.

"This is going to be a problem for me, isn't it? Oh well, hopefully we can become friends."

Eventually I start to see the black walls of the prison, and pull up the chat so I can message Sam.

"Hey, Sam. Are you free to meet up right now? I don't have anything to do and am near the prison." (A/N: Italics with parentheses will be chat unless otherwise stated)

It didn't take long before I heard a ding to signify an incoming message from Sam saying that he's busy but can come out to meet up in about 30 minutes.

"Ok, I'll wait nearby then. See you in 30."

With that, I head over to the water next to the prison and start to fish because... well... why not?

After 30 minutes of reeling in fish, sticks, and plenty of useless stuff, I get a message from Sam saying he's finished.

"I'm right outside, fishing. I'll be right up to join you."

"No, that's fine Y/n. I'll come down to join you, and we can hang out there."

After sending my reply, "Ok, sounds good then." I cast my rod another few times to see what I get. It doesn't take long before I start to hear the sound of footsteps. Of course, I don't bother to turn around since I know it's Sam.

"So what have you caught so far?"

"Not much. Sssssticksssss, a tripwire ho-ok, ssssssome le-ather, and fisssssh, of co-urssssse."

"Nothing out of the ordinary then?"

"Nope. Anywaysssss, how have yo-u be-en Ssssssssam?"

"I've been ok. Nothing out of the usual, being the Warden and all. Dream has been a little rebeliant, though, so I'm afraid you won't be able to meet him any time soon. Anyways, how have you been?"

"I've be-en well. And don't worry, I don't ne-ed to me-et Dre-am right away. I'm fine with wa-iting."

As I answer, Sam sits down next to me and pulls out his own fishing rod.

"Is it ok if I join you?"

"Definitely. Want to make a bet on who can get the besssssssst catch?"

"Sure, that sounds fun."

** Time skip brought to you by my inability to come up with ideas topics and fatigue **

It's been about 5 hours now that Sam and I have spent together. Sam ended up winning the fishing game, since he got not only a name tag but also a Protection 4 Enchantment Book, which he said was almost useless to him. Afterwards, we ended up playing different games like 20 questions, tests of ability in pvp, and truth or dare. Truth or dare started out pretty dull, but quickly got competitive. Sam actually dared me to go up to a Techno and act like a Creeper for 10 minutes. Poor Techno was so confused and multiple times, either attacked me or ran away. Of course, I had to get back at Sam for that. Now I'm waiting for him to get back from my most recent dare.

After waiting another 5 minutes I see Sam coming towards me.

"Yo-u got it?"

"Yeah. You do realize Wilbur is going to be angry when he realizes it's missing, right?"

"Mhm. That'ssssss the whole po-int!"

Letting out a sigh, Sam slowly shakes his head.

"Well anyways, it's time for me to go, Y/n. Sorry that we have to cut off here, but I've been away from the prison for too long, even if it is an inescapable prison. I'd be happy to continue this next time though."

"Don't worry, Sssssam. I undersssssstand. How wo-uld thre-e dayssssss from now sssssso-und? That way yo-u co-uld prepare for sssssssspending the whole day o-ut."

"That should be able to work. I'll message you if it doesn't though."

"Ok. Ssssssse-e yo-u ssssso-on then, Ssssssam!"

"See you soon, Y/n."

(A/N: 694 words. Sorry that this one is so short. This week was quite busy for me, and I kept forgetting to finish the chapter and upload it. I hope you all enjoyed it. The next chapter will probably be about us hanging with Sam again. My main goal at this moment is to build a relationship with Sam, and have us hang out a lot, and not as much explain what we do, hence the 5-hour skip.)

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