Chapter 8 - a confession

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After months of planning and asking others for advice, I finally confessed to Sam.


"Yeah, Y/n?"

"Do yo-u like flowersssss?"

"Um. Yeah."

"Do yo-u like fireworksssss?"

"Yeah, I do."

"What abo-ut me?"

"Yeah, I like you Y/n."

"Yay. That'sssss go-od to know, beca-usssse *pulls out flower* I like yo-u to-o Sssssam. Romantically."


"Wo-uld yo-u date me?"

"I'd love to, Y/n."

A/N: So that's it for this story. Sorry if the ending seems rushed and short, I couldn't think of anything else to add in and I didn't plan on continuing the story after Y/n's confession. Hope you enjoyed.

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