Chapter 16: The Book

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Hey there everyone! Thank you all for all the votes and reads! I appreciate it :) Enjoy the next chapter~

"I-I don't want to talk about it."

I stood up from the bed and took the empty tray into my hands. I stared down at the floor, sweating nervously. Just thinking about the nightmare made me tremble. Esdeath noticed this and got up and reached her hands out towards my cheek. She held my face in her hands, lifting my face so my eyes were looking at hers. We stared into each other's eyes in silence. Her nose was touching mine. There was very little space between our mouths. 

"Tell me Y/N. Now." She demanded, her face growing serious. I stepped backwards and went towards the bedroom door, carrying the tray. I heard Esdeath sigh. Hands suddenly wrapped around my waist and pulled me back. Esdeath laid her chin on top of my head, hugging me close. 

"Y/N~ You can't go out like that... you're not wearing any underwear silly girl." She teased and slipped her hands up the shirt and on to my breasts. She softly held them and leaned down to my ear, whispering. "I don't want anyone else to see how much of a beautiful body you have."

She stood straight back up, still cupping my breasts and cleared her throat. I blushed, feeling awkward and embarrassed. She was right, I couldn't just walk out like this. I had forgotten about it. 

"Can I please have something to wear please?" I asked quietly. Esdeath picked me up instead from behind causing me to drop the tray. She carried me back to the bed. I felt somewhat bedridden. She was always putting me back here. What was her problem?!

I pouted and fought back trying to escape from her hold. She stayed silent and sat me on the bed. I tried to get up but she pushed me back down to sit. Esdeath then sat next to me and faced me. She crossed her legs and rested her chin on her hands, staring at me.

"You're not leaving until you tell me what's going on. Do you understand?" 

I continued to pout and reluctantly nodded. I took a deep breath and averted my eyes away from her gaze.

"I just had a bad dream that's all. I was being hurt." I said.

Esdeath listened to me while I explained what had happened in the nightmare. She stayed silent until the very end. Then she leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I put a hand to my cheek, to the place she kissed me on and looked at her a little shocked. 

"..Are you scared of me?" She asked me.

"...I'm not scared. Why would you ask m-"

"I'm afraid the shadow you saw was me. That's why I'm asking."

"It wasn't you." I denied. It's a 50/50 chance it was her. The shadow had a woman's laugh and was quite tall. I could maybe just make out that the shadow was wearing a hat as well, but I could be wrong.

"I'm not scared of you. I'm just...I don't know." I said and clasped my hands together in my lap. "I am just a little confused right now."

Esdeath smiled. "Confused to whether you are in love with me or not?" 

I glared at her. "I am not in love with you! Y-you just wish I was!" 

She smiled, this time, it was a sad smile. "Oh... I wish you were. But I can wait. And I can make you love me." She shot me an evil grin. Her eyes were glowing.

Time skip~

She had given me some clothes after a while and allowed me to roam the castle. I guess she trusted me a little bit more seeing as we had...well you know. The clothes she had given me were comfortable and very luxurious. It was a oversized f/c t-shirt along with black baggy trousers. She had even given me some nice shoes, which were a little too big. I stared at a small statue of a man's face. I walked along a hall and towards a door with a clover like shape design. I turned the handle and went inside, seeing that inside was a library. Many books were stacked on shelves. 

I went over towards a section seeing a small sign hanging above. It read 'Fairytale/Folktales'. I then looked to the next section which was 'History of the Capital'. Boring. I went back to the fairytale section and selected a f/c book. I brought it with me to a small table in the corner of the library. I sat down in the wooden chair and opened the book. Dust was lying on the pages so I blew it off. 

"Hmm..I guess this book hasn't been touched for some time." I flicked through the first few pages to get to the start of the book. Something caught my eye. The book had some written message on the 3rd page. I read it.

'We're coming for you, we will get you back. Don't worry Y/N, you won't have to wait too long. I'm sorry. -N.R'

I- what?! I was a little confused but realized what the N.R stood for. Did Mine really..? Leave this message for me in case this happened? Did she know this was a possibility? I shook my head. I had completely forgotten that they would come to rescue me. I thought that I would just be stuck here forever or I'd escape myself.  I flicked the page and started reading the story. It had been an hour and I didn't notice the blue-haired beautiful woman had approached me. She took the book out of my hands and held it above her head.

"What are you reading?~" She giggled and smirked. 

I remembered what was in the front and panicked.

"Hey! Give it back! I w-was reading that!" I jumped up and tried to take the book back. She held it quite high up, too high for me to reach.

"Oh my, oh my. Is someone reading something they shouldn't be?" Esdeath looked at the front cover of the book. She peered at it and opened it. I grit my teeth hoping she didn't see the message. Her eyes scanned the pages.

"You're just reading a fairy tale? Hahaha, that's not something I thought you would be into." 

I gulped. "I just used to read a lot when I was a kid that's all. "

She must have skipped past the message. Lucky me. 

Esdeath stood there thinking. "If I am honest...I don't know much about you...well not the little things such as your hobbies etc." 

"I guess so. You never asked." I replied.

"I shouldn't have to ask, you should feel comfortable to talk about what you do and don't like. Hmph." Esdeath put the f/c book down and crossed her arms at me. 

I rolled my eyes. "It isn't my job to tell you what I like to do. I thought you just want me for..-" I stopped. What did she want from me? Hmm.

Esdeath adjusted her general hat and suddenly clapped.

"I have an idea. Why don't we just sit and talk and learn more about each other? In here for a while and then we can go on a... d..."

She trailed off and blushed lightly.

"A what?" I asked, curious. 

"A d-date..." Her face was now fully red. I didn't know asking something like that would make her so flustered.

"I mean...I guess we could." I answered. My stomach started to hurt a little. If we went out, would someone come and save me? Would Mine appear and take me back to the Night Raid hideout? Chances were the Night Raid were coming for me so anytime now I could be taken away from Esdeath. I mean, I am happy they're going to save me but...I don't really want to leave though...

Not right now.

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