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Warm small arms were hugging his naked torso as he opened his tired eyes, staring at the wood above that made the shed's roof. He pushed himself up weakly wincing in pain as he moved his head, he gently slid Haru's arm from around him as he shifted to let his feet rest on the floor off the bed, wincing as his bandaged foot relaxed on the wooden floorboards, he watched the dust particles fluttering in the sunlight from the window and the slide door, the soft smell of flowers and morning mist filling his nostrils.
“Hmm~” a tired moan escaped the white bunny behind him as he looked back gently smiling as she pushed herself up tired black eyes shut, rubbing one with her free hand.
'Adorable… As always…'
“Sleep well, Haru?” He asked gently as she looked up and gave a cute small smile, nodding.  She gently scooted over as she slid under his right arm and gently hugged his torso, nuzzling his side.
“I… I was so scared you wouldn't wake up…” she whispered, Louis frowned.
He remembered her face the night before…
Having dragged himself to the gardening club, and basically face planting into the shed.
The way her usually calm face turned to horror, worry, and shock all at once as she ran to him…
“You still didn't tell me what happened…” she said weakly as he gently slid his hand along her ear lovingly looking and at her small frame.
She was wearing the small pinkish white gown she typically wore after they had sex…
Unfortunately, she was only wearing it as her dress got soaked in his blood…
“I know you were attacked, that much is obvious…” she said gently sliding her small palm along his stomach.
“But that doesn't explain what happened fully…” she weakly closed her eyes as she rested her cheek against his stomach almost clinging to him.
He looked up as he thought, frowning, “I…got some news from my Father…” he started.
“He said I… he said he's already arranged a wife for me, to 'pass down my bloodline'… “The small bunny stiffened, and mumbled a shaky, weak 'oh'….
“I don't wish to marry her. And I plan to end it, But… My life's already been planned out f-for me…” he mumbled anxiously.
“Hey…. What did I tell you about thinking that way,” haru replied, sitting up as she gives her soft hand along his cheek, turning him to look back down at her. His cheeks tinted pink, and thankfully his fur hid it.
“I… I know…” he mumbled before she silenced him with a gentle kiss as she gently closed her eyes, before pulling back.
“It'll be ok,” she comforts. Louis slowly shifted, pulling her onto his lap, mostly his good leg as he hugged her close, almost cradling her… Haru always did give the best hugs…
“So, I went out to see you… I was hoping to get all my feelings off my chest…
But I tripped on my way here, and that's when I broke my antler…” he felt her slide a hand up to the broken bone gently. She's always so gentle…
“At the fountain, I was washing the blood off, when I saw a tall figure. I heard a growl and against my better judgment i… my instincts took over… they pounced and…well…” he shakily sighs looking down. Haru gently rubbed his chest, feeling his quickened heartbeat.
“I…before he killed me, I had my gun. It was either shot him, accidentally shot me, or miss. I got both of us ironically…” he chuckled weakly, “I was thinking At that moment that… that i…” he bit his lip, ears lowering.
“That what Bambi?” She gently asked, Louis still didn't know who Bambi was…
Was he from some movie?..
“I needed to tell you something… but it has to wait for the right time, The meteor festival is in two months right?.. I'll tell you then, If I die though I-… I have a journal in my room, under my bed.” He said as he gently grabbed her hands, “it's important Haru…” he gently said.
She stared up at him, before slowly nodding as she gently leaned up, kissing his nose. “Ok, Louis…” she whispered.
“Now let's go check on our clothes” she chirped as she grabbed his hand, before she slid off him and the bed disappearing outside.
He sighs, blushing as he closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. He loves her so much…
Sadly, he was wearing his green jacket during the attack, so despite the cleaned blood from the attack horribly stained all of his clothes…
Haru came back in rubbing the back of her neck, “soooo, the jackets trashed, and the shirts still stained. Luckily for YOU, scatterbrain, you leave a few of your clothes here” she said poking his nose. He blushed, “o-oh…sorry” he said as she rolled her eyes and hit his knee.
“Oh hush idiot, your lucky I hosed you off last night” she said as he nodded. “I'll help you get your broken wrist in the shirt” she said, unbuttoning it as he watched…
“Your so beautiful Haru…” he said as she blushed and huffed “we're already fucking, you don't have to flatter me” she said blushing as she slid the sleeve through his broken arm, he gently cupped her cheek as she stilled looking up at him.
“But I'm not lying or trying to flatter you, you're the most beautiful animal I've met,” he gently said. “Your as gentle as the flowers you take care of” he smiles gently as he made her blush more and glare lightly, “jeez… I'm amazed I was your first with your tongue. Literally and figuratively”.
Louis' eyes widen and his blush grew. Not answering as she went back to helping him.

“You really like Carrots don't you” he asked as he watched her eat the food in a very bunny like way, she hummed chewing and swallowed “yep! It, is, deLICIOUS” she said as she took another bite. Louis smiled gently as he simply poked at his salad staring down at it, in all honesty he didn't eat much… maybe his stomach never grew from childhood, he chuckled at the dark humor.
He frowned, wondering what animal could've attacked him last night…
Had to be someone bigger than him… didn't help all that much, since his low metabolism and sunlight as a child made him incredibly small for a buck.
Being born a runt didn't help…
What kind of teeth did they have again?... he tried remembering how the teeth were. How many there were… The size… but he was cut from thought.

“Those lines on your face from stress!?” 
Louis snapped his head up to see what looked like a hyena pouncing onto a fox, snapping his jaw on the other's arm roughly… the action caused an uproar and feared shrieks.
“Fucking idiots…” Haru mumbled as Louis stared, eyes widening slowly…
That easy?.. that easy for these monsters to snap, just like the adults from his childhood…
Every carnivore just wants to devour him, and some want to fuck him while doing so…
All sickening…
Every single one…
Ripping flesh on his neck, his arm easily shattering…the pained sobs he let out….still unable to let out actual tears… the way his vision faded slowly… The pain as a tall predator kept on top of him, growling-
It took maybe ten seconds for that…what… hyena? To open his jaw wide and clamp right onto the fox's arm, snarling, causing an uproar as all the herbivores gasped in fear.

“STOP IT!!!”
He snapped, body trembling as he panted, ears lowered, eyes wide… before gasping a small but to himself as Haru stared eyes wide in astonishment and shock. Everyone else giving similar reactions…
He heard people whispering about the 'most riches kid in school'…. He hates it…
He gripped the table he was leaning on tighter trembling.
The two carnivores stilled, before the fox managed to free his arm, and started over to the red deer.

“What's this? Little Rich Bitch is trying to butt his scrawny ass into something he isn't WANTED,” the fox growled as Louis stiffened and felt the need of instincts to run, he took a small step back…

But glared annoyed, unlike most herbivores he was use to this feeling. This idiot showing fangs after a murder?...
“We just had a devouring, I don't think it'd be WISE to start bearing your hideous fangs like some monster." He growled. What a fucking moron this fox is.

To his surprise, Other students started chiming in agreement, making the fox's ears to lower back and look around as the other canine grabbed the arm he was just biting on.
“H-hey let's get out of here…” the fox slowly followed snarling angry being dragged off. His glare right at Louis.
He felt his shoulders slump, calming slowly to a more relaxed state, he turned around blushing as Haru gave a proud grin at him.
“Good job Louis!” She said as he sat beside her blushing, nodding shyly.
He shuddered, feeling eyes linger on him, but looking up he saw nothing…


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