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I roll over in my bed feeling for Draco .
Then I remember last night .
I sigh .
I roll out of the bed and get dressed for my classes .
Thank Merlin it was Friday I might be able to get some work in on the cabinet for father .
I head down for breakfast but when I see Draco sitting at the table I just turn around and head to class .
I didn't want to even look at him after last night .
I took my seat at the back of the class .
Then everyone starts to arrive.
"Open to page 394" professor snapes voice droned on .
I open my book and look at what we would be studying then I open my copy .
"I want an essay by Monday on the most important aspects of this chapter" his voice droned.
"Oh and it has to be at least 1000 words " he says sitting at his desk .
Then there was a loud crash in the bathroom around the corner and I hear Harry shout .
"SOMEONE HELP" snape jumps up and runs to the bathroom .
The only time I have ever heard that man shout  "DRACO MY BOY" his voice boomed around the class room .
I jumped from the chair and dashed into the bathroom not caring that it was a boys one .
I see Draco on the floor laying in a pool of blood his chest all slashed open .
"DRACO" I shout as I drop the the floor instantly becoming drenched in water and blood ... Draco's blood .
"Professor is he .." I couldn't even bring the fathom the thought of Draco dying .
"No miss. Riddle he's not dead but he's severely injured , go get madam pomfrey , mr. Zabini, mr . Nott and a stretcher as fast as you can .. go now child" I had sat there frozen for a minute looking at Draco's nearly lifeless body .
"Y/n I'm so sorry I didn't know what I was doing" Harry apologies profusely.
"Potter so help me Merlin before I rain all hell down on you and your disgusting friends I'd advise you to run while you still can because if you come back in my sight again you won't be leaving it alive and that's a promise not a threat " I say pushing him .
I run to the classroom .
"Blaize and Theo come NOW" I become inpatient and we run to the hospital wing .
I burst through the door .
"Madam pomfrey" I call out .
She rushes out of a little office .
"What's the matter dear" she says panicking.
"We need a stretcher and professor snape needs your help" I say trying not to cry .
"Boys grab that one right there and let's go" she says picking up a bag and rushing out the door .
We reach the bathroom .
I run over to Draco and snape the boys push the stretcher in and madam pomfrey drops to the floor beside snape and they are talking .
I pay no attention to anyone but Draco .
I gently lift his head and place it in my lap .
I run my fingers through his hair .
"Please don't leave me , I need you" I whisper still fighting back tears .
I have never been more scared in my life .
"Alright boys we need you to gently lift him and put him on the stretcher and bring him to the hospital wing before the end of this class we don't want everyone to be in our way " madam pomfrey says to blaize and Theo .
The boys gently lift him onto the stretcher and start to push it to the hospital wing .
Professor snape heads back to class and I walk beside madam pomfrey.
"Dear what is your name" she asked me .
"Y/n" I reply with a warm smile .
"You love him don't you " she questions me .
"Is it that Obvious" I weakly smile .
"Dear I can see it in your eyes , the fear when you bursted through the door , the sadness as you lay his head in your lap , and the smile that played across your face when I brought up the idea of you loving him " she finally paused .
"Dear in all my years on earth I have never managed to find love like the love you and him share , do not let anyone or anything come between that" she squeezed my arm before we walked into the hospital wing .
"Thank you boys for your help you may head back to class after you clean yourself up" she nods her head at them and they leave without saying a word .
"Y/n dear you may stay but if you would rather go get cleaned up and get him so clean clothes it would be much easier then the part that is to come next" she breaths out .
"What comes next" I asked her out of pure curiosity.
"Well I have reseal all his wounds and it's a very gory and painful process" she lays her hand on the side of the stretcher waiting for my anwser .
I go over and kiss Draco's forehead " I will be back soon love" I whisper to him .
"This will take about two hours so come back after that" she says smiling .
"Ok thank you" I say smiling weakly and leaving to make my way to the common room .
What a day ...

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