Chapter 20: What now?

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Here with another update! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! I'm sorry if the updates are quite slow now, I have been doing college work and playing a lot of Genshin Impact right now (: Don't worry though, the story will continued to be updated whenever I can. My break term is coming up so hopefully I can publish some more chapters over it. Anyways, hope you like the chapter! 

My eyes opened slowly, seeing the bright blue sky above me. Aaaaa, I tried to move my hands to cover my face. A shadow instead moved over me, blocking the brightness of the sky. Her light blue hair shone, and her dark blue eyes twinkled. There was a small smudge of blood on one of her cheeks and she had a small smile on her face.

"I'm so glad you're awake. How are you feeling?" Esdeath asked me, stroking my hair. 

I opened my mouth to talk but nothing could come out. It took me a minute before I could speak. 

"I-I'm fine... What happened? Where are we?!" I questioned, tilting my head to look around. I saw grass surrounding us and even a few white flowers. 

Esdeath chuckled. "Don't worry, I took you away from there. It had become dangerous, and I wasn't going to let the Night Raid take you away from me."

She leaned down, just an inch away from my face. Her eyes peered into mine before glancing at my lips. I went red, seeing her get closer.

"N-now wait a second! I just woke up! Don't get any funny ideas!" I yelped. I tried to move my hands again to push her away out of embarrassment but I couldn't move. Why can't I move them?

A sudden realisation came to me. My hands were numb.

Esdeath giggled at my comment and held a hand to her mouth.

"You are a cute one, aren't you?" Esdeath moved her hand to my cheek before placing a kiss on my forehead.

"General- I mean...Esdeath." I gulped. "Why can't I move my hands? They're numb." 

She looked back at my eyes, smiling.

"Because I sliced them off." 

It was silent.

My eyes widened, suddenly feeling a sharp pain coming from my hands. No..where my hands used to be. I held up the now 'stumps'. There was dry blood smeared all over my arms. I tried to scream but instead let out raspy breaths of shock. 

My hands. She cut off my hands. I started hyperventilating. She cut MY HANDS OFF.

A smirk sat on her face and she licked the side of her mouth. Blood. I took a proper look at her, seeing her arms were drenched in blood. My blood. I rolled off of her lap, and onto my side. I was face to face with her long rapier which was now dripping and soaked in blood. My blood. 

I tried to crawl away from her, my eyes were filled with tears. Why? Why?

I couldn't even crawl. I was stuck. I was turned onto my back and staring face up at her. She stood over me before picking up her blade. 

"You held her hand. I couldn't tell which one though. So I cut them both off." 

She held the sword, pointing the end at my face.

"Everything is okay though now. I don't have to worry anymore." Her voice sounded emotionless. "I can have you all to myself."

She plunged the weapon into my neck.

I sat up, yelling. Oh. It was just a dream. My breathing was uneasy and I was sweating heavily. I took a look around me. It wasn't a field, it was dull. And it was a road. Wait. A road?! 

Esdeath lay beside me. She was asleep. I panicked, needing reassurance that she was asleep and not dead. I checked her pulse, and grabbed her wrist. Phew, thank goodness. But what was that dream? I tried my best to not freak out and figure out where we were.

The road seemed long up ahead, but we weren't that far away from the city. I could see over houses and building from here. I tried to shake Esdeath to wake up but she wouldn't budge. I sighed and picked her up, putting her onto my back. I was smaller than her so she was a little difficult to carry. I started making my way back down to the city. I wondered how and why we were just laying there. I guess I'd just ask her when she woke up. 

I continued carrying her all the way down until we were just outside the walls. I felt her stir and move her arms around my neck. Her face was buried into my neck, and I could feel her hot breath.

She was like this for a minute before she spoke. 

"You can put me down now." She said, more like a demand. 

I slowly let go of her and she stood up. I turned and faced her. I gazed at her breast area and looked back down flushed. She didn't notice at all and held her head. When she pulled her hand back, her hand had a speck of blood. 

"Hmm, I must of hit my head." She mumbled before looking at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, concerned. Esdeath nodded firmly and looked at the entrance to the city. Without hesitation, she took my hand and walked inside. My cheeks grew warm and I stared at our hands. We were holding hands. 

After all of that, she didn't seem to be mad with me. Well that is what I thought.

Minutes later we were rushing through alleys and all the way back to the castle. I called out asking if she could slow down as I felt as if I was being dragged. She ignored me which worried me. What is going on? Why were we on a road..? And why are we running? I had many questions but she did not slow down. We ran past the guards who looked at Esdeath and I in bewilderment. I was pulled into her room and slammed against the door. 

Her face was close to mine. I tilted my head a little upwards to look at her eyes. They were almost glowing. I could hear her panting quietly as she ran her hands up the inner of my thigh.


"Shh." She hushed me. I shut my mouth. Her hand fell from my thigh and she rested her face on my shoulder.

"I told you to not come back. You disobeyed me." Esdeath mumbled into my shoulder. 

"I didn't want anyone to get hu-"

"Shut it. I don't want to hear a sound from you." She then moved her face to my neck, biting down hard.

I yelped and whined because of the sudden sharp pain. Esdeath grabbed one of my wrists with her hand and licked over where she had bit me.

"Disobeying me can lead to punishment. So prepare yourself. " Esdeath went towards her drawers, pulling out rope. I looked at her in confusion. She made her way back to me.

"Hold out your hands." She demanded.

I shook my head. There is no way she was serious. After all of that. She grabbed my wrists with a hard grip and started tying the rope around my wrists, so they were stuck together.

"Hey! Get off!" I tried pushing her back with my foot but she swatted it away like nothing. Esdeath's head was lower down while she was tying them so I instead got annoyed and headbutted her. I landed a headbutt right on her forehead causing her to go backwards and hold her head. 

"Oh? So you want to play, hmm?" She gritted her teeth and leapt onto me. I was now on the floor as she was straddling me, forcing the rope around my wrists tightly. I was taken to the bottom of her bed, on the floor. Esdeath had left a bit of rope to tie around the bed post. I stared at her in disbelief. What the hell?!

"Very funny, Esdeath. Let me go, untie me." I said, smiling nervously. She glared at me. She rested her foot on my head, pushing my head down.

"It's General Esdeath to you."

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