Chapter 6 - le flirting <3

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Sorry guys, it's been two weeks. My social battery died and I had no motivation to do anything, even writing, and then school decided to kick into overdrive. So here's the next chapter. Also, HOW DID I GET 211 READS ON THIS?! I get that it's not a lot, but I was honestly expecting 10, maybe 20, after a month. Thanks so much, and I hope you enjoy Chapter 6. Also, warning that there's a little swearing, but that should be expected.




"I sssssswe-ar Wilbur. If my bo-ok isssssss not in perfect conditi-on after having a FRE-AKING BUCKET OF WATER dunked on me, yo-u are sssssssso go-ing to be de-ad."

I start sprinting at the cackling brunette, drawing my Netherite sword.

"Haha! Oh for f- Oh SHIT! Y/n!! Stay back! I didn't know you had a book on you that you loved this much!"

"Then yo-u ssssssho-uldn't have pranked me with a bucket of water after I opened my do-or!"

"Not my fault you're not observant enough to dodge a bucket of water!"

"Oh ye-ah? Then it mussssst not be my fa-ult when yo-u di-e when my ssssssword sssssomehow SSSSEPARATES YO-UR HE-AD FROM YO-UR BODY!!!!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaah! Y/nnnnnnn!"

As I continue to chase Wilbur around the clearing, I hear Philza start to leave Techno's cabin.




Philza gives Wilbur and I a quick glance before curtly saying, "Sorry mate, but I would prefer not to be in her line of fire", and quickly leaves the clearing to go towards L'Manburg.



** Time skip brought to you by Philza's wings/elytra **

"Turnssss o-ut there wasssss a bucket of water on the top of the do-or, which Wilbur put there of courssssssse. Makessss ssssenssse now, asssss to why the do-or wasssss left ajar. Thankfully my bo-ok was sssssstill able to work. If not, Wilbur might have had to have a sssssecond funeral."

"Well, Y/n, while I can't condone murder, especially when you were the one to start this prank war, which I must point out has been going on for 3 months now, I can understand your madness. And yes, thankfully your book was still intact and usable."

"Wow Sssssssam. It re-ally issssss sssssso like yo-u to be sssssuch a sssssstickler for the rules, even when joking."

"Oh come on, Y/n, my job is to be a warden for criminals, of course I have to stick to the rules."

"Well what abo-ut moralsssss then?"

"Really Y/n? We've been over this before. Anyways, it's quite late now, we should get going."

"Ye-ah. Thanksssssss for hanging o-ut with me aga-in. It'ssssss niccce knowing that yo-u take time o-ut of yo-ur ssssschedule just ssssso that we can hang o-ut."

I continue to stare out at the water for a little longer, admiring the stars and their shimmering reflections, before Sam lightly taps my head and offers me his hand.

"Now come on, my little troublemaker, let's get you home."

He's been calling that since a month after I started the prank war with Wilbur, and despite having two months of exposure to my new nickname, I still get butterflies.

I take his hand before dramatically leaning back to tease, "Haaaah. Fine, Sssssam. Can't let me jusssst enjoy the vi-ew. Noooooo. Inssssste-ad yo-u just have to ru-in the romantic mo-od. Yo-u're such a killjoy, Sssssam."

"And you say I ruin the mood. You're accent makes it really hard to take you seriously, you know."

He then tries to pull me up, but I purposefully go off balance, causing us to topple over, but with him now straddling me, which naturally makes my face start to warm up with a blush that mimics the one now showing on Sam's face.

"Wow Ssssam. Can't even properly pull me up and ke-ep the previoussss mo-od go-ing. Did yo-u misssss the romantic one and want to flirt with me?"

"Ah. Ah - no! Oh, I'm sorry Y/n! I didn't mean to... You did this on purpose didn't you?"

"Aaaaah. My little baby issss sssstarting to grow up!!"

With that Sam gets up and offers me his hand again.

"Haaah. I can't tell whether you're just trying to have fun or mess with me. Either way, don't pull us both down this time."

"Any time... baby (^3-) <3"

"How the he-. You know what. I'm not going to even ask. I don't even know why I'm still surprised."

"Aaaaaw. Don't li-e to yo-ursssself. Yo-u know yo-u love me."

With that I finally let Sam pull me up, before he sighs and mumbles something.

"Aaaaw. You ssssecretly confessssing yo-ur fe-elingssss under yo-ur bre-ath?!"


"Hehe. No ne-ed to cover it up. And don't worry, I wasss joking anywaysssss. Possssssibly."

I then turn and start walking back towards my house.

"Well anywaysssss, ssssse-e yo-u later Ssssam."

"Oh, Y/n. Wa-it up! Is it ok that I walk you home, seeing as it's so late."

"Oooooooooh. Lover boy is making a mooooooooove?! Wow Ssssssam. I'm sssssso pro-ud of yo-u. Finally flirting with me?"


"Aaaaah. To-o bad, ssssssuch a missssed opportunity. Anywayssssss, yesssss. I'd love to for yo-u to walk me home. Just don't expect me to invite you in for the night <3"


(A/N: That's it for tonight everyone. 827 words. Most of it was dialogue, though, so it took up a lot of space. Also, there is a three-month gap from the previous chapter if you didn't pick up on that. You and Sam have gotten much closer, and you may or may not know you have feelings for him. The question is does he feel the same for you, mwhahahahaha.)

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