9 Days Part 3

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"Okay, hope you guys are hungry. I made baked ziti. Thought it would be fun to use Garibaldi's ultra authentic recipe" said y/n, walking into Holt's office. Jake and Holt were sat facing away from each other.

"Oh, great. Pity food. Thank you anyway, but I can cook for myself" said Holt.

"Wow. I would roll my eyes so hard right now if it didn't make my brain burn" said Jake.

"Okay, Captain, this ends now. I know your pride is hurt, but no one ever took pity on you. All we wanted to do was help you when you were sad because that's what people do when people care about each other" you said.

"They tell each other lies and invent urgent mysteries that need to be solved?" asked Holt.

"Come up with excuses to spend time together like movie nights or festivals" you said.

"Or working old-ass cases with their mumpy boy, Jake" said Jake, turning round to look at Holt. "Back to you, y/n. We're doing great."

"You're gonna eat this ziti, and you're gonna like and appreciate it, because I did not spend two hours making this for you to act like a two-year-old and you're gonna grow the hell up" you said.

"Okay. You're right" said Holt, to y/n and Jake's surprise. "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I can't wait to eat your food."

Jake and Holt picked up their bowls and began to eat the food.

"Ugh, this is revolting" said Holt.

"Wow, have you learned nothing?" asked Jake. He ate some ziti. "Oh, God. That is worse than the mumps, y/n."

"What the hell? I used Garibaldi's exact recipe" said y/n, holding out the recipe.

Jake picked up the recipe. "Seven cups of salt? Even I know this isn't a recipe. Which means it might be a code."

"Ooh, interesting" you said.

Y/n and Holt both looked at the recipe. 

"Ten digits, maybe it's a phone number. Look, 718, Brooklyn area code" you said, pointing at the paper.

"Yes, that's definitely it!" said Jake. "Wait, did you actually use all of this salt and eighteen cups of oregano?"

"Back off, I solved the case" you said.

"Nine onions? Oh, y/n" asked Holt.

"How am I the bad guy here?" you asked.


"Okay, thank you" said Holt. "Good news, Garibaldi's phone number's still active, so they were able to locate him. SWAT just picked him up, so that's that."

"Yeah, that's that" said Jake, packing his bags.

"Perfect timing as our quarantine has finally ended and our goiters are gone" Holt said.

"Yes, indeed. We're free to go outside and lick whoever's eyeballs we like" said Jake.

"Inaccurate, no one is ever free to do that" Holt said.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyhow, I am out" said Jake and started walking out of the room.

"Wait a minute" said Holt. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was too proud to admit I was lonely. So, thank you."

"Ain't no thang" Jake said.

"No, it is a thang, and an even bigger thang is that you brought me back to the Nine-Nine, and I will always be grateful for that. So, here" said Holt and picked up a bowl. "This is for you."

Jake gasped. "Sour candies, I missed you so much."

He ate one.

"It burns!" yelled Jake. "Thank you for this gift."

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