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Draco POV

Y/n looks tired .
I don't know how she felt when all of this was going on .
Should I ask her .
I don't want to annoy her or anything we are just back on good terms but I don't want to not ask her and let her think I don't care .
"Y/n" I call her name .
She was putting her shoes back on as dinner was over and she was going to get my phone for me after we spent the last hour or so cuddling .
"Yes Dray" she answers.
"Are you ok" I ask her .
She giggles "of course I am why would you think otherwise" she smiles at me .
"Because I have known you my whole life and I can tell there's something up , so talk to me " I ask her .
"I'm fine Dray , I'm going to go get your phone and I'll be back soon" she says smiling and getting up and walking out the door .
There is something wrong with her and I'm going to get to the bottom of it .


I begin to walk to the common room .
I shiver from the cold after being so long wrapped up in Draco's arms .
"Pure blood" I say and the door opens .
I walk in but before I cross through the second door I can hear people talking .
"Malfoy is gone weak and soft since she came along" I hear a muffled voice say .
"Yeah I read that stupid letter he actually loves her" another reply's .
"Imagine he let potter nearly kill him" someone half laughs and they all being to laugh together .
I storm through the door .
They all go quiet .
"No please don't let me interrupt you guys you seem to be having a very nice conversation about mine and Draco's relationship please do tell me how it is effecting all of you guys , how I Watched my boyfriend nearly die , I held his nearly lifeless body bleeding out in my arms while you all stood there and done nothing , I didn't see any of you guys going to help him , what happened to the loyalty of the Slytherins huh , he's meant to be your best mate and you sit here talking about how potter nearly killed him , the only reason potter was able to hurt him like that is because he used a spell that isn't a known spell he went through snapes belongings and found a spell that snape made when he was a student and never told anyone about , so while you all sit here and laugh while your supposedly best mate is in the hospital wing you should really look at how you are all weak little cowards to scared to say anything to anyone's face" I had gotten so mad I wanted to hex every single one of them .
"Oh and you can all know that I will be telling him about your little conversation and if so much as any one of you ever and I mean ever open your mouth about my boyfriend or me for that matter again you will never breath another word again only words of plead as you beg for your miserable life's" I say storming up the stairs to Draco's dorm to grab his phone and charger .
He must have left it in the charger cause it was still plugged in when I found it .
I grab the phone and the charger and head back out the door .
When I went back down the stairs they were gone .
Thank Merlin .
I walk back to the hospital wing .
"Hey Dray" I say smiling at him as I close the door behind me .
He uses our trick .
"Father is here don't do anything that could lead him to suspect our relationship love" he smiles .
"Hey y/n" .
"Oh Lucius , how nice to see you" I say smiling .
"I heard you have been taking great care of my Draco" he says smiling at me .
"Well of course" I say walking over to Draco and handing him his phone .
"Your phone as requested your majesty" I say bowing and backing away .
"Be gone now peasant" he sniggers.
He grunts in pain .
"Dray are you ok" I say running over to him .
"I'm ok I'm ok just still a little sore" he says grabbing my arm to stable himself .
"I'll get you some more pain meds " madam pomfrey says .
I didn't even notice her .
"You to seem to have gotten very close" Lucius says walking towards us .
"Well spending most of our time together working on our.... Homework together will do that" I say forgetting that madam pomfrey was in the room so I couldn't exactly say the cabinet or the mission .
"Yes yes , Draco boy I have a question to ask you and I trust you to be honest with me as I already know the answer" Lucius says to Draco .
"He knows about us" he uses the trick .
"Yes father" he reply's.
"Are you and y/n dating" he asked with a stern face .
"Draco I asked you a question I expect an answer" his father was growing inpatient.
"Yes we are" I blurt out .
"Please don't tell my dad i don't want him to hurt Draco you know the way he feels about relationships he thinks they make you weak but I think they make you stronger you have a reason to get up and fight , someone to die and live for , Draco is my reason so please Lucius if you ever done me anything let it be this" I pleaded him .
"Foolish girl , yours and Draco's unity has been planned since the day you were born , your father would only be more then happy to hear you didn't have to be forced into the relationship" Lucius says smiling .
"Oh" I say turning red .
Draco takes my hand .
He smiles .
I smile back at him .
"Ok well I'll leave you guys to it but Draco speed up the recovery you know what's on the line here" Lucius says .
"What does he mean" I asked Draco .
"Y/n I'll tell you later" Draco says smiling.
"Ok" I wasn't the slightest bit satisfied with the Answer he gave me .
I will find out ....

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