Chapter 11: Yvonne's Jewelry

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Hello! I'm back with another chapter and thank you to everyone who gave me answers in the last part! I appreciate every one of you for reading and answering.  I can't believe that the story has 8.3k reads and above 300 votes! It means a lot to me haha, so thank you everyone. I hope you continue to enjoy the story :) Anyways, on to the story- enjoy~

I looked at the collar and chain in disbelief. Esdeath had clipped the chain leash onto the collar which she had brought with her to keep an eye on me and keep me close. I was so annoyed and I had refused to move once she had put it on me but angry. So I gave in easily so it wouldn't cause a fuss.

We were outside. I was in the public place, a collar around my neck being dragged around by a General. I felt embarrassed. This was major public humiliation. Six guards were following not far behind Esdeath and I, in case of attempt of assassination on the General Esdeath. I had no idea what was going on and why I was being walked into the market. 

Esdeath had a serious face, staring down at the people, giving glares to anyone who stared at her or dared to. She was quite intimidating. I kept my eyes down to the ground, my eyes every so often staring at her legs. They were quite long. I mean she was a tall woman, one of the tallest I had ever encountered. I was a measly 5"4 woman, just under average height. I was a little jealous of how tall she was and how amazingly perfect her figure is. 

She didn't just have nice legs. The back of her thighs looked squishy and soft and her...ass was round and...nice. I gulped. I just realized I had been staring too long in awe at Esdeath and she had turned around noticing.

"Oh my oh my, stop staring at me with those hungry eyes Y/N" She giggled, putting a hand to her mouth. My face heated up and I looked away from her in embarrassment. I was just looking, nothing else. Why did she have to tease me like that?!

We walked on, reaching a corner of the market where a man stood with a small jewelry stall/ Bracelets, rings and necklaces were laid out. Esdeath stopped and stared at them before asking the man a question.

"Does Ms Yvonne have the jewelry I asked for?" 

The man looked up at her and nodded his head. He got up and went around the stall to talk to Esdeath closer. He whispered in her ear and she nodded her head, gripping tighter onto the leash. I watched and started to sweat a little, feeling awkward. I suddenly felt a small thump hit into the back of me. A small child had bumped into me, and fallen onto the floor. I turned a little and lent a hand to the child, helping them up and dusting them off for them. I gave them a smile and they smiled a little at me back before Esdeath grabbed me.

"What are you doing?!" She glared at the child, looking as if she was about to eat the child up. The child stood there, not smiling anymore and looked as if he was about to cry. Esdeath gripped onto her rapier and bent down but I stopped her and stood in her way. 

"Stop! It's a child! He didn't do anything. He just accidentally bumped into me." I stared right into her eyes, gripping my hands into fists. Esdeath tilted her head at me. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. 

The child hid behind me still scared, and Esdeath shot him a glare and stuck out her tongue, while pouting. How...childish. I tried not to laugh at her reaction but a small laugh escaped my mouth. Why on earth was I laughing?! I think her reaction, her pouting made me laugh because it was so out of character for her.

Esdeath frowned.

"What's so funny?!" She yelled. I continued to laugh. I mean it could result in my death didn't. She smiled a little, her cheeks turning pink. 

"Okay we need to go to Yvonne's Jeweler's, come on let's go." She started dragging me away by using the leash, tugging on it. The guards followed us behind quickly and I noticed that the child had ran off while that happened. 

A few minutes later we had arrived at a shop. Not a stall. I was dragged inside by Esdeath. I looked around, admiring some rings and necklaces which were on show in glass cabinets. Esdeath gave my leash to one of the guards at the front. 

"Hold onto her and make sure nothing bad happens to her either." Esdeath warned and went up to a lady who was sitting at the front.

The lady wore an apron and had her name stitched into her shirt. Yvonne. The same name she said earlier. I stood there thinking, while the guard who had a hold on my leash stared at me. 

"Nice weather we are having am I right?" I giggled nervously, anxious on how to act. If I really wanted to and could, I could escape right here and right now. I've had training and I'm pretty sure six guards can't take me down. It's just her. She's strong and intelligent, and super fast. 

I could do it. But then it would be a risk of dying. She could execute me on the spot just for running away. But I have the chance. I've made up my mind. For some reason, my stomach felt terrible inside, a growing pain at the bottom had started. I ignored it and made my first move.

"I need to pee." I said loudly.

The guard holding on to me looked at General Esdeath. She stared at me and nodded. 

"Sure. Yvonne can my pet please use your toilet?" She asked Yvonne, leaning over the counter.

Yvonne nodded and pointed to the stairs, agreeing to it and I made my way up the stairs. The guard followed behind me, keeping a hold of my leash. We got to the door of the bathroom and I turned around.

"Do you mind?" I asked him, pointing to the leash he was holding.

"Oh of course. You have 1 minute be quick." He let go and turned around while I closed the door. This was too easy. I smiled to myself. A small window, just enough for me to squeeze out of was there. I opened it only for it to be locked. I cursed before finding something small and sharp to try and pick the lock with. Luckily for me, I picked locks back at the night raid. My ultimate helpful skill. 

Thirty seconds later, I heard a muffled voice. 

"Come on, open the door you should be done." The guard said banging on the door. I picked the lock finally and opened the window. This was it. I squeezed through and jumped out, rolling and crashing down into a stall. The noise made a commotion and the guard who had took me up to the bathroom was staring outside of the window.

"Hey! Get back here!" He shouted, trying to jump out too but he wasn't small enough.

I started to run. 

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