eyes of the beast...

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“What did you need,” Legosi asked as he stared at Louis... Louis gripped his palms to ground himself…this wolf towered over Louis so easily… even when sitting… he rubbed his hurt arm anxiously, a weird familiar feeling wafting over him, similar to last night…

“I… I'm… Dom sent me to talk to you about the spotlight idea I tried out during rehearsal.” He muttered softly, he felt uncomfortable seeing the wolf's eyes specifically on his muzzle…

“Ah, you mean adding that pink-red filter?” Legosi asked, Louis turned his head away, letting his eyes follow along the skull of the Adler mask on the dresser…. To the poster, following each line of the paper… anywhere but this wolf.

“Y-ya….” He managed, still mumbling. 
“It-think it'd give a more…dramatic yet emotional effect for the scene. To match the Sorrow but love that happens when Adler kisses the girl before death, I think I'd give a more…. Emotional input?... show the passion.” As he continued on, he slowly felt more confident as he tried explaining his thought process. He tried thinking of a way to explain with ought sounding pathetic.

“Capture the moment…. So… I don't know… Maybe I'm overthinking things, I just know how Red seems to give life to things and-”

“You're so calm around me.” Legosi said, Louis' train of thought crashed as he slowly blinked his eyes, processing the lead actor's words….

What? Calm?


Legosi suddenly stood hunched over, so his claws gripped the desk, Louis stiffened a small bit as the wolf towered over his smaller frame. 
“Despite how dangerous I am as an apex predator…” Louis held back an anxious shudder as Legosi slowly slid around the desk somewhat. All Louis could do was stare up at him…. He's so tall….

“I don't…understand…” Louis said, trying to process why Legosi was bringing this up suddenly. Randomly… he lifted his bad leg, moving it back slowly.

Before letting a gasp and groan of pain as Legosi jerked forward, claws wrapping around his elbow roughly, he was suddenly jerked harshly slamming into the walls as he felt the hand let go and something grab his antlers.

He gritted his teeth in pain as a hand grabbed the broken edge of his left antler… feeling a jolt of pain seethe through him along with the other wounds… those hands pushing his head More into the wall behind him painfully as he felt dizziness from the sudden collision. Hus muzzle tilting up from the motion.

Louis gasped as he felt a nose rub along his cheek as he closed his eyes tightly…feeling the heat of the taller male against him as he trembled…. this felt far too much like last night… why did it feel like last night..?

He shuddered as a growl escaped his boss.

“How come you aren't afraid of me?…” Legosi demanded.
Louis let out another pained grunt as a hand let go of his wounded antler, and slid down his neck. He shuddered in pain as it Grazed the bandaged wound almost seductively… he let out a pained hiss, his chest heaving against the other male as his good foot lightly bucked against the ground… he gasped as he felt that hand slide down to his chest and press close…
Oddly enough, he was more calm than most would be… he panted as the pain grew in his antlers…

Louis shuddered as another growl escaped the younger man. Feeling him pull his face from Louis' jawline, “why don't you defend yourself.” He demanded calmly, Louis just stared up at him confused… he doesn't understand…

Why would he want him to defend himself?...

Besides…actors safety first….
He was replaceable… Legosi wasn't.

“Well?” Legosi growled, guess He didn't awnser quick enough. “Why would I…be scared? And defend me against what?. “ 

“Your wound…” legosi calmly said as he slid two fingers along his bandaged neck. Louis shuddered at the feeling...

“What happened. Tell me.” He demanded, Louis stared feeling his muscles tense, and didn't awnser… he can't awnser…. he was weak…pathetic…

“You have a slight limp, I can smell blood all over you… I'm certain that Bill did as well if the idiot was close enough.”

He didn't know what to say....... so… he lied.

“I… I… I don't fully remember. “

The wolf suddenly sneered as he gripped his antlers harder as Louis gasped in pain trembling as he closed his eyes once more, back arching a small bit. “Stop fucking lying. If you keep lying, at least defend yourself! I might just fucking eat you” Louis' eyes widen more as he trembled panting, wincing in more pain as he was lifted from the ground a small bit from his antlers. Agony rising… he gasped as he felt the wolf press fully against his smaller frame, he felt a broad chest against his smaller chest, felt the wolf press his hips suddenly lying against Louis, seemingly unintentionally spreading the buck's legs as Louis whimpered.

“Come on, don't be shy now~. You certainly fought the monster who tried to attack and devour you. Why don't you show me that? Prove to me, you weak, pathetic herbivores aren't as-". 

He can't handle this…the tone made Louis both scared and uncomfortable, he wanted to run and hide in Haru's chest… into her warm embrace… away from this male, He trembled legs Jenkins as he felt something poking against him… his eyes widen as he felt that adrenaline from last night kick in. He thrust his antlers forward harshly, managing to wedge his bad leg between them and roughly pressed against Legosi's abdomen kicking him away, pain raked up from the broken foot… A whine escaped Louis.

He fell as Legosi ended with his back against the desk about maybe two feet away… Louis trembled, shaking and panting, looking up at the wolf…

“j-just stop!” Louis barked. The lead actor simply stared, eyes widened, clearly shocked as Louis gripped his shirt giving a little tremble…. He needed to get out of here… He needed to see Haru...



“Just because I don't wanna fight doesn't mean I'm weak, You don't know ANYTHING about me, Legosi.” He glared… be strong…  legosi simply stared.

“Just because I'm weaker than you doesn't mean Y-You can push me around,” Louis stammered over his words, feeling like bolting to hide grow…

Louis stumbled to the door, blood leaking from his reopened wound on his foot, ripping the door open.

He turned his head, a small bit trembling. “Just… I-if you need anything else, I'll be with the lights…” Before the door shut, leaving the wolf as Louis shakily slid his phone from his pocket.

Louis: Hey…can you meet be outside drama club?

Louis: I need help, my leg reopened…

Haru: Hah? Seriously?

Haru: Alright, I'll be there

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