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I change course and go to Draco's room instead.
I open the door and look around .
Still the same .
I take a deep breath in and inhale the aroma of peppermint and Dior .
I look at the time .
4 pm .
Ok I have 2 hours before I can go back so I might as well shower here .
I go to the bathroom and strip down .
I hop in the shower turning it on .
I look down at my hands and watch as Draco's blood washes off my hands .
I wash my hair and my body .
I grab a towel and wrap it around me .
I start to dry myself off before going to Draco's drawer and putting on a pair of his grey sweatpants and his quidditch jumper .
I look at the clock .
4:50 pm .
Another hour and 10 minutes .
I have to get Draco new clothes .
I go into his top drawer grabbing him 3 pairs of his Calvins .
Then the next drawer and got him 1 pair of black tracksuit pants and 2 pairs of grey ones.
Then the next drawer and I grab him 3 jumpers .
I pack all of them into a gear bag and then I head to the bathroom and grab his toothbrush and toothpaste , then I grab his hair brush and hair gel .
I also grab his shower stuff as I don't know if they are going to let him shower or not .
I also pack his air forces and shove them in the bag .
I look at the clock .
5:30 .
Half hour to go .
I look over at his night stand and their is a picture there .
I pick it up .
It me and him .
He spins me around and then kisses me .
I start to tear up .
Then something falls out of the back of it .
And I start to read it .

My dearest y/n

I don't know how to start this letter .
It pains me to think about not talking to you but I fear it's for the best .
I am putting you in danger y/n , I'm putting you in danger by loving you .
Yes y/n I love you more then anyone and anything else on this earth .
You are my world without you I am nothing .
But to keep you safe I need to let you go .
I am so sorry my love .

Yours forever

I start to cry .
A tear hits the page .
He really does love me .
I look up at the clock .
6:10 pm
I should have been there 10 minutes ago .
I jump up from the bed grabbing his bag and start heading for the hospital wing .
I open the door and he's sitting up in the bed .
He looks over to the door where I'm stood .
"Please come here" he pleaded quietly.
I walk over to him dropping the bag down at the end of the bed .
He slowly opens his arms still clearly in a bit of pain .
I hug him a bit to hard .
"Y/n" he winced in pain .
"Oh sorry" I say letting go .
He pulled me back .
"I didn't say let go" he says running his hand through my hair.
"Draco I - I thought you were going to .." I couldn't finish my sentence as my eyes began to tear up .
"Love I'm ok" he says smiling at me as he wipes my tears away .
"You know darling in those moments all I could think of was you and how I thought you hated me" he says his smile disappeared.
"Dray I could never hate you , I was just mad but I got your letter and I love you to Draco more then words describe and I can never stress enough how sorry I am for everything I will never ever leave again I promise" I say placing a kiss on his lips .
"I never thought I would get to do this again"
he said using our trick .
I smiled into the kiss .
Then we hear a cough and pull back both turning crimson red .
"Well nice to see you guys made up , now I presume you brought the clothes for mr.Malfoy" she asked me .
"Yes I did" I say pointing to the bag on the floor .
"Well I would say i would help you get changed but I much think you would rather your girlfriend help you get changed" she says smiling at us .
"Thank you madam pomfrey" he says smiling at her before she turned away to walk back into her office.
I grab his bag and place it at the end of his bed .
I close over the curtains of his hospital bed .
"Come on" I say helping him stand up .
He was in nothing but his boxers .
She must have cut all his clothes off to asses the damage .
I pull out clean one for him .
"Here" I say handing him a pair and turning around .
"It's not like you haven't seen it" he giggled at me .
"Just put them on ok" I smile to myself .
"Ok turn around" he says and he has them on .
"Ok do you want to wear grey or black sweats" I asked pulling out one of each .
"Grey" he responds .
I hand him the sweats .
He's struggling to put them on .
"Here let me help you" I say .
I go down on to me knees and open them up for him to stand in them .
He just stays still .
I look up at him and he has this smirk across his face .
"What's wrong" I asked .
"Nothing just enjoying the view" he says snickering.
I slap his leg "just put the pants on you horny git" I say laughing .
He steps in and I help him pull them up .
"Okay green or black hoodie" I say pulling out both .
"Green" he says smiling .
I hand him the green one .
He struggles a bit but he manages to get it on .
"I brought your air forces " I say pulling them out of the bag .
I set them down at the side of the bed .
He sits down and puts on clean socks .
He winced in pain and he went to grab the shoe.
"Here let me help you" I say laughing .
I put his shoes on and tie them for him .
"Thank you love" he says standing up and kissing my forehead .
"Do you know when your getting out" I asked him .
"She said not for another day or two she just wants to keep an eye on me and make sure my wounds heal properly" he says pulling me into a hug .
"Well I packed 2 more days of clothes and some shower stuff and that cause I didn't know and I wanted to make sure you had everything you needed" I say inhaling his sent .
"Did you bring my phone and charger" he asked .
"Oh shoot I forgot I'll grab it after dinner" I say smiling up at him .
"Your the best" he says planting a small kiss on my lips .
Merlin I love this boy

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