Chapter 10: Outside?

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Story is nearly done! Just five more chapters to go :) chapters might get a little shorter just a heads up! thank you to everyone who's supported/read it throughout and even now. So here is chapter 10! Enjoy! ALSO OMG THANK YOU FOR 7.3K READS <3

I awoke, slightly sweating. My face was pressed against two big soft cushions. Boobs. BOOBS! I moved trying to wiggle out of Esdeath's grip, sweating even more. I stopped for a second, listening to quiet snores. She was still fast asleep. I could still escape from this haha...

But my body didn't want to move. It just froze, too lazy to even fight against this tight hug. An hour later, she moved, loosening the grip on me and turning over to face the other side. This could have been my chance to leave the bed but instead I stayed there. I crept my hand up her side and pulled her body closer to my own body. We were now in a spooning position. So fuzzy. My stomach had butterflies. I was spooning General Esdeath. Oh my god. What am I doing?! 

Maybe I felt bad because of last night. There was guilt inside of me, so cuddling her right now I guess, makes myself feel better. A few moments later I didn't notice she had woken up, and she slowly slipped her hand into mine. I was surprised and let out a shriek. I backed off and fell off of the bed. Esdeath flipped herself and looked in my direction. She was giggling.

"Good morning beautiful." Her morning voice was deep and she sounded still sleepy. I picked myself up from the floor and stood over her. I ignored what she said and walked away from her bed.

"You were in my bed weren't you?" She asked, grinning. 

"Well you wouldn't let me go so I was stuck in your bed." I folded my arms and stared at the bedroom door. 

"So why were you spooning me from behind?" 

I blushed bright red. I couldn't tell her I felt bad for last night and hearing her cry. I had to think of something.

"W-well you see, I was still sleeping when you turned over and I didn't realize you had woken up. A-and besides I can't control what I do in my sleep!" I lied. I turned back around and stared at her, making eye contact.

"Hmm...what else can you not control while you're sleeping?" 

Her blue eyes flickered with a spark of desire. She put a finger to her mouth and smiled at me, her face turning from sleepy to seductive in a matter of seconds. I stopped making eye contact and looked down at the floor. Esdeath sat up straight in the bed, and clutched the blanket to her chest. 

"Clothes, and please make sure you don't crinkle the uniform." Esdeath let go of the blanket, her bare chest revealed. I diverted my eyes away and went off to find her uniform. I took out the general apparel's and a blue small scarf which she usually wore around her neck. I laid it out neatly on the end of her bed and stood by the bedroom door.

"Your clothes are in the drawer over there." Esdeath pointed to the drawers in the corner and I went over to them. Inside were a pair of combat trousers and a white t-shirt with a f/c jacket. Just like the same clothes I arrived here in but brand new. I went into the bathroom changing into the clothes given to me.

She dismissed me, demanding I stand outside the door and wait for her. I left the room and waited for her outside. I wonder why I am wearing this..? 

Moments later the door opened and she peered down at me. She was only slightly taller yet still intimidating. I gulped as there was just silence. 

"You're coming out with me today to the town's market in the Centre." Esdeath cleared her throat and had her rapier attached to her belt on her hip.

"We're going outside?" I questioned.

She walked forward and stopped at a halt.

"Yes. Outside."

I tilted my head, wondering what we would be doing today for her to take me outside of the place.

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