Chapter 2 - Meeting the Son and Friend

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(A/N: I'm trying to include different character heights, but some characters haven't said their canonical height, or there are just sites that say different info, so sorry if my info is wrong)

I've been with Techno and Phil for a couple days now, with Phil trying to convince me to check out. He especially wants me to check out the nearby town, L'manburg, since apparently that's the main town in the area. He also says his 3 adopted sons (A/N: Techno refuses the SBI family headcanon for DSMP, so I'm only having Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur. I don't know their thoughts on the family headcanon, so I'm just putting them in.), are citizens there. Apparently the two of them are also hybrids, ram and racoon, which inclines me to want to check it out.

I chop another log into quarters, thinking about my choice, when I hear two male voices from the forest. I know it can't be Techno or Phil since they're inside, so I brandish my enchanted Netherite axe towards where I heard the sound from. Waiting a second, I finally see them come out of the forest.

The first is a tall (about 6 and a half feet), human brunette, who has a white hair streak, with a red beanie on. For some reason, he's wearing black jeans and sneakers with a brown jacket over a yellow wool shirt. It makes me question his fashion choices for a second, but hey I'm not him.

The second was a weird type of hybrid I've never seen before, who towers at least 8 feet. Half of him is black skin with black hair and a green eye. The other half is a grayish white with white hair and a red eye. Not to mention that for some reason he's wearing a black suit with a white undershirt and red tie. Not to mention, a WHOLE DANG C R O W N !!!!!!!! Why? Just why? He even has a tail?!

Slightly lowering my axe, I can't help but mutter "Goodness, am I jealous. He's a cat hybrid isn't he? Although that doesn't describe his height. Hmp, wish I had a tail.", to myself as I watch them get closer.

At this point, they have noticed me and started walking in my direction. The tall hybrid even tilted his head when he noticed me. HE'S A FREAKING CAT!!!

As they get closer, the shorter of the two asks, "Hello. Who are you? I'm Wilbur and this is Ranboo."

I take a second to think of a short and easy response. "My name issss Y/n."

"Nice to meet you, Y/n. Can you tell me why you're here? I'm guessing you know Phil and Techno, since you're out here chopping wood."

"Yessss, I know them. Old fri-endsssss. I travel and came acrossssss them a few dayssss ago."

"Huh, that's cool. I'm guessing you're a hybrid, like my friend Ranboo, here. What type are you, if you mind me asking?"

"Cre-eper. More Cre-eper than human."

At this, Ranboo chimed in, "Oh, that's cool! I'm half enderman. I don't know what my second half is, but so far it seems like my enderman half is my dominant side", as he points to his black side.

"Oh. I tho-ught yo-u were a cat hybrid, conssssssidering yo-ur ta-il and man-nerisssssmssssss."

"Yeah, I've had that before. People usually think my white side is from a cat, but I don't think so."

At this I nodded, before asking "Ssssssso why are yo-u two here?"

"Oh, Phil recently forced Ranboo and I to hang out, so we were coming back from that. We also live here with Phil and Techno. See the second newer house of the cabin" Wilbur says as he points towards the cabin, "that one's technically mine. And over there" he shifts to point over to a house extending out of the nearby mountain, which I haven't explored yet, "is Ranboo's house. We both another set of houses, not to mention that Ranboo here has his husband and son over in Snowchester."

At this, I nod and turn to start walking back to the cabin.

Once I step through the front doors, I call out, "Hey Phil and Techno. Two men cal-led Wilbur and Ranbo-o are here. Sa-id they were done hanging o-ut."

At this I see Phil start to climb up from the basement, with Techno following him.

"Thanks Y/n. I'm guessing they introduced themselves to you, since you know their names. I'll do a quick intro from my view." As he gestures to Wilbur, Phil surprised me by saying, "Wilbur is my oldest adopted son. He recently came back, and has been living with Techno and I for a little bit now." Shifting to point at Ranboo, he says, "And this is Ranboo, who has lived with Techno and I ever since his original home was destroyed in one of L'manburg's wars."

After, Phil's quick reintroduction of him and Ranboo, Wilbur steps forward and starts to ask, "So Y/n. Have you been to L'manburg yet? It's such a nice place, I can't imagine that you haven't."

"No. I'm ssssstil-l thinking on it. Phil hasssss be-en trying to convinccccce me tho-ugh."

"That's right, mate. Ya see, Y/n here is an old friend of mine who only showed up in the area a few days ago. I've been trying to get her to check out L'manburg and a few other places, to see if she likes them. That way she'll finally be able to settle down, despite being a Creeper hybrid."

"Phil. I told you before, that I'm nomadic for a re-assssson."

"Yes you have. And I'm ignoring that reason."

At this point Wilbur had starting laughing, before finally joining Phil in trying to get me to visit L'manburg.

(A/N: This one was shorter, since I was only focusing on a short time frame. 969 words)

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