Blood on the stage...

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Louis had been anxiously walking back and forth, feeling the cape drag along as he grumbled… luckily Dom is a MASTER at clothes, and managed to change the size so quickly, Impressive…

He even cut a place for him to slide his antlers into, with Legosi's consent, of course… Legosi's hat was a little big, but he slid his antlers through the ear holes, and they covered the rest of the holes with black cloth, so it hid it. He poked his head from the curtains on the side, seeing Haru in the front.

She was so happy when he told her he was going to be Adler…

'You'll be so hot up there on stage, Louis!!' Was her response…

God, he loves that woman.

He yelped as a hand placed on his back, looking behind him, Juno was smiling happily. “I'll be watching front row! But I got to watch the behind-the-scenes, Dom is AMAZING at costumes” she said, Louis nodded gently as he held the mask skull in his hands nervously. She giggled, “I think it's so cool you'll get to play Adler, How does it feel?” She asked, Louis looked down “The clothes are comfortable… not use to wearing a cape though… but ah-… anxious…” Juno simply grinned understandingly.

The bell for the play starting room rang, he gulped as she pat his back and slipped past going down the stairs to watch. 

This is going to suck…

Surprisingly, it wasn't so bad, he was apparently a natural at acting, possibly because he acts every day of his life.
At first, he was anxious, hearing murmurs of him not being legosi… but as he went on he got better, the spotlight made it hard to see the audience, and when he did, he looked right at Haru.

She seemed to be enjoying it, as she was bouncing in her seat in excitement…

He blushed when Ellen hugged his torso from behind in one scene, where he was fighting Zoe.

However, near the end Bill finally came onstage......

Things were going well. He was giving his lines… “You must be the final element!” As he turned to the tiger, who walked on stage. The tiger started saying his own lines in turn, grinning while walking closer holding his dagger. Suddenly, Louis smelt a strange smell on Bill-

Blood… he was certain it was deer blood considering he's been doping his ass off it…

That's When Bill pounced.

Dropped the dagger, making Louis confused, before suddenly a full-grown tiger was racing for him, saliva pouring down his hideous maw, fangs in full view… Louis barely had time to react, these fangs, that mouth, those eyes, those claws… all too familiar to those monsters from his childhood…

'RUN' was the only word that ran through his mind as his pupils grew larger, and he gripped his sword harder, gritting his flat teeth. He lifted the sword up as a loud sound of claws on cheap metal could be heard through the room, as the tiger swiped, hitting the sword; only for the blade to break in half, and Louis to stumble back. He cried out in sheer pain as his fractured, still healing leg was placed under sudden pressure…


Louis' eyes widen more as the tiger let out a sound similar to a snarl, He saw in the corner of his eye Haru calling his name, fear, and horror in her eyes.

Seeing her in such distress sent another primal thought going through the buck's mind…

An instinct as a Male Buck, a stag who sees his mate in danger…

KILL. PROTECT. This monster will hurt HER.

He stiffened as his fur stood on end, panting as he dug his good foot into the stage's wooden board, huffing air as he trembled. His antlers prepared to Pierce, eye. Mouth. Nose. Chest. ANYTHING. He needed to get this monster away from him…away from Haru…

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