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Today is my big day .
I go to Hogwarts on my mission with Draco .
I can't lie I am very scared but no body can know that .
"A riddle doesn't cry" my father always told me ever since I was young .
I have to get this mission done and please my father and help him kill Harry Potter .
Honestly my father is so dramatic chasing down this boy but that is my father .
I lay there in bed with the window cracked with the cold air breezing through the window onto my face .
I look over at the clock .
9am .
Time to get up I think to myself .
I drag myself from the bed and walk across the floor shivering as my foot hit the tiles of the floor in the bathroom.
I get undressed and hop into the shower .
I clean my hair and body .
I turn off the water and hop out of the shower wrapping my towel around myself .
I got water in my eye so I start to rub my eye as I feel for the handle to my door .
I pull the door open to bump into someone .
My towel falls exposing my naked body.
"Y/n what are you doing in my roo-" Draco began his sentence but was stopped once he realised my naked body on display.
See I live in malfoy manor with the malfoy family as my father is here so much and he knew I would need a mother figure and someone my own age to talk to and play with growing up .
Just so happens our rooms are connected through a huge bathroom between them.
"Fuck" I grab my towel wrapping it around myself again .
"Sorry I had gotten something in my eye and was rubbing it and I must have grabbed the wrong door handle and then you know what comes after that" I say Bowing my head in embarrassment.
"Show me your eye" Draco says putting a hand under my chin lifting my face .
He runs his finger through my eyelashes retrieving the stray one that had fallen out and gotten stuck scraping my eye .
"Um thanks" I say standing down from my tippy toes as he was much taller then me .
"Your welcome" her replied .
"Now you better go get dressed we are leaving soon" he says smiling at me .
"Okay thanks" I say turning to the door .
"Oh and y/n" he says calling out to me.
"Yes dary" I say turning to look back at him .
"You look good" he says smirking.
"Umm thanks I guess" I say giggling going into my room and getting changed into my Slytherin robes .
I had been sorted privately a week or so ago so I knew the uniform I needed .

I had been sorted privately a week or so ago so I knew the uniform I needed

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I walk out of my room and down the many flights of stairs at Malfoy manor

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I walk out of my room and down the many flights of stairs at Malfoy manor.
I reach the dining room sitting down at the table beside Draco and narcissa and Lucius sit across from us .
"How did you sleep" narcissa asked me .
"Pretty well" I say smiling as the elf's brought in our breakfast .
That was a lie I have a terrible time trying to sleep .
"Good" she digs into her breakfast.
"How are you feeling about your first day at Hogwarts" Lucius asked me .
I felt a hand grip my thigh .
"Umm I just want to put my head down and get This mission done and not have to talk to any mud bloods or blood traitors" I say gulping looking down at Draco's hand running up and down my thigh with his cold rings I look up at his face and it's as if nothing is happening not a bother to his face .
What is going on I thought to myself then I hear him .
"You can't even complain cause your loving it" he whispers.
Draco and I learned a little trick when we were younger on how to telepathically communicate with one another .
"Oh shut it" I whisper back .
Draco and I had an incident during the summer .
The night of Draco's 16th we got a bit to drunk on his fathers fire whisky and he may have stumbled into my bed and we may have shagged .... 5 times .
Now he constantly brings it up .
Trying to embarrass me .
"Right kids off to kings cross with you both" narcissa says to us both .
"See you at Christmas cissy" I say hugging her
"See you at Christmas dear" she says hugging me back .
"Goodbye mother and father" Draco says bowing .
"Goodbye" they say smiling .
We hold hands and apperate to the station .
Only Draco never let go of my hand once we got there .
He pulled me into to the train and into a compartment.
"What's up with you" I asked him .
"Nothing" he reply's running his thumb over my hand .
Boys .

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