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Louis had been in shock since the kiss, staring into space as he let himself get carried around like some trophy wife….

'Legosi kissed me.......'


'The one basically every female wants to kiss and date…

Why?...' he closed his eyes for a second, trying to forget that taste… to forget how the wolf's lips felt…

He opened his eyes and simply stared ahead, the shock still in his veins.

'My first kiss with a guy… is by an Apex predator twice my size…
I'm not even gay!…right?..  Aaahhh this is too confusing, Why can NOTHING be simple!'

“What was THAT!” Els had asked, eyes wide. Louis didn't hear or focus on much as he stared down, ear flickering.

He heard Legosi grunt as he held Louis close… he's so strong… “I needed to play it off. It'd be weird if I just held him like this and didn't kiss him.” Louis looked up at the wolf eyes fluttering, blushing… he just… why is this wolf suddenly in his life like this…

“But you didn't HAVE to kiss the poor guy!” Tao whined before the door shut with a slam…

“You ok?” Legosi gently asked as he set Louis on his desk, He didn't awenser staring…

'Haru saw him kiss me… she doesn't think Legosi and I are…' he furrowed his brows. 'I'll have to explain to her…'

Legosi sighed as he slid Louis cape off going to undo his shirt, Louis' eyes widen pushing him back gasping

“I!-…. I-I got it…” he shuddered. Legosi clearly frowned, but nodded as he pulled back and looked at the time, “I'll be back after the curtain call.” He said, as Louis nodded, he opened the door and left, shutting it behind him.

Louis looked down at himself as he gripped the cape… he stared at the small tent in the costume's pants, his face turning red….

'AAGGG what kind of virgin AM I!? Getting hard from a stupid little kiss!
He ran his hands through his own fur on his head eyes tightly shut blush growing more, he can still taste the wolf's lips…

It was odd, different from kissing Haru… the feeling of sharp fangs behind his lips as he was held like some delicate flower.

Your fucking off the drama club Bill!” He barely heard behind him, holding the bandage for his antler as he curses… his back was wrapped up already, he knew if he didn't have his sword and antlers he would've probably died earlier.

Would've died either way, if it wasn't for Legosi…

"Wha- oh come on, don't be like that! I didn't mean to-”

“No!!” Legosi seemed to be pacing back and forth, he watched as Legosi turned to the Tiger holding up the vile of doe blood. Bill rose his hands “h-hey that cost me a lotta-” Legosi suddenly slammed it onto the ground as the glass shattered the blood splattering on the ground, Louis' eyes widened. “You make me SICK!” He barked as Louis simply sighed, looking back ahead.

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