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I'll see you tomorrow, Louis! Had to leave early.

♡ Haru~

Louis tiredly rubbed his eyes cheeks warming up a tiny bit at the letter, he gently pushed himself up sliding it in his pockets realizing Haru had fixed his pants for him. He smiled as he stretched his back, popping as he slid outside the tent. He looked around noticing the sun was slowly setting, basically no animal around…

“Huh… everyone's left?...” Louis mumbled as he got to the dinosaur leg. He reached up stretching as his spine popped, he must've slept for an hour or two after Haru and his fun.

Louis stilled as he felt a dark shadow and heard panting… his eyes widen slowly before he twirled and looked up…

The gigantic wolf towered over Louis, his deep ice-cold eyes staring down at him intensely… Louis felt anxiety rise at how tiny he felt under him… similar to his Nightmares of that night…

“Hi…. Louis…” Legosi panted as Louis' ears lower, anxiety fear and sweat rising. “Uh…hi… Legosi” he mumbled shakily, as Legosi's eyes seemed to explore his face, his cheeks tinted a tiny bit as this eyes seem to stare at his muzzle… Louis watched still as Legosi lifted a hand up cupping Louis' face… his fur was oddly soft, and his claws traced just barely, making Louis spine tingle in fear…that fear made him feel weird…

“Your lips look bruised… are you ok?” the Wolf whispered as he trailed his thumb across Louis's bottom lips…

Louis' eyes slowly widen, caught off guard, confused…and a bit uncomfortable…
“Uh- yea?…” he mumbled weakly in sheer confusion.
'What's he gets out of this?.. Seriously…'

“Its getting late. How about I walk you?” Legosi offered as he slid the other hand across his cheek, Louis closed an eye, he couldn't help but enjoy the affection. He's never felt such warmth from hands before… a weird comforting feeling rose in his chest.

'Well… he is offering…and I feel safer with him than alone…'
“O-ok” he finally said, opening his eyes and looking up at Legosi. The wolf nodded in return and gently stroked through his fur.

He reached up gently clasping his fingers around the wolfs' huge hand, gently feeling how those large fingers, and feeling the bone and flesh underneath the fur… it was so odd how soft and safe the hands made him feel… he felt the wolf shudder.
He tried to pull that large hand off his face when he felt his fingers interlock with his own. He blushed, confused at the weird gesture…

'What's up with this wolf…'

He felt Legosi nuzzle and sniff at his antlers… he stared up, confused.

“Sorry, You're just the only deer I know. Your antlers are cool,” he mumbled…

Louis thought silently. 'Well I guess that makes sense… not many buck's let carnivores thus big near them with ought getting defensive…
He chuckled
"it's ok… it were going to go we'd need to now or well miss the train” he said as Legosi simply grunted in reply, Louis pulled his hand free of the wolf's.

Louis made sure to gently lowered his head, so he didn't nick Legosi with them, before he grabbed the wolf's sleeve and gently tugged.
Legosi made a weird sound close to a purr, following close behind.

It wasn't long till he felt eyes trailing his body almost hungerly…
'Stop looking at me that way it makes me feel weird…' he blushed staring down…

'All day since that dream last night… I've been feeling weird…' he felt eyes trailed down his back. He held back a shudder, feeling eyes on his ass again.

'Not to mention how Hes been avoiding me all day But now wants to walk me home?....'

He calmed as they reached the entrance to the train station.
He started leading legosi down the staircase when-
“Eek!!!” Louis yelped eyes widening and looked back eyes wide face a bright red, Legosi stared back, seeming confused. Before looking down…

Legosi's large hand was holding his tail… Louis shuddered as the hand tighten making him stop walking as he gripped the railing… 'let go let go let go let-' he bit his lip, feeling the massive thumb guiding along the tender fur and skin on the underside…

'S-stop, that's not a plaything!!'

“P-pervert” he shakily managed…. doesn't this perverted wolf know how sensitive deer tails are?... he moved the hand from the rail to keep his jacket's front down to cover his front…

“I-it's not polite to grab a buck's tail…” he managed as Legosi looks confused… “Sorry, does it hurt?” He asked as he let go, Louis just shook his head…
'This moron…' he curses before he continued walking silently staring down trying to disepere…if only he had Haru's ears… he could hide in them…

He stilled, hearing a snap of fingers behind him.
“Ah!- How about you grab MY tail?” He offered.
Louis slowly turned back to him and stared…
'Fucking what…'


“Yea! Cuz I grabbed yours!” He said as if it was a Daily accurance…
He reached back, grabbing his much longer tail.
'Is…it is normal for canines to hold each other's tail?...'
He hesitated before slowly grabbing the limb…

“Fine fine.” Louis mumbled “weirdo…” 
'I guess since their tails are longer it isn't as….suggestive…'

Legosi seemed to grin as he calmed down instantly, as they walked he felt his tail trying to coil around Louis arm as Legosi sped up to the point their now side by side. 

That is until Louis noticed the weird glances they were getting… Louis felt anxiety rising as he lowered his head trembling, his ears lowered as he dropped the wolf's tail.

'The floors suddenly very interesting…'

Louis felt intense heat as the wolf seem to walk much closer, almost touching…
'He's like a furnace!!!'
He blushed.

He calmed as they got past the ticket booth going towards the train.
As the train stopped, the two and quite a few other people go in… Louis felt anxiety rise, but calmed as Legosi was the only person close to him.

Louis turned to Legosi calmly, watching the window besides them… how the lights from the tunnel flew by… legosi seemed to be blocking Louis' eyes on anyone. His massive form covered Louis' view perfectly.

Louis heard Legosi gasp as the train started, he was suddenly pushing against Louis, the deers eyes widen, shock and panic rising as he was pressed against the wall… 

The large wolf towering his weak form… eyes staring into ice-cold blue ones… large hands on either side of His head, hot breath on his lips as their noses bumped…

All he could do was stare. Eyes wide.

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