Chapter 17: Smile a little.

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Hiya! New chapter! I hope it entertains y'all TwT anyways enjoy~

WARNING: NSFW (includes spanking)

It had been nearly a week since she had asked about Esdeath had been pretty busy and I had seen less of her than normal. She would arrive back each evening, wanting food and just simply my company. As for what she was doing everyday, I had no clue. She didn't discuss what she had been doing. I was guessing it was important and secret. But it felt weird to be alone all day in the place. I guess she didn't suspect I'd try to escape anymore. 

As for me, I had just been reading in the library, keeping her room tidy and being watched by the guards. Now that I think of it, maybe she did still suspect me just a little. I got up from the seat I was sitting in and took the book with me to the shelf I had taken it from. Day 6 of reading the books here. Some were interesting whereas other's were quite a bore. I made my way back to Esdeath's room, the guards' eyes following me until I was out of their sights. 

I turned the handle of the door expecting to see no one but Esdeath sat there. She was relaxing on a chair with a desk in front, drinking what it looked like, tea. Esdeath's eyes switched from the cup to me and she stared as if she was staring right into my soul. I gulped, anxious.

"S-sup?" I asked her, holding my hands together in front of me. She put her cup down on the saucer and turned the chair and her body towards me. She used her hand to prop the side of her face up and her elbow touched the arms of the chair. Her other hand signaled to her lap, and she patted her thighs. I blushed a little and made my way over and stood in front of her, hesitant.

"Sit." Esdeath commanded. I did as she told me and sat myself on her lap my back facing her. She moved me around so I was now facing her from the side. She smiled at me and ran her hands through my hair gently. Her cheeks were slightly pink and her hat sat on her head at a tilt. 

"I had a busy day again. I'm so sorry I had to leave you here all alone~" She teased and held my chin. I averted my eyes away from her and to the corner of the room. "Oh...why won't you look my way? Are you upset? Look at me." 

I stared at the corner still. She sighed and used her hand to grab my face and brought it to look at hers. My eyes peered into hers. "You shouldn't disobey me. "

"Or what?" I asked her, daringly. She opened her mouth a little in awe at the comment I made back to her. 

"Hmmm. That's an attitude I will not tolerate. " Esdeath warned, her voice growing deeper and stern. "Anyways, tomorrow I was thinking..."

I raised my eyebrows at her waiting to hear what she was going to say.

"I-I was thinking'd like to go on that date that I mentioned?" Esdeath's cheeks grew more pink as she said that. I tilted my head.

"Sure...does that mean you have finished what you've been doing?" I questioned her.

She replied, "Well, actually...I'm meant to be away for a few months in two days to take care of business. But I was thinking of taking you with me! Depending on our date of course..." 

I stayed silent and reached my hand upwards. Esdeath was quick and grabbed my wrist keeping it away from her. I frowned. "I wasn't going to hurt you..." I said quietly. "I was just going to do this."

I used my other hand and grabbed her hat off of the top of her head. I flipped it onto my own head, wearing it instead of her now. I smirked at her, teasing her and raising one of my eyebrows. Her face showed that she was a little surprised due to my playful behavior which she hadn't witnessed before. 

"Fine. We can. But I need to also know what and why we would be going away for a few months." I answered, trailing a hand down her arm. Esdeath smiled.

"That was the first time you have smiled, smiled since you've been here." 

"W-what?" I blinked at her twice. She avoided my question with that? "I was asking wh-"

"Yes I know. We will be going away and travelling because of arrangements I've made to hunt down the Night Raid. But I just wanted to point that out, because your smile is something I want to see more of. " She said, her face serious.

I frowned at her. She was going to hunt them down? 

"They're my friends, they're like family, if you expect me to just go against them, then I won't. I refuse to participate with your plans." I said boldly and glared at her. I picked myself up and off of her lap. I turned back to her, she looked at me in shock as I threw her hat at her, hard. She caught it and didn't take her eyes off of me. 

I folded my arms at her. I was expecting her to get angry but instead she sat there, clutching the hat in her hands, her cheeks red and a smile on her face. 

"I love it when you're so feisty. You have an attitude on you. It makes my heart...beat so fast." Esdeath said. She was getting off from this. 

"Didn't you just hear me?! I'm not going to help you kill my friends! I am not going!" I yelled. She got up from the seat and leapt forward, dropping her hat on the floor. Esdeath wrapped her hands around my arms and brought me to her desk. Before I could react, I was being bent over on the desk. I felt my face grow hot and my hair covered my eyes.

She kept my wrists together behind my back as she leant over and whispered in my ear. "Naughty girls get punished for talking back~"

My heart was racing. She let go of my wrists and pulled down the trousers I had on, revealing the panties I was wearing. I was in a very vulnerable position. I felt frozen and kept my hands on the desk. Seconds later, one of her hands had travelled down to a very warm spot, in between my legs. I let out a small mewl, my face felt as if it was burning from blushing too hard. She slowly rubbed a finger around in circles on a sensitive spot of mine before slipping off my panties too. 

I was in so much shock. I felt as if my heart was going to explode out of my body. I was sweating. I let out another mewl as she gently slid a finger up and down, teasing the entrance. Esdeath giggled at the sound I made and took her hand away. 

Her hand smacked my ass. She did it again, repeating but each time, spanking me harder than before. This went on for a minute. I grit my teeth, crying out at the last hit. My eyes had watered a little. A hot sensation was on one of my ass cheeks, and it stung like hell.

"And that's what happens when you talk back to me. You do as I say." She said coldly.

She had just... spanked me. On a desk. On HER desk. I had just been SPANKED. She moved back away from me and I stood up. I bent down and pulled up my underwear and trousers so I was clothed on my bottom half again. I wiped my face with the back of my hand as a tear had escaped. 

I glared at her and moved myself to go and sit on the end of her bed. Sitting down made my butt hurt so I felt uncomfortable. Esdeath followed me and sat right next to me. I edged away from her, pouting. I felt like a brat. She laughed and brought me in to her chest, hugging me tight. 

"I'm sorry, was that too far? I won't do it again if it has bothered you." She said calmly, holding me tightly. I didn't fight back or try to move away from her again. Instead I held onto her, crying a little. I inhaled her scent. It was a relaxing smell, one I couldn't forget. 

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