Chapter 24: The Jaegers and The Mission

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Thank you all for the reads! And ideas! I'd like to mention a user who has given me an idea to add to a chapter, so thank you Floofy_Foxx ! Enjoy the next chapter.

A few weeks had passed as I had made plans to carry out the order Esdeath had issued me. I decided I would like to keep it a secret and for none of the others in the Night Raid to find out. So I requested for my identity to be kept hidden. For this, she said she had something that could help and had laid a new set of clothes for me to wear. A pair of black combat trousers, with a black cropped tank top and thick, dark hooded jacket. I didn't take too long to get dressed as I had Esdeath and the Jaegers waiting for me.

My feet carried me across the hallway, towards a rather tall door. Behind the door I could hear many voices. One of the voices sounded familiar. I slowly pushed the door open, peering inside and gulping. All eyes were on me as I slowly walked towards Esdeath. I bowed, looking at all of their faces. A young girl sat at a chair with short black hair and eyes of red. She had a small bag of snacks in front of her, her hand stuck inside of it as she pulled out a small biscuit-looking treat.

Next to her was a man dressed in white robe and a black shirt, fair blonde hair and golden eyes. Curiously I stared at his feather like pin behind his left ear. A few seats away from them was a rather large and bulk man, who wore a creepy mask. He seemed to have a few scars on his chest. Next to this man was a familiar face I had seen before. Wave. The guy I had knocked out some time ago. I nervously smiled at him as he frowned at me. It was obvious I had pissed him off from before.

"Y/N. It's nice to see the clothes fit and suit you very well." A voice broke the awkward silence. Esdeath had her hands pressed against the table as she stood up bent over slightly, smirking at me.

"Y-Yeah! The clothes were a perfect fit." I smiled and straightened up the jacket a little more.

"I am sure you still haven't really met the Jaegers yet. So please, all of you introduce yourselves to Y/N." She said as they all nodded. The Jaegers stared at me before introducing themselves.

"I'm Kurome. Please don't touch my snacks." The young girl with the short black hair known as Kurome said, popping one of the biscuits into her mouth.

"Hello, uh, I am Bols. Haha..! It's nice to meet you." The masked guy stuttered. He seemed quite shy compared to his looks.

The blonde haired man stood up and took a small bow. "Run. I'm Run." He sat himself back down.

Wave folded his arms, looking off to the side. "You already know me, I'm Wave. Good to...see you again Y/N."

I let out a nervous chuckle. "I'm so sorry for last time! I hope we can get past what happened..." I scratched the back of my neck. He made eye contact with me and to my surprise broke out into a grin.

"No worries! You were just trying to help General Esdeath. As we all should!" He unfolded his arms and shot me a thumbs up.

I slightly gave him a nod before speaking again.

"It's um...nice to meet you all. I'm Y/N, Esdeath's..." I trailed off, thinking. What am I to Esdeath?

Esdeath smiled, and sat herself down, clasping her hands together.

"Partner. Or you could say lover." She said with pride, not taking her eyes off of me. They all stared in shock with their mouths open. Kurome dropped her food, blinking twice. Wave seemed unbothered as he probably already knew who I was to General Esdeath.

"My apologies Y/N, not all members of the Jaegers are here at this moment. Seryu had something to tend to for me as well as did Dr. Stylish. But you shall meet them sometime soon. Anyways, we were discussing the mission to carry out against the assassin known as Mine. You remember what we spoke about?" Esdeath asked me.

"Of course. Kurome and I will stick together at all times. I just follow her lead." I replied, putting a hand on my hip. Esdeath looked over at Kurome.

"Kurome, you'll make sure Y/N is safe and that the mission will be carried out, are we clear?"

Kurome gave her a nod. "Yes General Esdeath. I will do my best."

"Perfect. Now one last thing. This is for you, as you requested to keep your identity hidden away from the Night Raid." The blue-haired woman flipped something on to the table and slid it across to the end of the table near my side. I took a look to see a mask. It was just like a samurai oni mask.

Note: The mask I am describing is the mask in the picture for this chapter above at the beginning.

It was a faded blue with silver teeth. I picked it up and held it up in front of me. I thought it looked quite cool, I had never thought about wearing a mask before.

I averted my eyes back over to Esdeath who had a blush on her face as I brought the mask up to my face, testing it out. I put it on properly, and turned my face to the side for them to all see.

"Well, it is sure comfy." I muffled. It made my voice a lot quieter.

"The others know what they have to do. Meeting has ended. Now Jaegers, go and prepare. Tomorrow we set out towards the Night Raid and the location they will be at." Esdeath cleared her throat, dismissing them all. I turned around to walk out with the others only for her to stop me.

"Y/N, you will stay behind for a few minutes. There's...something we need to discuss." Her voice had that certain tone it. The same tone when she had previously tried to seduce me from before.

Once everyone had left I stood there, with my back to her waiting for her to talk. She stayed silent, I could feel her eyes locked on me. A small shiver went down my spine as she commanded for me to go over to her.

I moved and looked at her, seeing her pointer finger pointing down at the ground next to her. I dragged my feet to where she wanted me and looked down at her. Esdeath smirked, blushing and now pointing at her lap.

I felt my face flush bright red underneath the mask.

"U-uh! Wait a seco-"

"Now." She demanded. I stood there shocked, taking too long and unable to move so she grabbed onto my waist and pulled me close to her. She sat me down on her thighs, our eyes staring into each other's.

Her hands slid up my torso, her fingertips feeling my curves and sides. She stared up at me, her hat falling off and onto the floor, making a small thud.

"You look so good with the mask. So...the mask stays on, hmm?" She joked before sliding her hands up my tank top and onto my chest.

I wrapped my arms around her neck, my face closer to hers now.

"You know it." I teased back.

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